The unimportant news thread

Started by Lethevich, March 05, 2008, 07:14:50 AM

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Quote from: Pohjolas Daughter on April 07, 2021, 02:29:15 PM

(CNN)"Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene announced on Wednesday that her reelection campaign raised an astonishing $3.2 million in the Georgia Republican's first three months in office, after reports detailed her embrace of conspiracy theories and support for executing prominent Democratic politicians."

There's been a lot of talk over the last 2 or 3 years about how the size of campaign war chests isn't the indicator that it used to be, if that's any comfort.

Pohjolas Daughter

Quote from: SimonNZ on April 07, 2021, 03:34:58 PM
There's been a lot of talk over the last 2 or 3 years about how the size of campaign war chests isn't the indicator that it used to be, if that's any comfort.
I'll run with it.  :)

Pohjolas Daughter

Stürmisch Bewegt

You know you want to hear spiderweb music (I wonder what Roussel might have made of this - composer of Le Festin de l'araignée)?
Leben heißt nicht zu warten, bis der Sturm vorbeizieht, sondern lernen, im Regen zu tanzen.

steve ridgway

Quote from: North Star on April 15, 2021, 08:33:22 AM
When animal welfare officers received a report of an unusual animal lurking in a tree in the Polish city of Krakow, they were not sure what to expect.
"People aren't opening their windows because they're afraid it will go into their house," the woman reportedly said.
But a visit to the area showed the creature in question was not a bird, or even a reptile - but a croissant.

Well how are people in Krakow supposed to know what a croissant looks like? ::)

Pohjolas Daughter

Pohjolas Daughter

Pohjolas Daughter

"Nice work if you can get it"..... :-\

Italian hospital employee accused of skipping work for 15 years

Pohjolas Daughter


Quickly analyzing water that had been contained in four different types of plastic bottles for drinks to runners and sportsmen, local scientists in a TV programme here found between 1500 - 2000 artificial materials from the plastic bottle and the regular cleaning procedures in the water, when it had been contained there for about 24 hours. Metal drinking bottles were then generally recommended in stead.

Edit: by 'regular cleaning procedures' I mean of course from the cleaning of the bottle itself.


Quote from: MusicTurner on April 27, 2021, 09:54:26 AM
Quickly analyzing water that had been contained in four different types of plastic bottles for drinks to runners and sportsmen, local scientists in a TV programme here found between 1500 - 2000 artificial materials from the plastic bottle and the regular cleaning procedures in the water, when it had been contained there for about 24 hours. Metal drinking bottles were then generally recommended in stead.
Yeah, also there are more studies lately I've been hearing about with plastics and fertility, the worst thing supposedly doing stuff like sous vide (heating plastics making it worse).

Probably best to just drink tap water in a glass when at home, if you trust your city's water enough.
Wagie wagie get back in the cagie


     Now I have seen everything. The Universe might as well give up evolving.

     My faith in human nature just shot way up.
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If anyone is unfamiliar with the Berserk manga, it is kind of a big deal. As far as popular opinion goes, I have been checking the site myanimelist for over a decade now, and they have a section for manga where hundreds of thousands of readers score rate manga, and it's been at the #1 spot the entire time I've been on the site (at a 9.36/10 average with nearly 400k votes). So to say this manga was much loved is an understatement.

I've never read, but might have to start now that the story won't be continued. And people are highly disappointed about it being unfinished.

Though, in my opinion, since this manga was 31 years old, it should have been wrapped up by now...
Wagie wagie get back in the cagie


     This is most XLNT!!

     Adversary Drones Are Spying On The U.S. And The Pentagon Acts Like They're UFOs

Before I move forward, I must state that just because I believe the evidence is compelling that many of the bizarre encounters with mysterious objects in the sky as of late, and especially those that the U.S. military is experiencing, emanate from peer-state competitors, not another dimension or another solar system, there are certainly well-documented cases of seemingly unexplainable events that have nothing to do with this type of capability. In other words, our conclusions do not come even close to answering the question of UAPs or UFOs as a whole, especially in terms of the many unexplained incidents in decades past. What they do is highlight an alarming new capability set and tactics that seem to have been allowed to be exploited with little response for years while the Pentagon scratched its head and shrugged, or even worse, turned largely a blind eye toward it.

