GMG Classical Music Forum

Announcements => GMG News => Topic started by: Dungeon Master on November 24, 2022, 09:05:42 PM

Title: How you can support GMG
Post by: Dungeon Master on November 24, 2022, 09:05:42 PM
The GMG website costs over $1000 per year to run. There are server hosting fees, domain registration fees, hardware and software costs to pay for. It also takes up large chunks of my time to keep it online and running smoothly. The forum is a labour of love for me. It will always be free to access, and never become a pay site. However, there are ways members can help offset some of the costs of the forum.

There is a ribbon at the base of every page, with options for supporting the running fo GMG.

You can donate a one-off or recurring amount using Paypal or any credit card. All funds go into a dedicated account that is used to pay for running costs.

Become a Subscriber
GMG subscribers can choose 3 tiers of subscription, and either monthly or annual payments. For you contribution, you get a much larger messages inbox, a nifty Subscriber badge under your username, an ad-free browsing experience, and the warm glow of knowing that you are directly supporting GMG. Subscriptions are handled via Paypal and can be cancelled at any time.

Amazon US and UK
I would ask that if you already buy your music, or any other items, from Amazon, please access Amazon by using these links. Amazon tracks the referring website (in this case GMG) and credits the site with a small commission on all items sold (currently about 5%). It costs you no more to buy from Amazon using this link, but that commission helps defray some of the costs of the forum.

I have taken advertising off the forum. I found it intrusive, messes with the look of the site and it brought in minimal revenue. I may restore it in the future if I find a stream that doesn't detract from the site.

Of course, I understand that not everyone can afford to subscribe or even have the inclination to do so. And that's fine too.

Rob Lang
GMG admin
Title: Re: How you can support GMG
Post by: vandermolen on November 24, 2022, 10:01:00 PM
Where are the Amazon links please?
Title: Re: How you can support GMG
Post by: Dungeon Master on November 24, 2022, 10:49:13 PM
There is a stripe of links in the blue bar at the bottom of the page. If anyone would like or, please let me know.