GMG --- Friends, Inc.

Started by Florestan, April 10, 2021, 08:30:33 AM

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BWV 1080

Quote from: OrchestralNut on April 12, 2021, 11:35:46 AM
Yes, some of the famous (infamous) characters of GMG over the years:

Rob Newman
Rod Corkin
Pink Harp (Unrepentant Pelleastrian) - which I always seemed to misread as Unrepentant Palestinian  :D

*James - I wonder if he is still around, in some form or another?  I remember the James bingo card, which was quite humourous.

Although if anyone is feeling nostalgic, I bet you could locate Sean on a sex offender registry somewhere

Also seem to have lost a few members to MAGA

Gurn Blanston

Quote from: OrchestralNut on April 12, 2021, 11:43:29 AM
Corkin I think was the major Handel fan, who claimed Handel was the greatest composer ever, while Bach was a second or third rate hack.  :P

That would be "Handel and Beethoven", the only 2 composers worth even bothering with. To give the devil his due, he initiated me to period instrument performance, for which I shall be forever grateful. Actually, he made me realize that I already had a lot of PI recordings, and they were among my favorites but I didn't really know they were PI or HIP. So despite Rod's issues, and my distaste for Handel notwithstanding, I have a hard time saying bad about him. Other than the 'pompous twit' bit, of course....  :D

Visit my Haydn blog: HaydnSeek

Haydn: that genius of vulgar music who induces an inordinate thirst for beer - Mily Balakirev (1860)


Quote from: BWV 1080 on April 12, 2021, 12:13:22 PM
Although if anyone is feeling nostalgic, I bet you could locate Sean on a sex offender registry somewhere
When I wrote CD reviews for MusicWeb International, I told Len that I was moving to Dallas, TX. Len said, "Oh, we used to have a great reviewer in Dallas, Kevin Sutton. He hasn't written for us in a while." I thought, oh, I'll look him up and we can hang out and talk about music and discuss CDs and stuff. Then I typed his name into a search engine and found out that he is a registered sex offender who was fired from his last music job for harassing teenage performers :o  >:( >:(


Quote from: OrchestralNut on April 12, 2021, 11:35:46 AM
Yes, some of the famous (infamous) characters of GMG over the years:

Rob Newman
Rod Corkin
Pink Harp (Unrepentant Pelleastrian) - which I always seemed to misread as Unrepentant Palestinian  :D

*James - I wonder if he is still around, in some form or another?  I remember the James bingo card, which was quite humourous.

I think that Teresa still haunts audiophile communities just not this forum.

Mirror Image

Quote from: Crudblud on April 12, 2021, 11:01:16 AM
Of course, everywhere on the internet has trolls, but this place is relatively unspoiled in that regard.

I think we had Saul over on TC. Aside from his really tacky original music, I remember he posted a lot of pro-Israel propaganda. Does that sound like the same guy?

That sounds like him, indeed.

Mirror Image

Quote from: OrchestralNut on April 12, 2021, 11:35:46 AM
Yes, some of the famous (infamous) characters of GMG over the years:

Rob Newman
Rod Corkin
Pink Harp (Unrepentant Pelleastrian) - which I always seemed to misread as Unrepentant Palestinian  :D

*James - I wonder if he is still around, in some form or another?  I remember the James bingo card, which was quite humourous.

I never had the pleasure of meeting Pink Harp. Saul and Sean I already mentioned of course, but I think I remember Teresa and James was a laugh riot --- mainly because of the ridiculous assertions he would make. If I'm not mistaken, he's the same James that frequented TC about 11-12 years ago and I recall him acting the same way. When I questioned him about he being the same person as the member on TC, he scoffed at the idea (even though their demeanor and attitude were generally the same and they both sported Bach with sunglasses avatars). I think another member that I vaguely remember giving a bit of a problem was Paul. I remember him being particularly vocal about Pettersson and Schnittke, although I could be misremembering.


Quote from: BWV 1080 on April 12, 2021, 11:02:28 AM

And Saul 'Mendelssohn is the only kosher composer except for me' whatshisname

has weirdears (chris was his name if I recall) ever resurfaced?

Saul Dzorelashvili!!!  His curious compositions - the product of computer programs which "can you turn into a composer in just 5 lessons!" - are no longer on YouTube for some reason.  His channel there is defunct.

Does YouTube delete things which languish after a while without viewers/listeners?

I did find a presence on Last.FM but again, outside of a list of his works, none of the tracks are available.

However, this was still extant!  Melody for the Young !!!

Perhaps he surrendered to reality and found employment selling real estate?

WEIRDEARS!   Yes, he was a good one!

