People are annoying and insulting these days

Started by Carlo Gesualdo, December 01, 2019, 12:42:22 AM

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Carlo Gesualdo

Yep, I said it all, you can't voice an opinion whiteout, you can't voice an opinion whiteout being annoy or mock.

Censorship and mockery, It feels like your in a circus, not to forget bullying and insults.

This is the youth and these darn chavs imbeciles when you criticized someone like Trump or Putin and you're a Canadian, you will get insulted such as trolling(hipster way of shutting you up). I call this mob rule, annoy someone in horde laugh in is face scorn is mild hatred.

I have the right to think about what I think we are not living in George Orwell's 1984 novel. I blame the hipster for it, and there mob-rule tactics, I and my friend are gonna insult him in a horde, the number win on the individual. Yes sometimes I have bad syntax so what.

I'm against far right and far left, but the world is polarized because of youth and morons, who think there two option super ultra-left (communism) or super ultra-right national socialism(nazism).

The primal language I use is french, but I post in English because French is so nice whit other french speaker s (I'm ironic). We Canadian especially french Canadians have no human right to voice political expression. We get ostracized by idiots, everywhere. The same that invaded my country and take our women, turn them against us. And I could go on and on and on...

F*ck your tactics of mob-rule morons. I have the freedom of speech and it's supposed to be equal for all, I was attacked at my home by chavs here the result, here what I look like a year ago.I'm mostly here for the music, but watchdogs and their enabler are there to shut me up, who rule the world the mob and their freemasonry of worldwide street gangs as soldiers,
all sold on rap and their values, they have none...

What kind of crap is this globalist(ain't a dog whistle word of far-right) to blame the jews, not all jews are globalist? But everyone nowadays acts this way scorn & mock enemy of there convictions or shut up people whit an army of followers of there crap.

You don't think like us we will sink you like the Titanic, This is why I had boycott social outlet you name it: Facebook, Twitter and so on!!!

For Christ's sake why the hell in occident, individualism has been annihilated, for the common interest of idiots, that can think for themselves, the more the system has these useful idiots the more the system controls the world, the better. Globalism is by far the worst thing that could happen to this world thanks to internet before the internet we did not get stupid rogue anonymous and social justice warrior.

This is not Canada anymore or occident this is a bunch of clowns, shutting everyone in there way up!!

Globalism is cancer for this planet and globalist doesn't mean Jewish peoples, it means the common interest of the masses, everything global these days, the stinking common interest of the lemmings that run our government lands, the more of these darn fool they have the better.

steve ridgway

Sorry to hear you got beaten up like that :(. People do seem to have become very polarised and unwilling to compromise or accept they've lost an argument.