What TV series are you currently watching?

Started by Wakefield, April 26, 2015, 06:16:35 PM

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Quote from: jess on January 05, 2020, 06:58:19 PM
Part 2 gave us a very entertaining resolution to that cliffhanger... and honestly this whole story seems like an absolute game changer for the show. There's a change in direction, a new arc delving into Gallifreyan and Time Lord history. I really look forward to seeing where this is headed.
Episode 3 was called Orphan 55 and was written by Ed Hime. Now, Ed Hime's latest episode was...divisive, somehow, because of the sci fi concepts explored, and Orphan 55 also seems to have split the fandom into two camps in much the same way. I am glad to say that I really love Ed Hime's work for Doctor Who, and even if one or two of the plot devices were kinda rehashed from a classic episode or two I absolutely loved seeing the show do a post-apocalyptic story. That's a SF subgenre that it could always explore more and I can't think of many previous episodes which tackled the exact kind of disaster that led to this planet being the way it was.


     I'm watching the Wallander episodes with Rolf Lassgard playing the detective.
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Tapio Dimitriyevich Shostakovich

Quote from: drogulus on January 13, 2020, 06:53:24 AMI'm watching the Wallander episodes with Rolf Lassgard playing the detective.

I adored Krister Henriksen here.

I watched an 8 episode series.


Quote from: k a rl h e nn i ng on January 09, 2020, 05:55:25 AM
Just finished Star Trek: The Next Generation, which, I do not mind admitting, I thoroughly enjoyed.

Highly commend the whole run of Deep Space 9 to you, then, if you haven't watched it.


series two

glad to read there's a final wrap-up series three being made set in Liverpool

Karl Henning

Quote from: Daverz on January 13, 2020, 01:34:42 PM
Highly commend the whole run of Deep Space 9 to you, then, if you haven't watched it.

Noted, thanks. At present, I'll take a bit of a breather from The Final Frontier, though  8)
Karl Henning, Ph.D.
Composer & Clarinetist
Boston MA
[Matisse] was interested neither in fending off opposition,
nor in competing for the favor of wayward friends.
His only competition was with himself. — Françoise Gilot


Game Of Thrones season eight

yeah, I'm with the people who were massively dissapointed by this

j winter

Finished Pertwee, moving on to Baker (who just turned 85, bless 'im!).  Gotta love Britbox...

The man that hath no music in himself,
Nor is not moved with concord of sweet sounds,
Is fit for treasons, stratagems, and spoils.
The motions of his spirit are dull as night,
And his affections dark as Erebus.
Let no such man be trusted.

-- William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice


This week I started season 2 of Sex Education. Gillian Anderson (X-Files) is as good as she was in season 1.


Quote from: vandermolen on January 02, 2020, 06:47:57 AM
The Trial of Christine Keeler.

I initially got this wrong. The Trial of Christine Keeler has been brilliant and I have been transfixed by the series. You can only draw one conclusion that the British establishment, law enforcement and politicians during the early 1960's were borderline evil. Due to spying allegations a report of the affair was commissioned by the Government for Lord Denning. When the then Prime Minister John Major read the report he made the decision that the contents will not be made public for a further 70 years instead of the usual 30 year rule. A lot to hide.

Andrew Lloyd Webber met up with Mandy Rice-Davies when writing his musical "Stephen Ward". He said, she turned up on my doorstep in London and said with a glint in her eye "My life has been a slow descent into respectability".
You must have a very good opinion of yourself to write a symphony - John Ireland.

I opened the door people rushed through and I was left holding the knob - Bo Diddley.

Roy Bland


The New Pope ~ Director: Paolo Sorrentino.  Starring: John Malkovich, Silvio Orlando, Jude Law, Cécile de France, Javier Cámara, et al.

For me this is a solid 8/10.  IMDB 8.2.  Metacritic 63, viewers: tbd.  Rotten Tomatoes 88%, viewers 85%.

The New Pope is effectively Season 2 of the The Young Pope.  This later series even more that the first is clever, ironic, droll, and generously sprinkled with accents of the surreal.  I say don't miss it.

By the way, reading some of the critics' reviews at Metacritic, I'd say many missed the point.



I watched a few minutes of this. It's not for me. Just my two cents but ST is not what it once was. It's just too broad, too laborious or strained, too much trying to create some kind of arc, and not nerdy enough. I guess it's a bit silly to say, seeing as how this is the um-teenth iteration of the ST universe, but it feels very tired, uninventive, etc. I don't like any of the SF I see now-a-days. I think there's not the inventiveness there used to be in TV. Battlestar Galactica was a very creative show, at least aesthetically and thematically, though it could be very annoying at times. Everything feels very safe to me these days. There is so much that could be done I wonder why TV has become so lame.   


Current: The Arrowverse, Harley Quinn, The Twilight Zone (Original)

Recently Finished: Wu Assassins

Roy Bland


"I can't live without music, because music is life." - Yvonne Lefébure


Set in mid-Wales. Reminds me of my favourite murder/mystery series, Shetland. Great sense of atmosphere. The Brits have a knack for using nature and its scenery, like overcast skies and rugged landscapes.

Papy Oli

Oh indeed, Hinterland is just brilliant, André ! Slow yet gripping, and yes, magnificient use of the landscapes and atmospheres of Wales. All 3 series are recommended. Never watched Shetland, might have to remedy to that.

Papy Oli

Halfway through Goods Omens on the BBC. Nonsensical sarcastic fun, great over the top acting by Tennant and Sheen...Recommended, even it feels at times a bit flat.


Also finished watching "Who killed Little Gregory" about the murder of Gregory, a 4 year old kid in France in the mid 80's.. and its infamous subsequent investigation, among a torn family, with the excesses of the press, lawyers, judges... A difficult watch but a detailed and harrowing telling of one of the most atrocious murder in France's recent history.
