Free instrument for all GMG-ers

Started by Ciel_Rouge, January 27, 2010, 03:23:48 AM

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I had found this piece of software a while back and lost it. Now I finally found it again. It is tiny but has decent settings and you can play using your keyboard. It is not only a piano (different kinds) but also many other instruments (oboe, accordion etc.) and certain notes sound very realistic. I am using it right now but I have no idea about playing an instrument or composing. I wonder what professional players would do with it :D Here it is:

There is an embedded YouTube demonstration but what I get can sound more real - the middle of the keyboard tends to sound most natural.


Wow, I've been looking for something like that. But can you expand the keyboard?
They have something like that in Fruity Loops, though I don't think it's as customizable.

MN Dave


Dunno, I'm running Windows :) The keyboard can't be expanded, but the multitude of options and realistic sound make it quite appealing. It's free and tiny - I tried it about a year ago and I am very happy that I found it again. I even composed something while messing around with it and now I composed a bit more, but is very undercomposed now and needs development. I suppose this tiny app gives literally every person a change to try playing different instruments.


What a fabulous wee gadget.
I'm away to play for a wee while.   ;D
Thanks Ciel.