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Started by mn dave, June 17, 2008, 11:28:17 AM

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To say that Ezra Pound was crazy is needlessly kind and also untrue - he was essentially an idiot.


Quote from: eyeresist on September 10, 2012, 09:01:58 PM

To say that Ezra Pound was crazy is needlessly kind and also untrue - he was essentially an idiot.
Not in every respect. But he wasn't bright enough to see that capitalism, despite its faults, is still overwhelmingly superior to fascism, communism, socialism, and every other authoritarian economic system known to man--at least if one values human rights, liberty, opportunity, autonomy, and a rising standard of living for entire nations over trains that always run on time. ;)
"Maybe the problem most of you have ... is that you're not listening to Barbirolli." ~Sarge

"The problem with socialism is that sooner or later you run out of other people's money." ~Margaret Thatcher


Thriving capitalism is not necessarily synonymous with democracy, viz. Singapore, China, Taiwan.


For your amusement (slightly adapted from the version of Brainerd Currie):

I am the very model of a modern intellectual;
I know the ruddy answers though I'm rather ineffectual.
I'm more sophisticated, son, than people clad in denim are:
When I have nothing much to say, I say it in a seminar!
I have a little paper on some matters psychological;
The highest courts know less than I of subjects pedagogical;
I know which books are best to read, which symphonies are better.
Ah! I'm very well informed upon aesthetics and et cetera.
I know a thing or two about the sciences behavioral -
Exactly why, to spite his dad, Freud sacrificed and gave his all.
I've read about relations, both platonical and sexual -
In short, I am the model of a modern intellectual.

I'll tackle any snafu with a model mathematical;
Tough legal problems vanish when I use my method graphical;
My judgment is impeccable on matters architectural;
I'm very adamant about most things that are conjectural;
At regulating conflicts I am pretty near infallible;
On values my opinions are reportedly invaluable;
Quite modestly, I see myself an elegantly mentored man -
The jealous critics call me a complacently self-centered man.

I ken the social sciences and eke the poor humanities;
My imprimatur sanctifies the veriest inanities;
I understand philosophy, pragmatic and conceptual -
You see, I am the model of a modern intellectual.

I flatter me that I know freedom from responsibility;
My fellowship maintains me in respectable gentility;
My coffee-steeped opinions have remarkable felicity;
My knowledge is distinguished for its very catholicity.
I'm right on top of inside dope on Little Rock and satellites,
On horseshoe pitching, Dead Sea scrolls, and even western cattlerights,
On how to tune a motor and on how to make a Chevvy sing -
I think I ought to organize a Seminar on EVERYTHING!
My friends are probabilities, my methods are statistical;
My just reflections on myself are somewhat narcissistical;
And though my lucubrations may be mostly ineffectual,
I am the very model of a modern intellectual!


In the "At least he had a sense of humour" category: Charles de Gaulle.

QuoteAs de Gaulle told the novelist André Malraux, who served as his minister of cultural affairs, "In the end, you know, my only international rival is Tintin!... No one has ever noticed that, because of my size."

This article makes de Gaulle's memoirs sound quite an enticing read.


Being lock in isolation in a dark room, listening to evil black metal is so much more fun and satisfying than leaving the house and being out among the world and forced to interact with people...

'scuse me while get mah bucket o' fried bat heads  8)


Quote from: Greg on September 23, 2012, 06:21:25 PM
Being lock in isolation in a dark room, listening to evil black metal is so much more fun and satisfying than leaving the house and being out among the world and forced to interact with people...

'scuse me while get mah bucket o' fried bat heads  8)

Use in moderation. ;)


Quote from: Greg on September 23, 2012, 06:21:25 PM
Being lock in isolation in a dark room, listening to evil black metal is so much more fun and satisfying than leaving the house and being out among the world and forced to interact with people...

'scuse me while get mah bucket o' fried bat heads  8)
There's a lot of that going around lately....
"Maybe the problem most of you have ... is that you're not listening to Barbirolli." ~Sarge

"The problem with socialism is that sooner or later you run out of other people's money." ~Margaret Thatcher


Quote from: MN Dave on September 24, 2012, 04:29:08 AM
Use in moderation. ;)
Would be nice to be only have to deal with people in moderation... (friends/family is/are fine and another story)


"Maybe the problem most of you have ... is that you're not listening to Barbirolli." ~Sarge

"The problem with socialism is that sooner or later you run out of other people's money." ~Margaret Thatcher



Quote from: DavidRoss on September 24, 2012, 12:29:47 PM
That quiz isn't very good or accurate.
I already know I'm schizoid-type. I'm a low-energy Renaissance-man type personality, not a high-energy people-person personality. Talking is very tiring, especially if it's about stupid, menial things. There's no cure but hope to not have too many energy breakdowns and to just wait for a couple of years, when I get my bachelor's. Complete opposite of my dad.

