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Started by mn dave, June 17, 2008, 11:28:17 AM

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Quote from: Greg on June 22, 2011, 07:47:27 PM
I took the test in DavidW's signature:

My results-
Mega-Dorky Non-Nerd

Not sure I agree with that last one being that high... and apparently, not programming in extinct programming languages and not taking apart a VCR player and reassembling it lowers my "Computers/technology" score.  ::)

Now I feel like an old fart! :D  Those were the languages taught when I was in school.  Taking apart a vcr player probably goes under science, you don't need any help there though... probably sleep with a periodic table, you nerd you! :D :D ;D  Yeah it is weird that you scored highly in every area but the one you uber like.  Well and also you're not a dork.  I am! <puts on pocket protector> ;D


Wow Leon you're so non-nerdy most of the questions you must have thought "huh?" :D

Soapy is nerdy like me, but not dorky.  I stand alone on the dorkiness! :D


Quote from: DavidW on June 23, 2011, 05:57:26 AM
Now I feel like an old fart! :D  Those were the languages taught when I was in school.
Well, I guess some languages come and go, with the exception of C++/Java/BASIC, or HTML/CSS... Ada and COBOL? lol if I saw a job posting that required any of those languages I'd die laughing.  :D I've read that even Perl is dying out, being replaced by PHP for internet (understandably...), and being replaced by Lua for video games.

Gurn Blanston

<a href=""> says I'm an Uber Cool High Nerd.  Click here to take the Nerd Test, get geeky images and jokes, and talk to others on the nerd forum!

Don't know if this is a good thing or not ???

Visit my Haydn blog: HaydnSeek

Haydn: that genius of vulgar music who induces an inordinate thirst for beer - Mily Balakirev (1860)



Quote from: Greg on June 23, 2011, 06:46:39 AM
Well, I guess some languages come and go, with the exception of C++/Java/BASIC, or HTML/CSS... Ada and COBOL? lol if I saw a job posting that required any of those languages I'd die laughing.  :D I've read that even Perl is dying out, being replaced by PHP for internet (understandably...), and being replaced by Lua for video games.

Well you might be surprised... alot of businesses have legacy code and it's much easier and cheaper to keep modifying that instead of replacing it wholesale with the current languages.  Even fortran is still used extensively today since so much engineering projects were done using it back in the day. :)


It looks like Gurn would give a history prof a run for his money! :D :D



Soapy, I cannot believe that anyone got a lower Sci-Fi Comic score than I did.

I suppose part of it is just that I happened to know when Superman opened, and twigged the TOS/TNG question . . . .


Quote from: Gurnatron5500 on June 23, 2011, 06:47:55 AM
Don't know if this is a good thing or not ???

Nice History/Lit score! Hat's off to you!

(Mine should be better, but I suppose some of those questions were on the nerdy side, too . . . .)


Quote from: Soapy Molloy on June 23, 2011, 07:15:19 AM
I have literally no idea what that means.  Please don't tell me.

Don't read this:

The Original Series (i.e. of Star Trek)
The Next Generation


Quote from: k a rl h e nn i ng on June 23, 2011, 07:16:20 AM
Don't read this:

The Original Series (i.e. of Star Trek)
The Next Generation

Nerd alert! ;D 


The rating is a little odd given the median... says I'm a Nerd God.  Click here to take the Nerd Test, get nerdy images and jokes, and talk to others on the nerd forum!
Peanut butter, flour and sugar do not make cookies. They make FIRE.


All hail the nerd god!  We are not worthy!!


Sergeant Rock

My score...nothing surprsing here  8)

the phone rings and somebody says,
"hey, they made a movie about
Mahler, you ought to go see it.
he was as f*cked-up as you are."
                               --Charles Bukowski, "Mahler"


Votive candles burning to Sara!


Quote from: DavidW on June 23, 2011, 07:18:43 AM
Nerd alert! ;D 

I probably wouldn't know that, except my roommate in Buffalo was a serious Next Generation addict.

(He was also a great fan of The Wonder Years and Quantum Leap, FWIW. Oh, and Alien Nation.)


Quote from: k a rl h e nn i ng on June 23, 2011, 07:26:59 AM
I probably wouldn't know that, except my roommate in Buffalo was a serious Next Generation addict.

(He was also a great fan of The Wonder Years and Quantum Leap, FWIW. Oh, and Alien Nation.)

When the show premiered I taped every first air episode for the whole 7 season run.  I watched each one 5-10 times. :D  Of course I was a kid then, kids get obsessive. ;D

Père Malfait

No surprises here, except the Science/Math score seems a bit high (since I have always been clueless about the latter and indifferent about the former). OTOH, there weren't really any *actual* science or math questions on the quiz, imo.

So, fwiw, here's mine: says I'm an Uber Cool Nerd King.  Click here to take the Nerd Test, get nerdy images and jokes, and talk to others on the nerd forum!
Lee T. Nunley, MA, PMP, CSM
Organist, Harpsichordist, Musicologist, Project Manager
