Artists/Bands you can't live without

Started by Papy Oli, July 07, 2020, 07:05:19 AM

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Archaic Torso of Apollo

formerly VELIMIR (before that, Spitvalve)

"Who knows not strict counterpoint, lives and dies an ignoramus" - CPE Bach

Pohjolas Daughter

Quote from: Archaic Torso of Apollo on July 07, 2020, 02:20:05 PM
The Beatles (second half of career, starting with Rubber Soul)
The Kinks (1966-71)
The Band (1968-70)
The Byrds (1967-68)
Tom Waits
King Crimson (early albums)
Leonard Cohen
Richard Thompson
Pentangle (original lineup, 1968-72)
Fairport Convention (early albums, up to Full House)
Steeleye Span (early albums, up to Parcel of Rogues)
John Prine
Yeah, another vote for Richard Thompson!   ;D  I see that you also like the early folk-rock.  Must admit, I haven't listened to any of that in ages.  The one Fairport album that I do have is a compilation on CD.  It's called "The History of Fairport Convention".  Pretty certain that I also have "The Best of Sandy Denny.  Folk music area is a bit problematic to get to easily; hoping that a friend can help build some new shelving for me.   :)



Archaic Torso of Apollo

Quote from: Pohjolas Daughter on July 08, 2020, 11:12:39 AM
Yeah, another vote for Richard Thompson!   ;D  I see that you also like the early folk-rock.  Must admit, I haven't listened to any of that in ages. 

You do know that Thompson was the guitarist for Fairport, right? I got into folk and roots rock a few years ago - mostly British stuff from the period 1968-73. Nowadays it seems a very obscure niche. The genre basically died in the 1970s, at least in terms of mass market appeal. But it still has its fans.
formerly VELIMIR (before that, Spitvalve)

"Who knows not strict counterpoint, lives and dies an ignoramus" - CPE Bach

Pohjolas Daughter

Quote from: Archaic Torso of Apollo on July 08, 2020, 11:30:28 AM
You do know that Thompson was the guitarist for Fairport, right? I got into folk and roots rock a few years ago - mostly British stuff from the period 1968-73. Nowadays it seems a very obscure niche. The genre basically died in the 1970s, at least in terms of mass market appeal. But it still has its fans.
You mean the guy once voted one of the Top 20 guitarists by Rolling Stone Magazine was in Fairport?! :o  Just kidding!   :D  Am teasing you.  Did you become interested in his solo music after hearing Fairport or before?  I'm guessing after.

I used to listen to a ton of Celtic folk music (some crossover...probably not the right word); not often these days though.  That was, roughly, 30+ years ago (actually longer  :o  ::) "Who Knows Where The Time Goes?" ) when I first started getting interested in things like folk, bluegrass and country).

Have about 15 CDs of Richard T. or Richard and Linda (plus a few special live ones).  Have seen him in concert three times.  Some close friends have seen him probably dozens.  Have you ever?  If not, he puts on a GREAT show!

Best wishes and happy exploring!   :)


Archaic Torso of Apollo

Quote from: Pohjolas Daughter on July 08, 2020, 12:04:46 PM
You mean the guy once voted one of the Top 20 guitarists by Rolling Stone Magazine was in Fairport?! :o  Just kidding!   :D  Am teasing you.  Did you become interested in his solo music after hearing Fairport or before?  I'm guessing after.

Yeah, I got interested in his solo career after hearing those early Fairport albums. I've never seen him live, but he's been in my vicinity a few times (at Old Town School of Folk Music).
formerly VELIMIR (before that, Spitvalve)

"Who knows not strict counterpoint, lives and dies an ignoramus" - CPE Bach

Pohjolas Daughter

Quote from: Sergeant Rock on July 07, 2020, 02:27:38 PM
Oh yes, one of her few albums in which she wrote all the songs. Absolutely gorgeous.

I'm going to put a link here for Olivier (and anyone else who would like to check out a great song).  I haven't quite (yet?) figured out how to imbed a youtube video.  It's for Emmy Lou Harris' "Red Dirt Girl".


Quote from: Archaic Torso of Apollo on July 08, 2020, 12:43:09 PM
Yeah, I got interested in his solo career after hearing those early Fairport albums. I've never seen him live, but he's been in my vicinity a few times (at Old Town School of Folk Music).
If you can swing it financially and/or time-wise, you should really catch his show!   :)



BWV 1080

Papy Oli

Quote from: Sergeant Rock on July 07, 2020, 02:17:56 PM
1. Moondance, Into the Music, Avalon Sunset are three of my favorites
3. She sings pop and jazz standards. This is, I think, her masterpiece:
6. Prisoner in Disguise
7. Avalon or Stranded
8. Stand in the Fire, a live greatest hits album, played in a very hard rock style.

1 - Some great tunes on those, Sarge, but i just can't get past the hurdles of his voice and singing  :(. my ears pricked up with the familiarity over Caravan, turned out I knew it on the Last Waltz boxset/DVD.

7 - Hits and misses on Roxy but glad i tried them. more to delve into later  8)

8 - Zevon didn't work for me  0:)

Papy Oli

Quote from: 71 dB on July 08, 2020, 09:22:50 AM
Have fun exploring.  0:)

Carly Simon worked for me, Poju. Will definitely go back to some of her albums at some point.