My daily relaxation now is studying math while listening to extreme metal. Just realizing that's kinda weird...

anyone else who's favorite season is fall because of the smell of the air?

The smell of that air + thinking of an imaginary anime world = super inspiring


Quote from: Greg on September 24, 2012, 06:59:12 PM
My daily relaxation now is studying math while listening to extreme metal. Just realizing that's kinda weird...

I don't think so! I like to listen to noisy drone music when I study.

Quote from: Greg on September 24, 2012, 06:59:12 PM
anyone else who's favorite season is fall because of the smell of the air?

The smell of that air + thinking of an imaginary anime world = super inspiring

That burning leaves smell? Love it.


Quote from: CriticalI on September 24, 2012, 05:53:20 PM
Heh - I already know my answer for this. It's the one that's going to be removed from DSM V!
Ha! That's because it's so epidemic these days that it's not logically correct to label it a disorder!

Quote from: Greg on September 24, 2012, 06:59:12 PM
That quiz isn't very good or accurate.
It's tongue-in-cheek, though less over-the-top than I'd have preferred.

anyone else who's favorite season is fall because of the smell of the air?
My favorite season is fall because of the bracing crispness of the air on early morning walks.

My other favorite seasons are winter, spring, and summer. ;) 8)
"Maybe the problem most of you have ... is that you're not listening to Barbirolli." ~Sarge

"The problem with socialism is that sooner or later you run out of other people's money." ~Margaret Thatcher


Quote from: Corey on September 25, 2012, 04:28:13 AM
I don't think so! I like to listen to noisy drone music when I study.
Sunn 0))) the scholars!

Quote from: Corey on September 25, 2012, 04:28:13 AM
That burning leaves smell? Love it.
Ah, so that's what it is!

Quote from: DavidRoss on September 25, 2012, 07:11:22 AM
My other favorite seasons are winter, spring, and summer. ;) 8)
Hmmm... speaking of seasons, the season in Florida might be somewhat like this:

January-February: Winter-ish
March: Spring
April-September: Summer
October-December: Random season, depending on the day (fall starting around late Sep-early Oct)

North Star

Quote from: Greg on September 25, 2012, 08:01:25 AM
Sunn 0))) the scholars!

Ah, so that's what it is!

Hmmm... speaking of seasons, the season in Florida might be somewhat like this:

January-February: Winter-ish
March: Spring
April-September: Summer
October-December: Random season, depending on the day (fall starting around late Sep-early Oct)
Winter-ish my foot. Winter: average temperature below -10 °C (14 °F) In here we get plenty of -30 °C (-22 °F)
The seasons are very nice here - all four are very distinct and not too extreme, with temperatures ranging from -35 °C (-31 °F) to 32°C (90 °F) The Great Lakes region is probably closest to the Fennoscandic weather type.
"Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it." - Confucius

My photographs on Flickr



Quote from: Corey on September 25, 2012, 11:07:10 AM

They're good. I also like this a lot:

Best played LOUD ;D

Quite good indeed, but then Mille Plateaux and other labels like it are treasure troves for this kind of experimentation.
The music collection.
The hi-fi system: Esoteric X-03SE -> Pathos Logos -> Analysis Audio Amphitryon.
A view of the whole


Quote from: North Star on September 25, 2012, 08:19:36 AM
Winter-ish my foot.
That's why I put "ish". Cold for us, and quite different from summer. Or at least anyone who lives here for a little while (the girl from Poland who I work with has only been here 6 or 7 years and gets cold now when the weather gets to around 40°F or so).

Quote from: Corey on September 25, 2012, 11:07:10 AM

They're good. I also like this a lot:
Gas? Hmmm...
Listened to the beginning of it (reminds me of the music in David Lynch's Rabbits), but I'll have to listen to it later, since right now my laptop isn't playing youtube videos in a smooth enough manner to enjoyably listen to anything.


Quote from: petrarch on September 25, 2012, 01:12:29 PM
Quite good indeed, but then Mille Plateaux and other labels like it are treasure troves for this kind of experimentation.

Going into the third disc of Pan Sonic's massive Kesto as I type this. Not on Mille Plateaux, but definitely the sort of thing they'd release. Highly recommend if you haven't heard it.

Quote from: Greg on September 25, 2012, 01:17:17 PM
Gas? Hmmm...
Listened to the beginning of it (reminds me of the music in David Lynch's Rabbits), but I'll have to listen to it later, since right now my laptop isn't playing youtube videos in a smooth enough manner to enjoyably listen to anything.

Ha, the first time I heard him I thought the same thing. All the Gas releases are consistently great. Get Nah und Fern, which is all four albums in one set.