Music inspired by Greek Mythology

Started by vandermolen, March 22, 2011, 02:38:46 PM

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One of the greatest discoveries of the last 20 years for me:

Nikolai Tcherepnin's Narcissus and Echo:

"Meet Miss Ruth Sherwood, from Columbus, Ohio, the Middle of the Universe!"

- Brian Aherne introducing Rosalind Russell in  My Sister Eileen (1942)


George Lloyd - Symphony 7, 'Proserpine'.

What a great work! Not programmatic, per se, but one can see the flow of the original story in his outstanding and beautiful music.
"A quiet secluded life in the country, with the possibility of being useful to people ... then work which one hopes may be of some use; then rest, nature, books, music, love for one's neighbour — such is my idea of happiness"



Quite a few operas by Richard Strauss, especially recommending Elektra and Die Liebe der Danae. Ariadne I've never really warmed to much even though I went so far as to see it in Finnish National Opera some years back.


"Meet Miss Ruth Sherwood, from Columbus, Ohio, the Middle of the Universe!"

- Brian Aherne introducing Rosalind Russell in  My Sister Eileen (1942)



Listening to this cantata for the first time.
Quite an achievement -of course- for a very young man! The libretto is weak, not to say silly, but this is late 19th century pomp & circumstance. I think Andromède can  do with more flamboyance, even if the performance is fine and the singers are all -at least- good.

From a letter by Lekeu:
"But what filled me with more joy than anything else, beside d'Indy's  praise, was Ysaye's conduct toward me. At the end of the concert he  mounted the platform and took me, figuratively speaking, into his  arms by saying aloud that my Andromede was the work of an artist  and of a great musician and that he had never before listened to a work  by so young a man wise and impassioned at the same time. . . An hour  later I was at the Conservatory. . . Ysaye when introducing me to  his pupils began by bombarding me with compliments, for instance:  "Here is a pupil of Father Franck; alone of composers of to-day, he
composes music which is not an imitation of Wagner — whom he knows  by heart." "