"Meet Miss Ruth Sherwood, from Columbus, Ohio, the Middle of the Universe!"

- Brian Aherne introducing Rosalind Russell in  My Sister Eileen (1942)

Stürmisch Bewegt

Quote from: Gurn Blanston on April 12, 2021, 12:15:25 PM
That would be "Handel and Beethoven", the only 2 composers worth even bothering with. To give the devil his due, he initiated me to period instrument performance, for which I shall be forever grateful. Actually, he made me realize that I already had a lot of PI recordings, and they were among my favorites but I didn't really know they were PI or HIP. So despite Rod's issues, and my distaste for Handel notwithstanding, I have a hard time saying bad about him. Other than the 'pompous twit' bit, of course....  :D


Corkin has his own music forum; I was on it for the briefest of brief moments years ago.  It made me question the purpose and value of music fora; thankfully, GMG is WAY MORE USER FRIENDLY  0:).  Can't even remember my handel, er handle now.  It was very regimented: Corkin rules the roost and he gets upset if he doesn't agree with where a post belongs (often debatable) but what really made me cease and desist was a diatribe of his, of Scarlatti.  Corkin sees him as nothing more than sheer ornamentation.  His pronouncements are uttered with such certainty and utter conviction it really turned me off and I never looked back.
Leben heißt nicht zu warten, bis der Sturm vorbeizieht, sondern lernen, im Regen zu tanzen.

Gurn Blanston

Quote from: Stürmisch Bewegt on April 12, 2021, 01:02:53 PM
Corkin has his own music forum; I was on it for the briefest of brief moments years ago.  It made me question the purpose and value of music fora; thankfully, GMG is WAY MORE USER FRIENDLY  0:).  Can't even remember my handel, er handle now.  It was very regimented: Corkin rules the roost and he gets upset if he doesn't agree with where a post belongs (often debatable) but what really made me cease and desist was a diatribe of his, of Scarlatti.  Corkin sees him as nothing more than sheer ornamentation.  His pronouncements are uttered with such certainty and utter conviction it really turned me off and I never looked back.

I see Rodney hasn't changed. I was on a Beethoven forum with him way back at the turn of the millennium, and that was what caught my eye about him. Even then, Handel, Beethoven and AC/DC (!).

Something funny about him and Newman, when Newman first came along with his anti-Mozart spew, Rodney was all about him, introducing him around other fora and supporting all his arguments. But then later, Newman started to imply that Beethoven was a similarly manufactured entity, fronting for anonymous Italian composers, and Rodney just lost his shit! I had to laugh, I must say. :D :D

Visit my Haydn blog: HaydnSeek

Haydn: that genius of vulgar music who induces an inordinate thirst for beer - Mily Balakirev (1860)

Mirror Image

So I have to ask as I'm mainly curious, what was the deal with Pink Harp? I see that he was obsessed with Debussy's Pelléas et Mélisande, which I can identify with as I love this opera as well, but he might have taken the obsession to a whole new level.

Papy Oli

Quote from: Crudblud on April 11, 2021, 11:36:37 PM
I tend to engage with forums from a cautious distance these days (folks who knew me on TC will likely understand why I now take a reserved approach), but I do value GMG ahead of others I've spent time on. It is wonderful to have so many people of varying experiences and tastes together in one place for the simple enjoyment of good music. Despite the wide diversity of thought I've encountered here, I've never seen attempts by one to force the rightness of their opinions down the throats of others, nor squabbling over the best this or greatest that. Without a trace of hyperbole I say that GMG is the most laid back, least combative forum I've ever been involved with. Political discussion will of course be the exception that proves the rule, but as far as the "mission" of this place goes, never was there a more pleasant environment in which to explore the great traditions of western music.

So, I will also join in the giving of thanks to everyone who contributes their time and knowledge to make this place what it is.

I would have to strongly second this general sentiment about GMG. It has been a fantastic source of information since I joined in late 2006, knowing nothing about classical music and getting great input from knowledgeable members from day one.

On a musical level, even with a couple of long hiatuses along the way, I have come to really appreciate its wealth even more greatly in the last 2-3 years when I eventually dug deep into British music and now French music. Digging back into decade old composer threads and recordings threads has been an ear opener.

A small part of me regrets not to have gotten into classical music much earlier, that would have allowed me a better (or at least some) understanding of some debates and arguments that occurred years ago (discussions à la M forever and the likes), when my familiarity with the classical world only meant it all went over my head at the time.

I wouldn't change my own musical journey though. It was and still is daily immensely rewarding. This forum is instrumental in it.

