What are you currently reading?

Started by facehugger, April 07, 2007, 12:36:10 AM

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Starting Antonin Artaud's short Les nouvelles révélations de l'être ("The New Revelations of Being").

Written in 1937 and published anonymously that same year, this text has been described as an "apocalyptic manifesto", and is infused with ideas derived from horoscopy and the tarot. Shorty after its publication, Artaud travelled to Ireland, from where he was deported —for disorderly behaviour— back to France. His 10 years of internment in psychiatric hospitals started soon thereafter.
"O let not Time deceive you,
You cannot conquer Time"


San Antone

Just finished Cormac McCarthy's excellent first novel -

The Orchard Keeper by Cormac McCarthy

And then started the first in Faulkner's Snopes trilogy (3rd or 4th time around) -

The Hamlet by William Faulkner

Papy Oli

Finished Hemingway's The Old Man & the Sea on Tuesday...

since then, devoured Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451 to completion late last night - What a stressful ride that was!!

In need a change of scenery today: started Jerome K. Jerome - Three Men in a Boat (To Say Nothing of the Dog). Very funny so far.


I have almost finished Mccarthy's Broder Trilogy. Started Cities of the Plain recently. So far it has been extremely captivating. All The Pretty Horses and The Crossing contained some of the most gorgeous prose i've ever read and Cities of the plain has been the same so far. I really like the bitterly ironic contrast between the beginning and the ending of The Crossing: at the start of the book Billy risks his life trying to save life of a wolf - at the end of the book he cruelly drives away an unoffending dog - although considering what he goes through in the book, I still remain sympathetic towards Billy.


I just finished this novel. It was deemed "Thriller of the Year" by a New York Times critic. Thrilling? Hardly. It was a rather dull mystery that was at least 100 pages too long.


Two short monographs issued by the Théâtre des Champs-Elysées in Paris.

A short overview of Boulez's presence in that house. The second version of Le soleil des eaux was premiered there by Roger Desormière, later Boulez made a sensation when conducting Stravinsky's Sacre on the 50th anniversary of it premiere in that same house in 1913, and so on. BTW, the book confirms that Boulez was not among the audience when young music students disrupted performances of Stravinsky's music in 1946 (the Four Norwegian Moods, conducted by Manuel Rosenthal).

An overview on the "Festival of 20th Century Works " held in Paris in 1952, organised by Nicolas Nabokov for the Congress for Cultural Freedom. An impressive number of performances took place at the Théâtre des Champs-Elysées, including the stage French premiere of Wozzeck with the Vienna State Opera company under Karl Böhm, Stravinsky conducting Oedipus Rex with Cocteau as narrator, etc., etc.
"O let not Time deceive you,
You cannot conquer Time"


Just finished this: A classic - Greenberg's Neurosis is a painful style of living


And now, starting a book I've been meaning to read for many years, Georges Bernanos' Les grands cimetièressous la lune (published in English as A Diary of My Times).

Bernanos, one of France's leading catholic authors at the time, was living in Majorca when the Spanish civil war broke out in 1936. From what I've read elsewhere, he was sympathise to the "National" cause (his son enlisted in Franco's army). But when he started witnessing the indiscriminate repression conducted by the victorious rebels on the island, he soon became disenchanted, and this (influential) book is the denunciation of what he saw.
"O let not Time deceive you,
You cannot conquer Time"


Next up on my docket is Norbert Blei's two novels: The Second Novel (his first novel) and Adventure's in American Literature

Interestingly, both of my copies are unique. Both copies were gifts to his friends (the messages inscribed inside the books makes that clear), but the second novel comes with, as near as I can tell, a 1/1 watercolor (Blei was also a painter) of a character from the book! :o


A detailed account of the 35-day reckless occupation of the site by the Russian army in 2022 (and bringing the story of the site up to date since his first book on the subject).

Papy Oli

Completed Jerome K. Jerome - Three Men in a Boat (To Say Nothing of the Dog) last weekend. Great fun.

Last night, finished An Artist of the Floating World by Kazuo Ishiguro.

From wiki:
An Artist of the Floating World (1986)[1] is a novel by British author Kazuo Ishiguro. It is set in post-World War II Japan and is narrated by Masuji Ono, an ageing painter, who looks back on his life and how he has lived it. He notices how his once-great reputation has faltered since the war and how attitudes towards him and his paintings have changed. The chief conflict deals with Ono's need to accept responsibility for his past actions, rendered politically suspect in the context of post-War Japan. The novel also deals with the role of people in a rapidly changing political environment and with the assumption and denial of guilt.

Quite an engrossing read, particularly the intergenerational exchanges between Ono and his daughters/Sons-in-law/grandson. the book is entirely built on a series of interwoven memories and recollections. Ishiguro indicates in the foreword that he was strongly influenced by particular segments of Proust's Swann's Way when deciding on the type of structure he wanted prior to writing this book.

Recommended. I have added Never Let Me Go and The Remains of the Day to reading pile as a result.


"Great music is that which penetrates the ear with facility and leaves the memory with difficulty. Magical music never leaves the memory." — Thomas Beecham