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Quote from: Szykniej on December 28, 2009, 07:18:12 AM
Oh, well ... I guess all that's left is an inoperable brain tumor ...

Lol  :D
Though I probably would be dead already since the first time this happened was well over a year ago.

Maybe it is a migraine, but I'm just misunderstanding that migraines don't necessarily have to be more painful than normal headaches, but the difference is the nausea part?...

The headache started right after lunch break yesterday, which happened to be an abnormally stressful lunch break, although I let myself forget about it and played around with the girls later, which helped a bit.

Looking at the list of stuff that happens before migraines, whatever might happen on the list is pretty normal, and I don't see how yesterday was different from any other Sunday.  :-\


Quote from: Greg on December 28, 2009, 07:36:03 AM
Maybe it is a migraine, but I'm just misunderstanding that migraines don't necessarily have to be more painful than normal headaches, but the difference is the nausea part?...
Migraines can actually present quite a wide range of symptoms. I used to get them with full blown fortification spectra (silvery flashing lights) for half an hour, followed by a one-sided headache for up to 2 days afterwards, with or without nausea. Usually the attacks came on when I relaxed after something stressful (eg at the weekend after a tough week's work). But in recent years they've been vaguer, perhaps because I now take beta-blockers all the time (for other reasons). I've gradually grown to recognise the 'migraine' feeling of being unaccountably below par for up to an hour, followed by maybe a day or two of not-quite-right-vision, headache, slight nausea, vague sense of confusion -  but otherwise perfectly capable of normal activity.

Point is - a migraine can be a slight unpleasantness at one end of the spectrum, or almost completely debilitating at the other, but it's usually recognisably different to a normal stress-induced headache.


Quote from: Elgarian on December 28, 2009, 08:39:08 AM
Migraines can actually present quite a wide range of symptoms. I used to get them with full blown fortification spectra (silvery flashing lights) for half an hour, followed by a one-sided headache for up to 2 days afterwards, with or without nausea. Usually the attacks came on when I relaxed after something stressful (eg at the weekend after a tough week's work). But in recent years they've been vaguer, perhaps because I now take beta-blockers all the time (for other reasons). I've gradually grown to recognise the 'migraine' feeling of being unaccountably below par for up to an hour, followed by maybe a day or two of not-quite-right-vision, headache, slight nausea, vague sense of confusion -  but otherwise perfectly capable of normal activity.

Point is - a migraine can be a slight unpleasantness at one end of the spectrum, or almost completely debilitating at the other, but it's usually recognisably different to a normal stress-induced headache.
That's really helpful!
Sounds like to me that's what it might be...

silvery flashing lights sounds craaaaaaaaaazy  ???


Quote from: Greg on December 28, 2009, 08:43:43 AM
silvery flashing lights sounds craaaaaaaaaazy  ???
First time it happens, if you don't know what it is, it's terrifying! In addition to the lights, you get a gradually widening 'hole' in your vision within the arc of silver lights, which clears as the lights expand beyond the limits of vision over a period of about 40 minutes. Everyone doesn't experience the same thing exactly - there are some examples of what people report here (looking at some of them makes me feel as if I'm getting a migraine attack!):

Of course I don't think we should rush to rule out the inoperable brain tumour diagnosis.


Fortunately, I don't suffer from migraines myself, but my wife has had some problems with them and in her case, caffeine was identified as the trigger. It coincided with her starting to drink a lot of tea, which apparently has a different type of caffeine than coffee, which doesn't seem to bother her.
Men profess to be lovers of music, but for the most part they give no evidence in their opinions and lives that they have heard it.  ~ Henry David Thoreau

Don't pray when it rains if you don't pray when the sun shines. ~ Satchel Paige


So, Greg, I think we have a solution for you. Don't drink coffee (or tea, to be safe). Don't eat chocolate or cheese (also known migraine triggers). Never eat lunch (it seemed to be the lunch that triggered it yesterday). And if lunch - well, it seems to me all meals are suspect, so best simply not to eat, I think. Don't let yourself get stressed, and if you do get stressed, for Pete's sake don't relax. In fact, clearly this stress/relax issue is a bit of a lose-lose situation, so maybe you'd be better off just staying in bed. You should be OK then.

Any time you need more medical advice, just let us know.

(Cheese or chocolate, anyone? Cup of coffee? Paracetamol?)