On a personal level, I am also grateful for meeting a couple of members in "real" life some years ago and see a few new faces through the recent Zoom meetings. This forum has been a much-needed source of escapism through this last bonkers year.  Maybe one day, when it is safe to do so for everyone, we will be in a position to arrange a proper UK GMG meet. EU members also welcome  ;)  8)

Also where else would I get any recs on TV series, 70's Rock, Aussie Rules, Speyside whiskies and the world of Uilleann pipes, for starters.

Reminds me, for the to-do list: One day, share a round (or three) of the black stuff and enjoy some craic with Aligreto/Fergus in Dublin 8) That would be a very cool meet-up too  :)

Thank you all.

Sergeant Rock

Quote from: Mirror Image on April 12, 2021, 02:40:51 PM
So I have to ask as I'm mainly curious, what was the deal with Pink Harp? I see that he was obsessed with Debussy's Pelléas et Mélisande, which I can identify with as I love this opera as well, but he might have taken the obsession to a whole new level.

He did take it to a new level. Pelléas and the Faun obsessed him although he admitted he loved some Wagner too. Pink Harps' name was Eric. Someone, not me, photoshopped this:

the phone rings and somebody says,
"hey, they made a movie about
Mahler, you ought to go see it.
he was as f*cked-up as you are."
                               --Charles Bukowski, "Mahler"


Quote from: Mirror Image on April 12, 2021, 02:40:51 PM
So I have to ask as I'm mainly curious, what was the deal with Pink Harp?

I see that he was obsessed with Debussy's Pelléas et Mélisande, which I can identify with as I love this opera as well, but he might have taken the obsession to a whole new level.

Yes, "a whole new level" is right!  I recall that often his comments' denominator was "Yes, but in Debussy's Pelleas et Melisande ..."

And if you dared to dispute that D's P & M was maybe NOT THE GREATEST WORK were just looking for a metaphorical ocular contusion!
"Meet Miss Ruth Sherwood, from Columbus, Ohio, the Middle of the Universe!"

- Brian Aherne introducing Rosalind Russell in  My Sister Eileen (1942)


I'm trying to remember the name of the member who was the ultimate Glenn Gould fanboy to the exclusion of all other pianists.



Michel is one dude who caused real havoc. He's been banned multiple times - kept re-entering by a back door, basement window, even sewer pipes. He just couldn't stay away. A real crackpot, that one.

Mirror Image

Quote from: Sergeant Rock on April 12, 2021, 03:57:18 PM
He did take it to a new level. Pelléas and the Faun obsessed him although he admitted he loved some Wagner too. Pink Harps' name was Eric. Someone, not me, photoshopped this:


Quote from: Cato on April 12, 2021, 04:27:54 PM

Yes, "a whole new level" is right!  I recall that often his comments' denominator was "Yes, but in Debussy's Pelleas et Melisande ..."

And if you dared to dispute that D's P & M was maybe NOT THE GREATEST WORK were just looking for a metaphorical ocular contusion!

Wow, he sounded like a Grade A nut job. That is a hilarious picture, Sarge. :) And Cato, I doubt I'd want to talk to him about Debussy. :P

Mirror Image

Quote from: André on April 12, 2021, 04:46:52 PM
Michel is one dude who caused real havoc. He's been banned multiple times - kept re-entering by a back door, basement window, even sewer pipes. He just couldn't stay away. A real crackpot, that one.

What was this GMG troll's 'claim to fame'? I'm not sure if I remember this member or not.

Gurn Blanston

Quote from: Mirror Image on April 12, 2021, 05:13:20 PM
What was this GMG troll's 'claim to fame'? I'm not sure if I remember this member or not.

No, he was before your time. He had a variety of irritating mannerisms. My overwhelming memory of him is his monumental rudeness. Some miss him, I don't particularly....😐

Visit my Haydn blog: HaydnSeek

Haydn: that genius of vulgar music who induces an inordinate thirst for beer - Mily Balakirev (1860)


When you guys say Michel, do you mean Michael "M Forever" or someone else? M Forever was a really smart, knowledgeable member, I think a double bass player who had been in several German orchestras, but who unfortunately was amazingly rude and insulting to anyone he disagreed with. I don't remember Michel.


Quote from: Brian on April 12, 2021, 05:54:18 PM
When you guys say Michel, do you mean Michael "M Forever" or someone else? M Forever was a really smart, knowledgeable member, I think a double bass player who had been in several German orchestras, but who unfortunately was amazingly rude and insulting to anyone he disagreed with. I don't remember Michel.

Two different guys. (Michel pre-dated "M Forever," IIRC.)
