
Started by tjguitar, April 16, 2007, 01:54:11 PM

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Quote from: k a rl h e nn i ng on November 03, 2010, 08:20:12 AM
Neal, I appreciate the vote of confidene in that Chandos disc (it sounds almost as if you have more Telemann than Tchaikovsky ; )

I think I have more Telemann than Tchaikovsky in my collection.


Well, I can only suppose that this is how you wish it, Scarps ; )

mc ukrneal

Quote from: ChamberNut on November 03, 2010, 07:32:03 AM
Sorry Neal, I did not realize there was a long version of Hamlet.  Great to know!!!!   :)  The one I mentioned is just the fantasy overture.
As best I remember, the overture is a shortened version of Hamlet fantasy overture, while the rest is entirely different/new music. There are a couple spoken/sung tracks as well. It is entirely engaging and very enjoyable. I've been eyeing that Pentatone disc just to compare (as these are the only ones available that I know of anyway). It's a new disc from 2009, so until then, Simon/Chandos was the only game in town (but a good one).
Be kind to your fellow posters!!


Quote from: k a rl h e nn i ng on November 03, 2010, 08:35:40 AM
Well, I can only suppose that this is how you wish it, Scarps ; )

Have the complete symphonies, Markevitch and Dorati, late symphonies in addition by Mravinsky, Karajan.  Romeo and Juliette, Francisca da Rimini, Karajan's VPO Ballet Suite disc.  Must have the concertos as fillers on other discs.  About 6 inches of CD shelf, overall.  What more does one need, really?


The great operas, for one thing.  And the ballets in better condition than HvK doing the suites.


And the string sextet original of Souvenir de Florence.  (One would need to be quite a Tchaikovsky enthusiast to go after the quartets, I must own.)

mc ukrneal

Quote from: Scarpia on November 03, 2010, 08:49:13 AM
Have the complete symphonies, Markevitch and Dorati, late symphonies in addition by Mravinsky, Karajan.  Romeo and Juliette, Francisca da Rimini, Karajan's VPO Ballet Suite disc.  Must have the concertos as fillers on other discs.  About 6 inches of CD shelf, overall.  What more does one need, really?
Errr...I think you're in the wrong place! You did see the Tchaikovsky sign when you entered?!?  :P

To answer the question there are:
3 piano concertos (wasn't sure if you were only referring the first above, 2&3 are fabulous)
3 ballets (nutcracker, swan lake, and sleeping beauty)
Snow Maiden
Piano Works (7 discs, if all of it)
Iolanthe (opera)
Pique Dame (queen of Spades)
Suites (2 discs worth)
Evgeniy Onegin
Songs and other operas
Piano Trio
Souvenir de Florence (sometimes a filler - you might have it)
String Quartets
Liturgy of St John Chrysostom
...and more

There is a lot of good music there too.
Be kind to your fellow posters!!


What's the consensus on the Lenny/NY Phil symphonies cycle on Sony? I found it at FYE for a decent price . . . though that is probably moot, as I will likely pull the trigger eventually on the big Lenny Symphonies box.

mc ukrneal

Quote from: k a rl h e nn i ng on November 03, 2010, 09:09:17 AM
What's the consensus on the Lenny/NY Phil symphonies cycle on Sony? I found it at FYE for a decent price . . . though that is probably moot, as I will likely pull the trigger eventually on the big Lenny Symphonies box.
Sorry - I have the DG, not the Sony, so am not personally familiar with it myself. The price is certainly attractive though...
Be kind to your fellow posters!!


Quote from: Scarpia on November 03, 2010, 08:49:13 AM
Have the complete symphonies, Markevitch and Dorati, late symphonies in addition by Mravinsky, Karajan.  Romeo and Juliette, Francisca da Rimini, Karajan's VPO Ballet Suite disc.  Must have the concertos as fillers on other discs.  About 6 inches of CD shelf, overall.  What more does one need, really?

As Karl mentioned the string sextet, I guess you probably have the serenade and another essential is The Seasons. :)


Quote from: ukrneal on November 03, 2010, 09:02:01 AM

Liturgy of St John Chrysostom

Neal, thank you for this reminder.  I heard this in the Tchaikovsky music appreciation class I took a few years ago.  I was absolutely floored and stunned by the beauty of this music.  The recording was on RCA w/ Valeri Polyansky conducting the USSR Ministry of Culture Chamber Choir.

Karl, you love choral music, and I know you love Tchaikovsky.  We both need to get this into our collection!  :)


Quote from: ChamberNut on November 03, 2010, 09:26:15 AM
Karl, you love choral music, and I know you love Tchaikovsky.  We both need to get this into our collection!  :)

I blush to say, Ray, that this CD has been on my shelf for 15 years, but I haven't listened to it yet!


Quote from: k a rl h e nn i ng on November 03, 2010, 09:39:59 AM
I blush to say, Ray, that this CD has been on my shelf for 15 years, but I haven't listened to it yet!

Well, it is not a stretch to say that I do believe you will enjoy it Karl.  Crack 'er open!  :)


Through no fault of Pyotr Ilyich's, that's going to have to wait until . . . First-Listen Friday!


Quote from: k a rl h e nn i ng on November 03, 2010, 09:43:51 AM
Through no fault of Pyotr Ilyich's, that's going to have to wait until . . . First-Listen Friday!



Just happenstance that it's First-Listen Friday . . . I have long days today & tomorrow.  Although I could pop it in the player as fall-asleep-to music tonight . . . .


Quote from: k a rl h e nn i ng on November 03, 2010, 09:46:30 AM
Just happenstance that it's First-Listen Friday . . . I have long days today & tomorrow.  Although I could pop it in the player as fall-asleep-to music tonight . . . .

You can wait until Friday.  I will hold you to it!  ;)



How about this for a statement: The final scene of Eugene Onegin, the most inspired thing he ever wrote.

True? Whenever I hear it/watch it it certainly feels true!

The large print giveth, and the small print taketh away


Am I depressed? I'm starting to find this Tchaikovsky interesting...
"I am the musical tree, eat of my fruit and your spirit shall rejoiceth!"
- Amadeus 6:26