And that brings us to one of the biggest problems with this topic, as a whole—people expect one blanket and grand explanation for the entire UFO mystery to one day emerge. This is flawed thinking at its core. This issue is clearly one with multiple explanations due to the wide range of events that have occurred under a huge number of circumstances. This thinking must be changed as it limits our ability to solve some mysteries in the hopes of coming up with some fantastical monolithic explanation for every related mystery. So, accepting that there is likely a wide array of explanations to this notoriously abused topic will be absolutely key to successfully studying it and destigmatizing it in our culture, and especially within U.S. military and intelligence circles.

     Are the US spy shops playing dumb or are they dumb? One can spin up a narrative that has a secret cell that has gathered all the info, while putting out a story about how mystifying all these sightings are, with a ready made and genuine UFOlogy going back many decades woven in. The author seems too alarmed for this scenario. He is offering up a view that under the layers of fake dumbth real dumbth is hiding.

     Personally I don't think alien UFOs would be so fixated on our military capabilities and nuclear power plants. What need would they have to probe our defenses like that? Why would they be doing exactly what a rival power would do if it could?

Airborne radar reflector patent dating back to 1945 that matches exactly what pilots described to have seen off the east coast in the middle of the last decade.
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You can't start forcing passing passenger planes (an EU domestic Ryanair flight ... ) to change course and land in an airport in your country, using jet fighters, because you want to arrest a critical journalist on board, like Lukashenko in Belarus just did. It will be interesting to see, what the hopefully strong reaction from the West will be, and whether they'll weigh other interests to avoid conflicts.

EDIT: concerning the claimed 'bomb', the plane was closer to its destination Vilnius, than Minsk, when it had to divert.

Pohjolas Daughter

Very sad to read this article about a break-in at Arundel Castle:

Pohjolas Daughter

Pohjolas Daughter

On a much lighter note, I just discovered a PBS program.  The name of one of the characters made me laugh:  Donkey Hodie.   ;D  Leave it to PBS to be so clever!

Pohjolas Daughter

Pohjolas Daughter

William Shakespeare has just died.  Well, yes and no.

From an article on the BBC's site:

"One man in his time really does play many parts, it seems, according to an Argentine newsreader who mixed up the author William Shakespeare with the first man to receive a Pfizer jab.
Canal 26 presenter Noelia Novillo announced that "one of the most important writers in the English language - for me the master" had died.
In fact it was his namesake, William "Bill" Shakespeare, 81, who died in a hospital in England earlier this week.
Shakespeare "The Bard" died in 1616.
However, that was news to Novillo who told her audience on Thursday: "We've got news that has stunned all of us given the greatness of this man. We're talking about William Shakespeare and his death. We'll let you know how and why it happened."   ::)

Pohjolas Daughter


Quote from: Pohjolas Daughter on May 29, 2021, 05:02:21 AM
William Shakespeare has just died.  Well, yes and no.

From an article on the BBC's site:

"One man in his time really does play many parts, it seems, according to an Argentine newsreader who mixed up the author William Shakespeare with the first man to receive a Pfizer jab.
Canal 26 presenter Noelia Novillo announced that "one of the most important writers in the English language - for me the master" had died.
In fact it was his namesake, William "Bill" Shakespeare, 81, who died in a hospital in England earlier this week.
Shakespeare "The Bard" died in 1616.
However, that was news to Novillo who told her audience on Thursday: "We've got news that has stunned all of us given the greatness of this man. We're talking about William Shakespeare and his death. We'll let you know how and why it happened."   ::)


In terms of the thread title, that does seem to qualify rather convincingly as fairly unimportant news ...


One wonders how the TV station will manage this. Best option would probably be a good deal of joking and promising an improved news research policy. She can't be the only one responsible ...  :)

Pohjolas Daughter

Quote from: MusicTurner on May 29, 2021, 05:52:15 AM
One wonders how the TV station will manage this. Best option would probably be a good deal of joking and promising an improved news research policy. She can't be the only one responsible ...  :)
I must admit that my jaw dropped (and I cringed) when I read that story.

Hadn't thought about that (re others being involved with the story), but you're probably right! Well, perhaps she'll try and learn more about him and/or see a play, etc.?

Pohjolas Daughter