Quote from: Elgarian on December 28, 2009, 12:46:19 PM
So, Greg, I think we have a solution for you. Don't drink coffee (or tea, to be safe). Don't eat chocolate or cheese (also known migraine triggers). Never eat lunch (it seemed to be the lunch that triggered it yesterday). And if lunch - well, it seems to me all meals are suspect, so best simply not to eat, I think. Don't let yourself get stressed, and if you do get stressed, for Pete's sake don't relax. In fact, clearly this stress/relax issue is a bit of a lose-lose situation, so maybe you'd be better off just staying in bed. You should be OK then.

Any time you need more medical advice, just let us know.

(Cheese or chocolate, anyone? Cup of coffee? Paracetamol?)
You're a genius. I'll have to do that.
BUT... maybe for fun, one day next week, I'll do everything bad at the same time. I'll have a gallon of coffee and tea, 3 Hershey Bars, and a pound of cheese for 5 different meals, each, during the day.

Also, I'll make sure I'm 30 minutes late for work without calling, and I'll rush like a maniac driving there, narrowly avoiding getting into wrecks. Then, I'll cuss out the customers for no reason and flash everyone and run off to my car, where an accomplice puts a straight jacket on me.


Now look what's happened. I realised I'd mis-spelt 'paracetamol', and corrected it - and then realised that you'd quoted my post, so my error remained and I was helpless to change it. So I started to get stressed, and then took deep breaths to try to relax, and ate some cheese and chocolate to make me feel better, and, and ..... it's all your fault, Greg!


Quote from: Elgarian on December 28, 2009, 01:07:26 PM
Now look what's happened. I realised I'd mis-spelt 'paracetamol', and corrected it - and then realised that you'd quoted my post, so my error remained and I was helpless to change it. So I started to get stressed, and then took deep breaths to try to relax, and ate some cheese and chocolate to make me feel better, and, and ..... it's all your fault, Greg!

Sounds like a brain tumor to me ...
Men profess to be lovers of music, but for the most part they give no evidence in their opinions and lives that they have heard it.  ~ Henry David Thoreau

Don't pray when it rains if you don't pray when the sun shines. ~ Satchel Paige


Quote from: Greg on December 28, 2009, 08:43:43 AM
That's really helpful!
Sounds like to me that's what it might be...

silvery flashing lights sounds craaaaaaaaaazy  ???


      What about demonic possession? Isn't that more likely given your interests?

       I recommend drinking and taking lots of drugs to force the demon out. Call work and tell them you're sick. It's probably best not to mention the demon, at least not until we get confirmation from a witch doctor or..........another kind of witch doctor.
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Quote from: Szykniej on December 28, 2009, 02:03:56 PM
Sounds like a brain tumor to me ...

I knew it! I had the feeling that it wasn't going to be a good day.


Quote from: Elgarian on December 28, 2009, 01:07:26 PM
Now look what's happened. I realised I'd mis-spelt 'paracetamol', and corrected it - and then realised that you'd quoted my post, so my error remained and I was helpless to change it. So I started to get stressed, and then took deep breaths to try to relax, and ate some cheese and chocolate to make me feel better, and, and ..... it's all your fault, Greg!
No, you're hallucinating again. Look the quoted area of my post again. It's spelled correctly.  ;)

Quote from: drogulus on December 28, 2009, 08:28:18 PM

      What about demonic possession? Isn't that more likely given your interests?

       I recommend drinking and taking lots of drugs to force the demon out. Call work and tell them you're sick. It's probably best not to mention the demon, at least not until we get confirmation from a witch doctor or..........another kind of witch doctor.
I think I need to go see Benny Hinn.


Quote from: Greg on December 29, 2009, 06:32:30 AM
No, you're hallucinating again. Look the quoted area of my post again. It's spelled correctly.

So it was all just a bad dream. Hoorah!


Thanks to everyone here who wished me a happy birthday on facebook...
(saves the trouble of writing "thanks"... "thanks"... etc. A couple years ago my whole Sunday school class commented, and it was a bit weird doing that about 10 times)  :-X

Quote from: Elgarian on December 29, 2009, 09:14:43 AM
So it was all just a bad dream. Hoorah!
Are you sure you were asleep?


Quote from: Greg on December 29, 2009, 09:18:10 AM
Are you sure you were asleep?
I'm not sure of anything....


WTF is with this dude's name? He has a better title than the Kaisers had.
Peanut butter, flour and sugar do not make cookies. They make FIRE.

MN Dave

Is GMG slowing down? The pace seems slower lately.


Holidays over, people getting back to work, maybe.

MN Dave


As for me .... I've not been very well.