Top 5 to 10 favourite 20th/21st century operas in German

Started by ComposerOfAvantGarde, July 04, 2017, 04:27:03 PM

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This is an area I wish to explore even more. It seems to be filled with so much cool and good stuff by composers like Henze, Riemann, Berg, Schoenberg and others (Stockhausen? Ligeti?). I want to know what you like so I can further my explorations.

So far I particularly enjoy

Reimann: Medea
Reimann: Lear
Henze: Der Junge Lord
Berg: Wozzeck
Berg: Lulu

Aaaand i don't know if I should count The Bassarids  (also Henze) because it was first written to an English libretto before being translated into German.


Busoni - Doctor Faust

Hartmann - Simplicius Simplicissimus

Hindemith - Cardillac

Orff - Antigone

Schoenberg - Erwartung,  Moses und Aron

Strauss - Elektra

There is of course the LICHT series of 7 operas by Stockhausen.
"Meet Miss Ruth Sherwood, from Columbus, Ohio, the Middle of the Universe!"

- Brian Aherne introducing Rosalind Russell in  My Sister Eileen (1942)




Here goes:

R. Strauss:              Elektra
                              Der Rosenkavalier
                               Ariadne auf Naxos
F. Busoni:               Doktor Faust
E. Krenek:              Karl V
Alban Berg:            Wozzeck
A. Schoenberg:       Moses und Aron
B. A. Zimmerman:   Die Soldaten
W. Rihm:                Die Eroberung von Mexico