Henning's Headquarters

Started by BachQ, April 07, 2007, 12:21:26 PM

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A couple of pics which were taken after the concert.


And . . . (blurry)


At long last, I am listening to the 'shoestring' recording I made of Lunar Glare at the 12 May performance. While I am not mistaken in my wish that I might have played it rather better, it comes off better than I remember daring to hope.


Enjoying the photos Karl. Thanks.


Thanks, Alan!

I am close to having (at last) audio ready to upload.  Or rather, I've goit it ready to upload, and now I need to create the events in Instant Encore and get uploading 'em.

Watch This Space.


Among the hours (it's fun to write that, perhaps I transferred two hours and a quarter worth of sound files from my MicroTrack II) of music I puttered with yesterday, is the recital Eric Mazonson and I played at the Newton Free Library on 16 May, the two Brahms sonatas Opus 120, and for an encore, the Tropes on Parasha's Aria from my White Nights.

Eric has yet to review the mp3s I sent him, but he cautioned me that his recollection of the day is that he "made too many mistakes" for him to feel comfortable with having the files out in cyberspace.  (I made my share of mistakes and/or "mistakes," too . . . a key went weird on me in the very first phrase of the f minor sonata . . . c'est la vie.)

Other recordings (12 May at St Paul's, 18 May at King's Chapel, 22 June at the West End Branch of the BPL) I shall upload in stages.  And of course the major Henningmusick do of 21 June, whenever Shauna has a chance to make that available to us.


Looking forward keenly! In the meantime, are there scores and things floating about that you wouldn't mind sharing that I won't have seen? It's been a while since I downloaded any new Henning PDFs.


Still watching the space. I thought I saw a flicker out of the corner of my eye just then, but I think it was a mouse, and not an audio upload.


I am touched by your swift and gracious interest, gents!  I wound up being called in to the shop for a shift this afternoon, so my upload schedule is pushed out a day.

Luke, I may indeed have a pdf or two which you haven't yet downloaded . . . .


Quote from: Luke on June 27, 2010, 08:38:05 AM. . . Except not tea, please, I don't like tea, that's where Karl and I do not see eye to eye. That could easily become a much more heated issue than anything discussed in recent days here, I imagine...  8)

Our friendship would likely stale if we agreed on everything ; )

Nor would I ever impose tea on anyone against his will!

Anyway, I am sure we will find some mutually agreeable beverage, on any occasion when we shall meet.


Quote from: k a rl h e nn i ng on May 25, 2010, 05:59:36 AM
Word is official: DMC Duo are going to take Angular Whimsies on tour.

Only, not here to Boston (Cambridge, really) . . . they were planning to, but found that they didn't have time enough to prepare it for the tour.

Still, they like the piece, and the percussionist tells me they should be bringing it to the West Coast in December.

I don't think I've posted the score here . . . I don't think this file is quite the final version, but it's close.


...but I'm sure I recall seeing that, or something like it, before. I remember the pleasant surprise of seeing those bongos appear! And the bowed section, too... it all looks ear tingling, Karl! In the most basic of ways, before I even think about the notes and just look at the gestures and try to imagine the sonorities, I love these instrumental combinations you come up with, and the inventive ways you find to explore them. Rather, the possibilities you unearth in them. Reminds me of Wuorinen, that fabulous trio for bass instruments, for instance, which gives so much more than the title promises. Would love to hear this piece....among others!


Here's an imperfect reduction for the ad hoc sextet of Scene vii of White Nights.


Some more work on the viola sonata yesterday morning, evening, and this morning.  The three movements will bear the titles:

i. Fair Warning
ii. Suspension Bridge
iii. Tango in Boston


Nice stuff, Karl - I am overwhelmed by the amount of great work being posted on GMG - this is a talented group of folks posting here!



Quote from: Luke on June 30, 2010, 12:48:04 PM
...but I'm sure I recall seeing that, or something like it, before. I remember the pleasant surprise of seeing those bongos appear! And the bowed section, too... it all looks ear tingling, Karl! In the most basic of ways, before I even think about the notes and just look at the gestures and try to imagine the sonorities, I love these instrumental combinations you come up with, and the inventive ways you find to explore them. Rather, the possibilities you unearth in them. Reminds me of Wuorinen, that fabulous trio for bass instruments, for instance, which gives so much more than the title promises. Would love to hear this piece....among others!

Fingers are tightly crossed that the Duo will take this with them to the West Coast;  they're making documents of all their performances.

And thanks for reminding me of that Wuorinen Trio, which (strange to tell) I don't think I've ever heard!  Must rectify that instanter.


Holiday weekend!  Looking forward to intensive work on the viola sonata . . . will post.


A little bit of audio vérité . . . .