The Chat Thread

Started by mn dave, June 17, 2008, 11:28:17 AM

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Quote from: Philoctetes on May 27, 2011, 03:20:44 PM
Fucking found all of my old files.

Glad that I didn't throw everything out spring cleaning.


Your foul language pisses me off! >:(

Moderator,  where's the moderator ?



Glad you felt you could bring this up. Most moderation here happens behind the scenes. So in effect it is nearly all invisible. Part of that process is using the, 'report to moderator' button if there is something which you wish to draw to our attention.

Of course, people can and do occasionally dialogue on Moderator issues on the site.

Here we do like to ensure the rules are pragmatically applied. The use of obscene language is indeed against the rules, but although we aim at family friendliness, we are not going to vitiate content so that it is entirely neutered for the taste of any passing milksops.

There are also slightly different rules implicit in the Diner where we permit a more robust approach. It acts like a safety valve that keeps the music content nearer to being civilised. Discussing music is the real purpose of the site.

Nevertheless it has a life of its own and 'the community' and its wider happiness is an important factor for us. Enjoyment, networking, building on-line friendships and interaction; as well as putting forward opinions and sometimes 'listening' to those of others is all part and parcel of virtual-life here. You have stumbled into quite a complex organism.

Over the years, we have sometimes applied the rules very literally and it can make for dull exchanges to the point that the becalmed site then loses members and traffic falls. It is a balancing act.

I don't like to see bad language used casually, but it certainly has its place, behind the scenes perhaps.

I am sure Philo will take note.

You are making your needs known up front: no bullying, no swearing. Now, I do hope we will see you posting interestingly and entertainingly on musical topics.


DavidW: Yeah Mike doesn't get angry, he gets even.
I wasted time: and time wasted me.



So, I drew the moderator out of the woodwork and have sussed that this forum is not my scene. 

Even though I know Gurn Blanston from another forum.  He is a more honorable chap,  and he is the reason I thought I would like to join this forum,  but, no sorry  Gurn.  Maybe another place.

Good Bye.     


I think I had sussed before you had that you were not going to fit in. Possibly best to start a site of your own where you can control people to your taste. A kind of underhand passive aggressive bullying perhaps. One piece of advice for the future: try making at least a token valuable and relevent contribution before you make demands of the long term members.

Anyway, do feel free to delete your account. No doubt Gurn can reach you by some other method.

DavidW: Yeah Mike doesn't get angry, he gets even.
I wasted time: and time wasted me.


Man, this forum is way more tame than many of the other classical boards.
Peanut butter, flour and sugar do not make cookies. They make FIRE.

Mn Dave

Mn Dave

Mn Dave

No, I'm not leaving. Posts have been deleted.


Sorry Dave, I tidied up the garden again. Rather a lot of rubbish blew in.

DavidW: Yeah Mike doesn't get angry, he gets even.
I wasted time: and time wasted me.

Mn Dave


Another way of suggesting that **** happens?

DavidW: Yeah Mike doesn't get angry, he gets even.
I wasted time: and time wasted me.

Mn Dave

Quote from: knight66 on May 28, 2011, 03:38:12 AM
Another way of suggesting that **** happens?


I did it for the 'mouse.


Gurn'll be so tore up. I just know it.


Karl,  J'ai personally desole. But I am a brave little chap.

DavidW: Yeah Mike doesn't get angry, he gets even.
I wasted time: and time wasted me.


You've borne up well 'neath woise, Mike!


Tis true, tis true. Pox plague, war....they were worse.

DavidW: Yeah Mike doesn't get angry, he gets even.
I wasted time: and time wasted me.


And then came Pelléas . . . .


And behind him Melisande. Those were the days. Eric the Viking, passed into legend.

DavidW: Yeah Mike doesn't get angry, he gets even.
I wasted time: and time wasted me.


Quote from: Lethe Dmitriyevich Shostakovich on May 28, 2011, 03:16:47 AM
Man, this forum is way more tame than many of the other classical boards.

Yes, and rather relatively low on crazies and pseuds — and they tend to out themselves fairly quickly. :)

Mn Dave