~ Baroque Opera ~

Started by Harry, June 23, 2007, 08:46:08 AM

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I guess "A Lully opera each day, keeps the doctor away"....  :D


Another very successful recording with a good cast, even though Herreweghe's energy level is rather moderate.
I haven't heard Rousset's recent recording... yet.



I'll be trying to ressurect this thread dedicated to Baroque opera, and intend to post regularly in the coming times. My project is listening to more opera, and Baroque opera will definitely be an important part of the menu!

I spent a good bit of time yesterday and today going through this thread, reading up on old posts and fixing broken links (one of the perks of still having my former moderator authorisations).

I hope this deserving topic will pick up some attention, even though some of the former regulars of this thread are now absent. Like Drasko, who passed away and is dearly missed. His posts were very knowledgeable and informative, a testimony to his great passion for French Baroque music and opera. And new erato, who is dedicating  more time on things outside of this forum now he is retired. Hopefully he will drop by once in a while... :)


Kicking off with Roland (Orlando), one of Lully's later operas:


A beautiful masterpiece, but an acquired taste: you'd have to enjoy the many vocal and orchestral distractions as much as the limited action in this opera. Because up to act IV this is basicly an allegory on the power and the trials and tribulations of Love. The action only really kicks in when the hero of the opera properly takes centerstage. Singing is excellent with singers like Anna-Maria Panzerella (Angélique), Monique Zanetti (Témire) and Nicolas Testé (Roland). Accompaniment under the baton of Christophe Rousset is a marvel of balance and crisp transparancy.





Rousset is really the best Lully conductor I know. Nothing can compare to his orchestral sound in this music.
You really feel like you're in the court of Louis XIV. Moreover the cast is an overall great one, with Karine Deshayes' Médée as the standout.
The first half of life is spent in longing for the second, the second half in regretting the first.


One of the first Lully operas, Rousset makes it superb.
The first half of life is spent in longing for the second, the second half in regretting the first.


Zoroastre seldom gets mentioned as a top Rameau opera. The Christie recording does it full justice, the cast is impeccable and I always love the orchestral sound of Les Arts Florissants. It joins Platée, Dardanus and Hippolyte as one of my favorite Rameaus.

The first half of life is spent in longing for the second, the second half in regretting the first.


Now the original version, in a version that is as addictive as Christie's. It is a great time for baroque opera recordings  ;D
The first half of life is spent in longing for the second, the second half in regretting the first.


Quote from: nico1616 on June 10, 2024, 09:03:05 AMNow the original version, in a version that is as addictive as Christie's. It is a great time for baroque opera recordings  ;D

It is! Such a wealth of recordings available.  :D

I have the Christie recording of Zoroastre, but have to investigate Kossenko. In general, because I noticed more interesting  recordings by him.

The new erato

A great recording of a very accessible Handel work: