Havergal Brian.

Started by Harry, June 09, 2007, 04:36:53 AM

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I take it from the absence of detailed comment and discussion that the new Dutton/HB disc has not yet found its way to Delft ???

I am still particularly taken by both the 13th symphony reading and by the English Suite No.4. The latter really is an unexpectedly delightful work, beautifully scored and a work which is so much better than most other works of its kind by other contemporary composers :)

J.Z. Herrenberg

I got an email last Friday from the Chairman of the HBS, John Grimshaw, that the CD was on its way. I expect it on Thursday at the latest... Sarge and I are being sorely tested!
Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything. -- Plato


London>Perth=458 miles
London>Delft= 304 miles    :o

J.Z. Herrenberg

Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything. -- Plato


Quote from: J. Z. Herrenberg on November 12, 2012, 12:42:02 PM
I got an email last Friday from the Chairman of the HBS, John Grimshaw, that the CD was on its way. I expect it on Thursday at the latest... Sarge and I are being sorely tested!
Oh well,in a way I sort of envy you. The anticipation. The excitement of opening the package,removing the cling film wrapper,putting it on & listening to it.......for the very first time!!

J.Z. Herrenberg

Quote from: cilgwyn on Today at 23:07:31
Oh well,in a way I sort of envy you. The anticipation. The excitement of opening the package,removing the cling film wrapper,putting it on & listening to it.......for the very first time!!

Anticipation and excitement are enviable sensations, but I think I have exhausted them by now. I simply want to hear the bl**dy thing!! Just started listening to the Heriot orchestra and their performance of English Suite No. 4 to console myself...  ;D
Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything. -- Plato


I received the complete remastered box set of Fawlty Towers the same week! Hadn't seen it for years. The BBC took it off,for the r***Y match! Tut! Tut! As soon as I decide to start watch it again!! >:(

I wish I could think of a good excuse for posting this here! :(

Hopefully,the cd will be with you soon! I think it's easily one of the best Brian releases ever! :)

J.Z. Herrenberg

It will be worth the wait, of that there is no doubt. Have you seen my comments on the Daniel Jones thread, by the way?
Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything. -- Plato


Yes,I have,actually. I'll come back to you on that soon,in the relevant thread! :) It's been an usually busy day here! :(

J.Z. Herrenberg

I already got that feeling... No rush! I just put Jones' Symphonies 3 and 4 on my mp3 player. I intend to listen to all the 13 symphonies...
Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything. -- Plato


Still trying to work out exactly why I disliked that Bisengaliev Naxos performance so much! (I suppose I should get them out really & compare them). Somehow the Naxos performance seemed too rushed. He didn't get 'inside' the piece. Yet,I loved this performance as soon as I heard it. Marvellous! Lorraine McAslan really understands the piece. I think this cd will make it allot of new friends;even amongst people who don't usually like Brian.

J.Z. Herrenberg

It may be that Bisengaliev was more the virtuoso at that stage of his career and hadn't plumbed the depths of the piece (yet), as Ralph Holmes undoubtedely did, and McAslan presumably does, too...
Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything. -- Plato


Although I am repeating myself from the Daniel Jones thread, I once again congratulate you on the eloquence and perceptiveness of your comments on the Jones Symphony No.2 :)

.....and, I am more than delighted that Johan is encouraged to listen to more Jones ;D

(Can't resist adding that I recently acquired the complete set of Fawlty Towers episodes free by means which you can guess but which I could not possibly admit to ;D ;D)

J.Z. Herrenberg

It's incredible why the Jones Symphony No. 2 hasn't yet been put on CD. Dutton, where art thou?
Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything. -- Plato


Shouldn't really be writing these here ;D but I have just watched the BBC Four Documentary about Sir Georg Solti on Cathch-Up. In all the (deserved) criticism being currently heaped on the BBC we should remember that the Corporation is capable-as few other broadcasting companies in the world are-of putting together and transmitting the most marvellous Arts programmes :)

(Interesting to learn though how much some of the London Philh. members disliked his conducting style and what they perceived as an imported, brash "American-style" which clashed so much with the more mellow, beautiful "English-sound" to which they were used and which they preferred. I still think that his "Ring Cycle" has never been excelled!!)

