piano Nocturnes

Started by lunar22, March 28, 2024, 08:54:07 AM

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so far, I have tended to avoid posting any of my limited solo piano output on forums as I was never very happy with any of them. However, I feel the latest set of 4 Nocturnes is a clear step forward and in this I'm also aided by my recent acquisition of the VSL classic "Vienna Imperial" piano which has a lovely soulful sound to my ears. The longest, and in my view best of these pieces, is the second in the set, no. 7, which can be heard on its own here https://app.box.com/s/e9v01e03pdk4fwbv7su153ska4vyn1w4

The whole set is available on Reelcrafter  https://play.reelcrafter.com/dko22/latestworks at the top of the list for anyone who likes at all what they hear. All comments welcome!


Are the scores available? I like to look whilst I listen, but I really want to listen.


there doesn't seem to be a way to attach a file on this forum so I put it here https://app.box.com/s/pqjc8u2vouqb1xomrnzjbt3ea0819p5g

This is straight from Dorico - I have not so far made any attempt to decide whether some sections might benefit from key signatures or adjust Dorico's enharmonic spelling. Other than that, it should be fairly legible.


Brilliant, thanks! I'll have a listen later tonight.


either you didn't get round to it or didn't like what you heard! Either way, no matter.


I'm so sorry. I did get round to it, but only a bit of it (my free time is quite pressured at the moment), and I wanted to hear more before commenting. What I heard, I liked alot, especially some of the cool rhythmic touches with your tuplets, which create pleasing complexity and interesting outcomes from simple means. Texturally, harmonically, it's cool and imaginative stuff, and thought-provoking, too,

The one question I had was - why Nocturne for the title[s ]? I only ask because the expectations that title gives, e.g. of a certain degree of consistent figuration - weren't particularly in evidence in what I've heard so far (though there's no reason they should be). So I want to keep on going and see if the answer to that becomes evident.


the reason for Nocturnes in the title is simply because that's what Fauré used for his most profound pianistic thoughts. Perhaps when I wrote the first two about 30 years ago, there was another idea but since then, it just became habit because I couldn't think of anything else to call them. So I wouldn't take the title too literally!

Anyway, glad you seem to be getting something out of the pieces.