A Mozart library limited to Five discs

Started by adamdavid80, October 29, 2008, 08:36:42 AM

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Sorin Eushayson

Quote from: hornteacher on October 29, 2008, 02:53:29 PM
5) Requiem - Marriner/ASMF
Great choice.  That was my favourite recording of that piece for ages.

This is a tough one.  Here I go...

-Requiem - Spering / Das Neue Orchester (I prefer Savall's for the Sussmayr completion, but this has the fragment recordings too!)
-The Three Late Masses - Neumann / Collegium Cartusianum (a two-disc set)
-Don Giovanni - Kuijken / La Petite Bande
-Disc 9 from Immerseel's set of the piano concerti, No.'s 24 &25.
-Disc 11 from Pinnock's set of the symphonies, No.'s 40 & 41.

That was hard!  I hope it never comes to that...  :'(

A note about Bohm's Mozart: I was rather surprised by Gurn's choice here, as what I heard of it thoroughly disgusted me.  Perhaps Bohm is better with the Wiener Philharmoniker...


Inspired from the Mendellsohn thread, if you were to recommend a library consisting of FIVE existing (but COULD be OOP) Mozart discs, what would they be?

- Piano Concertos K 365, 414, 449, 453, 459, 466, 595 / Serkin, Szell, Schneider,Ormandy

- Serenade K 361  / Orchestra of the 18th Century, Bruggen

- String Quintets K 515, 516  / Talich Quartet

- Clarinet Concerto / Brymer, Marriner

- Don Giovanni  / Brownlee, Baccaloni, Souez, Fritz Busch


Symphonies Nos. 40 & 41 - Szell/Cleveland (Sony)
Piano Concertos Nos. 23 & 24 - Curzon/Kertesz/LSO (Decca)
Requiem - Kempe/BPO (EMI)
Le nozze di Figaro - E. Kleiber/VPO (Decca)
Don Giovanni - Mitropoulos/VPO (Sony)





Five is far to little, but well, here's a try! :)



Quote from: Holden on October 30, 2008, 12:46:48 PM

Finally a mention of the horn concertos!  and fricsay!  whew!  i was beginning to become concerned that i was the only one who knew these existed!
Hardly any of us expects life to be completely fair; but for Eric, it's personal.

- Karl Henning

Gurn Blanston

Quote from: adamdavid80 on October 30, 2008, 02:28:23 PM
Finally a mention of the horn concertos!  and fricsay!  whew!  i was beginning to become concerned that i was the only one who knew these existed!

Nope, I have, and enjoy, 4 of 5 of Holden's choices, and would have also rec'd them if it hadn't been just 5... the Fricsay is a favorite of mine. As is the Brain. But Koster still holds top spot in the horn concerto derby for me. :D

This is why it is so hard to choose; so many worthy choices get overlooked. Perhaps after the suggestions have run their course, you will compile a master list and post it by genre so that anyone can gather a quick reference of the favorites... :)


Listening to:
Wiener Philharmoniker / Karl Böhm - Schubert Symphony #5 in Bb  D 485 2nd mvmt
Visit my Haydn blog: HaydnSeek

Haydn: that genius of vulgar music who induces an inordinate thirst for beer - Mily Balakirev (1860)



I agree, I would need that Hogwood Great Mass

Add to that:

Don Giovanni, a live Karajan on Orfeo; one that is much more lively than is later studio effort.

Clarinet and the Oboe concertos; Hogwood again.

Zauberflote: Klemperer

Piano concertos no 21 and 27.


DavidW: Yeah Mike doesn't get angry, he gets even.
I wasted time: and time wasted me.


Quote from: Gurn Blanston on October 30, 2008, 02:35:23 PM
Nope, I have, and enjoy, 4 of 5 of Holden's choices, and would have also rec'd them if it hadn't been just 5... the Fricsay is a favorite of mine. As is the Brain. But Koster still holds top spot in the horn concerto derby for me. :D

This is why it is so hard to choose; so many worthy choices get overlooked. Perhaps after the suggestions have run their course, you will compile a master list and post it by genre so that anyone can gather a quick reference of the favorites... :)


Listening to:
Wiener Philharmoniker / Karl Böhm - Schubert Symphony #5 in Bb  D 485 2nd mvmt

Great idea, will do!

(BTW, the limitation is part of the fun...what to choose, what has to get sacrificed...if to approach as a starter kit, personal faves, recommedations for the masses, the creme de la creme...in my own list I'd be tempted to leave out symphonies altogether bc there's such a wealth of other fine material..!)
Hardly any of us expects life to be completely fair; but for Eric, it's personal.

- Karl Henning


I will just have to start up my own thread; 100 vital Mozart discs. There is a lot I want to save from any fire. Five does not even scratch the surface.

DavidW: Yeah Mike doesn't get angry, he gets even.
I wasted time: and time wasted me.

Gurn Blanston

Quote from: adamdavid80 on October 30, 2008, 04:26:32 PM
Great idea, will do!