John Whitmore

Quote from: Dundonnell on November 12, 2012, 04:15:59 PM
Shouldn't really be writing these here ;D but I have just watched the BBC Four Documentary about Sir Georg Solti on Cathch-Up. In all the (deserved) criticism being currently heaped on the BBC we should remember that the Corporation is capable-as few other broadcasting companies in the world are-of putting together and transmitting the most marvellous Arts programmes :)

(Interesting to learn though how much some of the London Philh. members disliked his conducting style and what they perceived as an imported, brash "American-style" which clashed so much with the more mellow, beautiful "English-sound" to which they were used and which they preferred. I still think that his "Ring Cycle" has never been excelled!!)
I'm surprised that you are surprised. It wasn't just the LPO that felt this way about him I assure you! I agree about the Ring but the glory of the cycle is Decca's production values and engineering nouse. That's where it truly excels.


The critics all seemed to love Solti at the time. How his star has fallen! Not being a huge Mahler fan,although I like 1 & 4;I must admit I bought the Decca Solti 2,for the spectacular effects! Anything to brighten the Mahlerian gloom! Although apologies to Dundonnell. I know he loves it! (I think I've got the Klemperer,somewhere?).

Fawlty for free?!! I'd have had enough spare cash for Rising Damp,which I want to buy for my father! :( So far I've got Cheers,Phil Silvers,I love Lucy & Nearest & Dearest lined up! :o ;D

(I presume we're filling in here a little until Johan gets his copy...of the new Brian. cd...not Fawlty?!)


Just checked my cd catalogue to see what Solti I have on disc.......the Bartok Violin Concertos, Handel's "Messiah"( ???), Holst's "Planets", Mahler's 1st and 8th, Schubert's 9th, "The Ring" and the Elgar 1st and 2nd, some Kodaly and "Parsifal" on LP. I do have other versions of the "Planets" but I do rate his performances of the Mahler, Schubert and Wagner.

The comments from the LPO member who said "Solti just got in the way" and "his stick technique was appalling, we just ignored him" were hilarious and should have been followed through.

Sergeant Rock

Quote from: Dundonnell on November 13, 2012, 06:41:52 AM
Just checked my cd catalogue to see what Solti I have on disc.......the Bartok Violin Concertos, Handel's "Messiah"( ???)...

Counterintuitive, perhaps, but that's actually a fine Messiah. Love Kiri's "I know that my redeemer liveth"

Quote from: Dundonnell on November 13, 2012, 06:41:52 AM
Tippett's 3rd

A typo in your catalogue, or here? You mean Tippett 4, the "Breather"  ;D

Quote from: Dundonnell on November 13, 2012, 06:41:52 AM
The comments from the LPO member who said "Solti just got in the way" and "his stick technique was appalling, we just ignored him" were hilarious and should have been followed through.

Well, maybe, but Solti and the LPO produced some fine recordings. I love especially the Elgar Violin Concerto they did with Kyung-Wha Chung. Perfect balance between the feminine and masculine elements in the score.

Quote from: John Whitmore on November 12, 2012, 10:53:10 PM
I agree about the Ring but the glory of the cycle is Decca's production values and engineering nouse. That's where it truly excels.

While acknowledging its classic status and legendary production, it's far from one of my favorites. I have fourteen Rings and it ranks maybe tenth or so. No need to go into why here (we have Ring threads for that).

On topic: My Brian Dutton CD arrived today. Just finished listening to the Violin Concerto. The fanfares at the end always put me in mind of Korngold's The Sea Hawk  8)

the phone rings and somebody says,
"hey, they made a movie about
Mahler, you ought to go see it.
he was as f*cked-up as you are."
                               --Charles Bukowski, "Mahler"


I love that comparison with The Sea Hawk! Another reason to give it another spin....and another!
After some of these posts,I've got to see if I've got some more Solti! ::) ;D It's always a bit strange when a once praised 'performer' falls out of favour!