The unimportant news thread

Started by Lethevich, March 05, 2008, 07:14:50 AM

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Quote from: steve ridgway on April 11, 2024, 08:08:44 PMClassical music to continue at rail stations

Rail firm Northern has said it will continue to play classical music at 35 stations to combat bad behaviour.
Works "inspired by Handel, Beethoven and Mozart" are piped out over public address systems at certain times.
The music was rolled out to more than 20 additional places last April following a pilot scheme at nine sites.
Northern said it had led to a "reduction" in reports of large groups loitering at its stations in the North West and North East of England.

BBC News

Perhaps what these roaming groups of yoof don't like is the ahistorical use of oversized orchestras, modern instruments and ponderous tempos.


The universe is change; life is opinion. - Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

People would rather believe than know - E.O. Wilson

Propaganda death ensemble - Tom Araya

Pohjolas Daughter

This made me upset when I saw what the people were doing in (to) this national park.  I hope that they catch them!

Pohjolas Daughter


Quote from: Pohjolas Daughter on April 19, 2024, 06:38:05 AMThis made me upset when I saw what the people were doing in (to) this national park.  I hope that they catch them!


Rocks don't have rights.

The actions were misdemeanors on their face, so while the police and feds should spend a little time looking for the perps, it should be measured in minutes, not hours, let alone days or weeks or months.  The statement in the linked article that this action could be a felony demonstrates a perverse criminal prosecutorial mindset.  Something similar happened in Oregon a while back when vandals (not to be confused with Vandals) toppled Duckbill rock.  The hooligans were not caught and the statute of limitations ran out. 
The universe is change; life is opinion. - Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

People would rather believe than know - E.O. Wilson

Propaganda death ensemble - Tom Araya

Pohjolas Daughter

Quote from: Todd on April 19, 2024, 07:02:45 AMRocks don't have rights.

The actions were misdemeanors on their face, so while the police and feds should spend a little time looking for the perps, it should be measured in minutes, not hours, let alone days or weeks or months.  The statement in the linked article that this action could be a felony demonstrates a perverse criminal prosecutorial mindset.  Something similar happened in Oregon a while back when vandals (not to be confused with Vandals) toppled Duckbill rock.  The hooligans were not caught and the statute of limitations ran out.
I couldn't remember if I had seen the video on CNN or BBC.  The CNN one also included an interview with one of the park rangers.  He brought up what they could be charged with.

I'm sorry about the Duckbill rock.  I would have loved to have seen it.  I'm sure that it meant a lot to the locals and made everyone who saw it smile and thought what a cool thing Mother Nature had created over the years.  I read the story about the toppling (despite having a fence around it and signs!).

Pohjolas Daughter


Quote from: Pohjolas Daughter on April 19, 2024, 10:02:39 AMHe brought up what they could be charged with.

Yes, he mentions they could face a felony charge, which I mentioned previously.  That's the whole perverse criminal prosecutorial mindset.  He also goes on about how people should watch and take photos of other people doing whatever.  That is borderline obscene.

Quote from: Pohjolas Daughter on April 19, 2024, 10:02:39 AMI'm sorry about the Duckbill rock.

Why?  It was a rock.  It's no more significant than when the world's largest Sitka Spruce further north on the Oregon coast toppled during a storm. 
The universe is change; life is opinion. - Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

People would rather believe than know - E.O. Wilson

Propaganda death ensemble - Tom Araya


I agree with Todd.  I thought they were stupid for going out of their way to topple a rock formation... but seeing it on national news was odd.  You would have thought they defaced Mt. Rushmore or hunted an endangered species to bring it to the attention of such a large audience.


     Naa nana naa-na.

     There was a murder in Watertown a few months ago. Maybe we close the border with Cambridge? That would be a shame because my Star Market is on the wrong side.
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The universe is change; life is opinion. - Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

People would rather believe than know - E.O. Wilson

Propaganda death ensemble - Tom Araya

Spotted Horses

Quote from: DavidW on April 19, 2024, 11:08:26 AMI agree with Todd.  I thought they were stupid for going out of their way to topple a rock formation... but seeing it on national news was odd.  You would have thought they defaced Mt. Rushmore or hunted an endangered species to bring it to the attention of such a large audience.

Mt Rushmore was a defacement.
There are simply two kinds of music, good music and the other kind. - Duke Ellington

Dry Brett Kavanaugh

Karl Henning

Karl Henning, Ph.D.
Composer & Clarinetist
Boston MA
[Matisse] was interested neither in fending off opposition,
nor in competing for the favor of wayward friends.
His only competition was with himself. — Françoise Gilot

Karl Henning

Karl Henning, Ph.D.
Composer & Clarinetist
Boston MA
[Matisse] was interested neither in fending off opposition,
nor in competing for the favor of wayward friends.
His only competition was with himself. — Françoise Gilot

Karl Henning

Quote from: Dry Brett Kavanaugh on April 21, 2024, 12:34:15 PMResearchers explain that some, if not all, beers taste better in bottles than cans.
Our local brewery, Lord Hobo seems only to can their wares, although I suspect they have a tap in town where you can drink it fresh draught.
Karl Henning, Ph.D.
Composer & Clarinetist
Boston MA
[Matisse] was interested neither in fending off opposition,
nor in competing for the favor of wayward friends.
His only competition was with himself. — Françoise Gilot


When I'm creating at the piano, I tend to feel happy; but - the eternal dilemma - how can we be happy amid the unhappiness of others? I'd do everything I could to give everyone a moment of happiness. That's what's at the heart of my music. — Nino Rota



Quote from: DavidW on April 22, 2024, 08:47:29 AMI figured you for a wine drinker!

Wine all year round, beer in summer only.  ;)
When I'm creating at the piano, I tend to feel happy; but - the eternal dilemma - how can we be happy amid the unhappiness of others? I'd do everything I could to give everyone a moment of happiness. That's what's at the heart of my music. — Nino Rota


From the Graun:

Nestlé adds sugar to infant milk sold in poorer countries, report finds

Swiss food firm's infant formula and cereal sold in global south ignore WHO anti-obesity guidelines for Europe, says Public Eye

This is very clearly unimportant since American Pravda NBC News is not covering it.  For a chuckle, one can read Nestle's official response on its website.
The universe is change; life is opinion. - Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

People would rather believe than know - E.O. Wilson

Propaganda death ensemble - Tom Araya

steve ridgway

'Seagull Boy', nine, wins European screeching competition

BBC News


Quote from: Florestan on April 22, 2024, 08:12:34 AMI've known that for years.  ;D
I think everyone in Europe knew this. Here even the homeless with some pride left prefer to drink beer from bottles.
Even disregarding beer, I was basically brought up to view cans as for "emergencies" only (like on a road trip). This might partly have been because children could easily cut their lips on the old style openings that were replaced only in the late 80s? or even later with the safer ones.
That people would buy dozens of cans for home consumption of soda pops and drink from the can at home (instead of pouring into a glass) was completely unknown to me and I was quite surprised when I saw this in the US among middle class people...
Tout le malheur des hommes vient d'une seule chose, qui est de ne savoir pas demeurer en repos, dans une chambre.
- Blaise Pascal