71 dB

Quote from: Papy Oli on July 10, 2020, 02:05:24 AM
Carly Simon worked for me, Poju. Will definitely go back to some of her albums at some point.

Great! Glad to hear this. Have fun exploring her albums.  0:)
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Pohjolas Daughter

Used to have at least one tape of hers:  Spoiled Girl.


Archaic Torso of Apollo

Quote from: Papy Oli on July 10, 2020, 02:02:29 AM
1 - Some great tunes on those, Sarge, but i just can't get past the hurdles of his voice and singing  :(.

I find your focus on vocal quality interesting. I can tolerate Van Morrison's voice, but I admit it's not one of the best I've heard. Similarly, I like Dylan's songs, but I'd rather listen to someone else singing them.

To my mind, nobody beats the British folk-rock gals:

Sandy Denny (Fairport Convention)
Jacqui McShee (Pentangle)
Maddy Prior (Steeleye Span)
formerly VELIMIR (before that, Spitvalve)

"Who knows not strict counterpoint, lives and dies an ignoramus" - CPE Bach

Papy Oli

Quote from: Archaic Torso of Apollo on July 10, 2020, 07:22:08 AM
I find your focus on vocal quality interesting. I can tolerate Van Morrison's voice, but I admit it's not one of the best I've heard. Similarly, I like Dylan's songs, but I'd rather listen to someone else singing them.

To my mind, nobody beats the British folk-rock gals:

Sandy Denny (Fairport Convention)
Jacqui McShee (Pentangle)
Maddy Prior (Steeleye Span)

I guess it's down to how it combines with the music and down to a question of individual irritation threshold ;D

Van Morrison's voice grates me and Sting, for instance, even more so.

Conversely, I love Neil Young's voice but I could understand why it would irritate some. I am ok with 60's/70's Dylan but not later and definitely not live. Still, it took me 8 years to finally get "it".

That British folk-rock will be coming soon in my blind spots listening.  8)

steve ridgway

Amon Düül II
A.R. & Machines
Art Bears
Art Zoyd
Henry Cow
Klaus Schulze
Soft Machine
Tangerine Dream
Throbbing Gristle
Tyrannosaurus Rex
Univers Zero
Van Der Graaf Generator
Young Gods

Pohjolas Daughter

Quote from: Archaic Torso of Apollo on July 10, 2020, 07:22:08 AM
I find your focus on vocal quality interesting. I can tolerate Van Morrison's voice, but I admit it's not one of the best I've heard. Similarly, I like Dylan's songs, but I'd rather listen to someone else singing them.

To my mind, nobody beats the British folk-rock gals:

Sandy Denny (Fairport Convention)
Jacqui McShee (Pentangle)
Maddy Prior (Steeleye Span)

On a whim, I went to youtube to check out Maddy Prior's recordings.  Stumbled across this....quite lovely!  How's the rest of the album?


EDIT:  Ah, I see that this is a solo album of hers from 2001!

Archaic Torso of Apollo

I don't know that album - she's had a very long solo career, which I haven't really followed - but a highly recommendable earlier album is Summer Solstice. Here's a sample:
formerly VELIMIR (before that, Spitvalve)

"Who knows not strict counterpoint, lives and dies an ignoramus" - CPE Bach

Papy Oli

Quote from: steve ridgway on July 10, 2020, 08:24:06 AM
Amon Düül II
A.R. & Machines
Art Bears
Art Zoyd
Henry Cow
Klaus Schulze

Soft Machine
Tangerine Dream
Throbbing Gristle
Tyrannosaurus Rex
Univers Zero
Van Der Graaf Generator
Young Gods

Thank you for your list Steve. Any particular recommendations for the ones in bold please ?

Otherwise, 13 unknown names to me... more streaming next week i guess, yeah!!  8)


steve ridgway

Quote from: Papy Oli on July 12, 2020, 02:57:48 AM
Thank you for your list Steve. Any particular recommendations for the ones in bold please ?

Otherwise, 13 unknown names to me... more streaming next week i guess, yeah!!  8)

This is very brave of you Olivier. You could try -

Amon Düül II - Phallus Dei
Hawkwind - Hall Of The Mountain Grill
Klaus Schulze - Picture Music
Magma - Köhntarkösz
Van Der Graaf Generator - Pawn Hearts
Young Gods - Only Heaven

Papy Oli

Quote from: steve ridgway on July 12, 2020, 04:23:24 AM
This is very brave of you Olivier.

this music is not THAT bad, is it ?  :P  :laugh:

Quote from: steve ridgway on July 12, 2020, 04:23:24 AM
You could try -

Amon Düül II - Phallus Dei
Hawkwind - Hall Of The Mountain Grill
Klaus Schulze - Picture Music
Magma - Köhntarkösz
Van Der Graaf Generator - Pawn Hearts
Young Gods - Only Heaven

Cool Steve, thank you. I'll sample those during the week.
Hawkwind rings a bell from the Lemmy documentary, a very weird band he was in prior to Motorhead I believe ?   

Pohjolas Daughter

Boy, Tangerine Dream is the only artist that I've heard of on that list....and I don't even know any of their music!   ??? ::)

Happy listening Olivier.  Looking forward to hearing your comments too!