Composer whom's spurted odd facial hair groom beside Wagner?

Started by Carlo Gesualdo, July 26, 2022, 04:22:03 AM

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Carlo Gesualdo

Ok perhaps I ask this another way, but watching a Scottish's oddity contest in Glasgow Scotland, on youtube or TV I  was puzzled sometime because, some dude had some sort of complex patern in there beard like  what was call,  3 or 6 bridge captain or sailor, whit would consist of a mustache whit 3  or 6 lines of facial Hairs, all simetric, whit pomade or wax like a cage of facial hair.

Okay out of curiosity who's had the most bold odd , hard to maintain or make  facial hair, could be beard, sideburns more extreme them Orthodox Jews in Lenght or forms,  Mustache the are like unique except  the ''Toothbrush mustache that too controversial''. By the way I learned some time ago the so call Hitler mustache before being use by Charlie Chaplin was link to early Jazzman in usa circa 20 to very early 21 century, verify what I write if you don't beleive me.

Sideburns if I am correct were link to Brittish Heritage if Trim to a specific, size half of cheekbone in L shape, while Orthodox Jewish  Sideburns were  more of out of control Sideburns , thus said and meaning quite long.

Mustache was adopted by police force around the world to  the regular Chevron in France, anyway is it important perhaps no...
but amusing, sometime , it would indicated a status, or purely simple marginality like Dali.

But I whant to know in Classical Composer , the one that spurted unique or way odd facial hair style even hair cuts for giggles, I hope you tolerated or don't mind  OP and MOD, GMG menbers?

We will see if this post accepted, and please shared picture an name of perticular style of facial hair grooms if there is any?

For good fun, perhaps Wagner  neck beard is  not so odd and  standards or nerdy for his era that it folks, have a nice day?


Biber has " moustache" that seems to be only two symmetrical and well maintained "curls" at the corners of the mouth. I am not sure if he also has a "mouche" under the lip or if this is just a shadow (more likely, I think).
For 17th century razors rather particular grooming... but he probably had a valet or maybe he was really handy with a razor in his nimble violinist  fingers.

Tout le malheur des hommes vient d'une seule chose, qui est de ne savoir pas demeurer en repos, dans une chambre.
- Blaise Pascal



Patrician full beard was pretty much standard in the second half of the 19th century. There is hardly any clean shaven scientist or artist in that time and apparently few men in that time didn't at least sport a moustache. It only changed with the gas masks and gilette razorblades but then so thoroughly that in the 1920s or 30s a beard is the clear sign of an old professor (like Freud or any such character in the Tintin cartoons).
Tout le malheur des hommes vient d'une seule chose, qui est de ne savoir pas demeurer en repos, dans une chambre.
- Blaise Pascal