Paul Kletzki--Conductor

Started by flyingdutchman, September 16, 2017, 07:35:37 PM

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I realize that there is a thread about Kletzki as a composer, and have seen various threads where his recordings have been mentioned as ones to have, but I haven't seen yet a thread specifically about him.

So, other than the Beethoven/Czech PO releases and various others, I am wanting to know what things you specifically enjoy about this conductor's releases.  I recently bought his Rach 2nd symphony and thought it was so beautiful that I'll buy the Rach 3rd soon.  I also just got back from Japan where I bought one of the last remaining copies of the Beethoven cycle on Super Audio, but I would love to see a Rimsky Scheherezade put out on cd.  I see the record is available and I would buy it, but don't have my record player up at the moment.  Also, it is available on Spotify.  The Prokofiev 5th symphony is also one mentioned by many.  Others?  Thoughts?


Do not miss the Mahler 4.

Warner should do a Kletzki box. 


Thank you.  Yes.  Mahler and Sibelius.  I have been listening to his Schumann on Spotify.  It's with the Israel PO.  Sound is early stereo, I believe.


Yes, Sibelius, but I've only heard 2.  There was a lovely Borodin 2, but I haven't heard it for 20 years.


I would be all over a Kletzki box.  There's got to be enough out there to get it done.  Warner, if you're listening.


I agree on the Mahler 4.  Although the digital transfer I heard sounded a bit disappointing.


Quote from: aukhawk on September 16, 2017, 11:20:41 PM
I agree on the Mahler 4.  Although the digital transfer I heard sounded a bit disappointing.

Ages ago I had it on a Seraphim Lp, which I'm sure was much inferior to any HMV pressing.  I think the transfer in the Artist Profile set is excellent, and I'm pretty sure that's the same one used in the Gemini twofer.


Quote from: Daverz on September 16, 2017, 07:39:55 PM
Do not miss the Mahler 4.

I also agree on his Mahler 4; it is still my favourite version after many years.


 Yep, Kletzki's Mahler Fourth is excellent (one of my favourite  recordings of the work, which brings back fond musical and extra-musical memories from my early childhood), but so is his studio Das Lied con der Erde (baritone version, with FiDi in top form). His live version on Orfeo, with an interesting Oralia Dominguez as contralto, is also worth seeking out (but not as successful as the studio effort IMHO).

His Mahler Ninth , which has the curious distinction of being praised (kind of) by Adorno in his book on the composer, is heavily cut and thus really not in the running . It's with the Israel PO, and has been reissued by Doremi on a  (sloppily produced) set with the First (which IIRC I haven't come round to listen to yet).

There's also a set of the 4 Schumann symphonies (also with the Israel PO, and again on Doremi) which I don't know.