How do you listen to classical music?

Started by Kullervo, May 26, 2007, 03:16:06 PM

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I'm not sure if this topic has been covered here before, but I thought it was a good question since classical music is so often very personal for me.

I like to listen to music in relative silence, on headphones, by a window. I usually sway/move my legs/arms in time with the music, depending on what it is. Listening for me is a mixture of expectation and memory. I try to guess what is going to happen next, and compare it with what has already happened. Often I have a mental image of what is "going on" in a certain piece, but not always.

Anyone else?


I listen whenever and wherever I can. I get a lot of listening in while commuting to and from London ... so I try to keep my 'air conducting' to a minimum on the train. ;D

Headphones have long been my main way to listen to all kinds of music, classical included. Indeed, 95% or more of my listening is done in this way; sometimes at inadvisable volume, hence the mild tinnitus in my right ear. But I always say that I can't fully appraise a work until I hear it intimately through headphones - and on many occasions, works I didn't care for through speakers have come alive through cans.


I listen through HP when away from home, when home I prefer speakers. If my girlfriend is home and I want it loud (or not Mozart/Chopin or Bach) I listen on my HD 580's.


Quote from: George on May 26, 2007, 04:30:36 PM
I listen through HP when away from home, when home I prefer speakers. If my girlfriend is home and I want it loud (or not Mozart/Chopin or Bach) I listen on my HD 480's.

Just make sure once in awhile to say "yeah baby".  :)

XB-70 Valkyrie

I drive a customized 1969 Chevy El Camino with tinted windows, hydraulics, 1000W amplifiers and 25" subwoofer. I like to cruise through the neighborhood listening to my new CDs at full volume. I find I enjoy listening most between midnight and 4 am. Last night I was comparing different versions of Bartok's Concerto for Orchestra ! While we were listening, my homeys and I cruised for some tacos and cervesas down around Whittier and Atlantic; it was cool!

I have a license plate frame that says: My other car is also an El Camino!
If you really dislike Bach you keep quiet about it! - Andras Schiff

The Mad Hatter

If it's dedicated listening time, it's usually by my computer or on my bed (don't have much by way of personal space), or on the train, and always with a score if I can get one.



1) in the car going to/from work
2) on my iPod while doing pretty much anything
3) over my sound system with a full score and a pencil to mark things of interest


Quote from: hornteacher on May 27, 2007, 05:50:56 AM

1) in the car going to/from work
2) on my iPod while doing pretty much anything
3) over my sound system with a full score and a pencil to mark things of interest

You forgot (4) with Hilary Hahn in your lap. ;D




Most of my listening is late at night, headphones on.
There is no theory. You have only to listen. Pleasure is the law. — Claude Debussy


I listen very carefully with my full attention except for music that can't stand up to total attention.


On my commute to work mornings and evenings, as background sound at my cube at work and with headphones on (so as not to disturb the wife) in quiet meditation at home.
"A guilty conscience needs to confess. A work of art is a confession." -- Albert Camus


More and more I find myself listening to what I myself play, or "hearing in silence" as I study a score, or merely hearing in my mind.  But every once in a while I'll put a CD on my computer with its Cambridge SoundWorks speakers (compact and inexpensive, but they still sound impressive).
Imagination + discipline = creativity



Quote from: Don on May 27, 2007, 09:49:48 AM
I listen very carefully with my full attention except for music that can't stand up to total attention.

That's what I do now, and simply don't bother with music that doesn't require my full attention! :D


Quote from: Ubloobideega on May 27, 2007, 11:49:07 AM
sometimes i listen while eating dead bodies

I think you need sexual release, you're getting all filled up with silliness and hysteria.


Quote from: Ubloobideega on May 27, 2007, 11:49:07 AM
sometimes i listen while eating dead bodies

Do you prefer rat as the main course or appetizer?


I'm bumping this thread -- I think it's a genuinely good question, and I'd like to see more answers.


Quote from: Kullervo on June 16, 2007, 10:13:13 AM
I'm bumping this thread -- I think it's a genuinely good question, and I'd like to see more answers.

  How do I listen to music?  Usually on cd player with speakers (never on headphones-I need to protect my eardrums $:)
  It is very  important for me to "feel" the music-thats the first indicator that I am starting to connect to it and understand it.  Repeated listening is CRUCIAL.  I need to hear a new piece of music many times before I can pass my own judgment on it. Sometimes it helps to listen in the dark....shut down all senses except sound. 

Finally there is this X factor (partly linked to my tastes and preferences) that I can not define that makes me prefer Mozart over Haydn and Wagner over Mahler and of course J.S. Bach over Handel
