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Quote from: Philoctetes on September 25, 2011, 07:32:08 PM
Indeed that would be closer, but I like using fuck in a very specific way.

So like that is the fucking dumbest thing I've ever seen
God, that person is so fucking retarded
so forth.
How about:

This post is fucking shit.



Quote from: Philoctetes on September 25, 2011, 07:34:32 PM
I don't think I'd use dat, but I do try to keep my mind open to new linguistic morphology.

I notice you occasionally enjoy employing a mild gangsterism, so thought it was appropriate. But correction is appreciated ;)


Cracked's guide to Prog Rock, enjoy. ;D

There are a few prog rock bands I really like, but I was still really amused by this.

The Six

The three statements made to me in my life that have made me the happiest:

1. I now pronounce you man and wife.

2. Congratulations, it's a boy.

3. We, the people find the defendant, Orenthal James Simpson, not guilty.


Oof, what a rough morning.


the new copy of The Passenger came, and it works!  :D


Quote from: paulrbass on September 29, 2011, 10:57:57 AM
the new copy of The Passenger came, and it works!  :D

Awesome!  Must have just been a defective disc then. :)


Man, what a week this has been.


Peanut butter, flour and sugar do not make cookies. They make FIRE.


Cold and raining every day, stressful week at work, completely blew an important quiz because I was simply not prepared, completely broke, etc.

I just need to remind myself that I'll inevitably have weeks like these and that it's worth it to work through them. And there's always music.

The Six

Why would anyone eat regular Oreos when you have Double Stuf?


Working on a Java program... I call it "Query Sender." Multiple user can connect to a database and send query results back and forth to each other.

But more interesting is the idea I have for my next program... it would be a program where you can generate various modern classical music formulas- right now, I'm considering the tone row and the infinity series. You can do either manual or random and hear playback as well. For the infinity series, I'd probably limit the amount of playback notes to 100 or so. For the tone rows, I'd do all of the transformations, including possibly IR. Maybe I'll even do Xenakis pitch sieves...


Quote from: The Six on September 30, 2011, 10:49:19 AM
Why would anyone eat regular Oreos when you have Double Stuf?

Because the creme is the worst part of an Oreo?

Sergeant Rock

Quote from: Coco on September 30, 2011, 11:23:40 AM
Because the creme is the worst part of an Oreo?

Exactly. I'd prefer an Oreo variation that came without any filling  8)

the phone rings and somebody says,
"hey, they made a movie about
Mahler, you ought to go see it.
he was as f*cked-up as you are."
                               --Charles Bukowski, "Mahler"


I can't believe how easy it is to imitate Prokofiev dead-on... I may have to write a "Prokofiev piece" one day.  8)


Theodore Ziras, the greatest guitarist in Greece, commented on my video of me playing a cover of one of his songs- said it was great.  8)



(Now if only I knew who that fellow was. ;D)


Quote from: Greg on October 01, 2011, 06:32:06 PM
I can't believe how easy it is to imitate Prokofiev dead-on... I may have to write a "Prokofiev piece" one day.  8)

You should hold a 'Compose Like Prokofiev' Day.


Quote from: Renfield on October 01, 2011, 08:05:03 PM

(Now if only I knew who that fellow was. ;D)
lol well, greatest in Greece who does the neoclassical/shred/post-Yngwie/whatever style of playing. I definitely got my sweeping and tapping arpeggios that I play a lot from him.

Quote from: Opus106 on October 01, 2011, 09:46:02 PM
You should hold a 'Compose Like Prokofiev' Day.
That would be cool. Not sure how many people I could get to do that... what would be cool would be to write a piano sonata in the style of Prokofiev- have 4 movements, with each movement being written by someone different. 


Irony for the day: "[T]he decision to award the Nobel Prize to Ralph Steinman was made in good faith, based on the assumption that the Nobel Laureate was alive," the foundation said.

[Emphasis mine]