(BTW, the limitation is part of the fun...what to choose, what has to get sacrificed...if to approach as a starter kit, personal faves, recommedations for the masses, the creme de la creme...in my own list I'd be tempted to leave out symphonies altogether bc there's such a wealth of other fine material..!)

Yes, of course that's true. It was damned difficult to leave out so many favorites. And note also that that one symphony and one PC disks were my only orchestral recs at all just because of the fact that so much else gets overlooked that shouldn't be. Even at that, we have only scratched the surface. I haven't seen a rec for the String Trio K 563 yet, for example, although OTTOMH, the Grumiaux Trio and L'Archibudelli are world beaters and only 2 of a dozen or so in that class... :)  Violin sonatas are untouched as of yet too, and they include some of his finest sonatas with some great renditions out there...


Listening to:
Haydn 7 last - Vienna PO / Muti - Haydn 7 Last Words for Orchestra pt 2 Sonata I
Visit my Haydn blog: HaydnSeek

Haydn: that genius of vulgar music who induces an inordinate thirst for beer - Mily Balakirev (1860)

mn dave

Nothing here derived from a broad survey. Just a handful of personal favorites from my meager collection of Mozart.

Overtures - Marriner (EMI)
P Ctos 19 & 23 - Perahia (Sony)
Complete Quintets Vol. 1 - Various (Philips Duo)
Clarinet, Oboe, Bassoon Ctos - Bohm/VPO (DG)
Eine Kleine Nachtmusik; Posthorn Serenade - Mackerras/Prague (Telarc)

These make me happy.  :)

Gurn Blanston

Quote from: mn dave on October 30, 2008, 04:59:45 PM
Nothing here derived from a broad survey. Just a handful of personal favorites from my meager collection of Mozart.

Overtures - Marriner (EMI)
P Ctos 19 & 23 - Perahia (Sony)
Complete Quintets Vol. 1 - Various (Philips Duo)
Clarinet, Oboe, Bassoon Ctos - Bohm/VPO (DG)
Eine Kleine Nachtmusik; Posthorn Serenade - Mackerras/Prague (Telarc)

These make me happy.  :)

As they should! Other than the Böhm concertos disk, which I could never take a liking to for (mainly) tempo reasons, the others are all quite satisfactory. Particularly the Mackerras. :)


Listening to: Haydn 7 last Words - Vienna PO / Muti - Haydn 7 Last Words for Orchestra pt 5 Sonata IV
Visit my Haydn blog: HaydnSeek

Haydn: that genius of vulgar music who induces an inordinate thirst for beer - Mily Balakirev (1860)

mn dave

Quote from: Gurn Blanston on October 30, 2008, 05:06:20 PM
As they should! Other than the Böhm concertos disk, which I could never take a liking to for (mainly) tempo reasons, the others are all quite satisfactory. Particularly the Mackerras. :)

Thanks for checking my list out, Gurn.


Quote from: adamdavid80 on October 30, 2008, 02:28:23 PM
Finally a mention of the horn concertos!

As someone who performed all of them in my university days, they are some of my favorite works, but alas, I was limited to five CDs in this thread.


Quote from: mn dave on October 30, 2008, 04:59:45 PM
Nothing here derived from a broad survey. Just a handful of personal favorites from my meager collection of Mozart.

Overtures - Marriner (EMI)
P Ctos 19 & 23 - Perahia (Sony)
Complete Quintets Vol. 1 - Various (Philips Duo)
Clarinet, Oboe, Bassoon Ctos - Bohm/VPO (DG)
Eine Kleine Nachtmusik; Posthorn Serenade - Mackerras/Prague (Telarc)

These make me happy.  :)

The Mackerras Serenades recording is excellent and very underrated in my opinion.  The Bohm CD isn't my favorite.  For me the tempos are too slow and I much prefer the clarinet concerto played on a basset rather than the modern clarinet.  BUT, I must admit the quality of the recording is good.


Quote from: adamdavid80 on October 30, 2008, 02:28:23 PM
Finally a mention of the horn concertos!  and fricsay!  whew!  i was beginning to become concerned that i was the only one who knew these existed!

I would have mentioned them if you had allowed ten! :)

And a recording of Don Giovanni, piano concertos by Casadesus, Staier or Immerseel, Brautigam's solo piano music, Breitman & Rivest's violin sonatas, the set of masses by Neumann, etc. etc.  8)  ;D


mn dave

Quote from: hornteacher on October 30, 2008, 06:26:19 PM
The Bohm CD isn't my favorite.  For me the tempos are too slow and I much prefer the clarinet concerto played on a basset rather than the modern clarinet.  BUT, I must admit the quality of the recording is good.

Well, dear me. I guess I need to supplement the Bohm with something a bit snappier.


Quote from: Gurn Blanston on October 30, 2008, 04:45:15 PMViolin sonatas are untouched as of yet too...

Not on my list (cf., Haskil & Grumiaux).

That said, I too have followed the responses and they only serve to reinforce the statement I made in my post: nope. Sorry. Can't be done. Not in five discs, anyway.

BTW, a reconsideration of one of my choices--the EKN--is prompting me to start a separate thread. Posters here, please check it out.
