The Chat Thread

Started by mn dave, June 17, 2008, 11:28:17 AM

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I'm trying to figure out why I had a nosebleed all of a sudden (never had one before)...

I don't do drugs- just a little bit of Vitamin B6, but not at overdose levels. Most likely it's the sudden cold weather and dry air- the day after Christmas, I was outside, sweating, playing basketball. Last night and tonight, it's somewhat cold even with a jacket on. During the winter, every morning after I wake up I blow my nose and see loooots of red.

I was at work, stuck on a register (lucky no customers around) when I bend down to look at my programming code snippet notes, and blood just starts gushing out. Then, a minute later, I start feeling dizzy and nearly faint.

This dry air is not so good- feels like a knife stabbing the inside of my nose. I'm used to a jungle climate.  :P


Try saying this site's name out loud five times in quick succession.
Peanut butter, flour and sugar do not make cookies. They make FIRE.


Quote from: Greg on December 29, 2011, 03:47:02 PM
I'm trying to figure out why I had a nosebleed all of a sudden (never had one before)...

I don't do drugs- just a little bit of Vitamin B6, but not at overdose levels. Most likely it's the sudden cold weather and dry air- the day after Christmas, I was outside, sweating, playing basketball. Last night and tonight, it's somewhat cold even with a jacket on. During the winter, every morning after I wake up I blow my nose and see loooots of red.

I was at work, stuck on a register (lucky no customers around) when I bend down to look at my programming code snippet notes, and blood just starts gushing out. Then, a minute later, I start feeling dizzy and nearly faint.

This dry air is not so good- feels like a knife stabbing the inside of my nose. I'm used to a jungle climate.  :P

The art of being ill. Well understood, Greg, do you have some good examples in your family?

I also discovered it. Was ill, since yesterday night. Was analyzing at the same time, with the risk of losing control. A visit to the supermarket, the signs you get from people, make me feel less concerned about it.

It will be part of a supplement for a book I'm writing (about the work of Arnold Cornelis). The other part will be about cancer.

Greg, those vitamine B6, is that a sort of confession? ;) Why do you take it?



Quote from: Lethevich Dmitriyevna Pettersonova on December 29, 2011, 07:23:33 PM

Try saying this site's name out loud five times in quick succession.


5! :)


Quote from: Henk on December 30, 2011, 08:44:48 AM
The art of being ill. Well understood, Greg, do you have some good examples in your family?

I also discovered it. Was ill, since yesterday night. Was analyzing at the same time, with the risk of losing control. A visit to the supermarket, the signs you get from people, make me feel less concerned about it.

It will be part of a supplement for a book I'm writing (about the work of Arnold Cornelis). The other part will be about cancer.

Greg, those vitamine B6, is that a sort of confession? ;) Why do you take it?

I take Vitamin B6 at night because when you do, you get more vivid dreams- when you have lucid dreams, this is very important, because every now and then your lucid dreams can be fuzzy instead of the (more often) hyperrealistic-type. When I'm flying across giant forests, I prefer it feel 100% real!  :P

Examples in my family? Not really, though I think my (step)dad had one before. My research leads me to believe it's not the B6 though, and it's the sudden dry, cold weather.

What happened with you last night? You okay?


Quote from: Greg on December 30, 2011, 09:26:56 AM
I take Vitamin B6 at night because when you do, you get more vivid dreams- when you have lucid dreams, this is very important, because every now and then your lucid dreams can be fuzzy instead of the (more often) hyperrealistic-type. When I'm flying across giant forests, I prefer it feel 100% real!  :P

Examples in my family? Not really, though I think my (step)dad had one before. My research leads me to believe it's not the B6 though, and it's the sudden dry, cold weather.

What happened with you last night? You okay?

You didn't understand my post, I think.

I'm okay.

I am on Twitter now. Nice to follow those famous, good looking girls. I tweeted Bar Refaeli and BarRefaelifans, because she's my favourite among them. I don't know if she read it, she didn't react, my tweet wasn't that good, the tweet to BarRefaelifans was, they reacted and that was slightly productive (Bar reads those tweets also), but it was better when they would have retweeted my tweets.

But Bar tweeted "I miss my guitar hero". I like those remarks.

I got ill, somehow. I was in the proces of analyzing and I needed to get ill probably, to get to a better understanding and new knowledge.


Okay, I see...

(I think)


Quote from: Greg on December 07, 2011, 03:11:13 PM
The #1 entry, Punta Gorda, Fl., has a percentage of 30.5% for senior citizens. I see hundreds of people a day, and would have to say that the city where I live easily has just as high of a percentage.
Well, according to the Orlando Sentinel, Lake County has 31.8% age 65 or over, so I was right. It would be pretty safe to assume that the county I live in is more densely populated with old people than any other county in the country.
I really love how my parents decided to move here right after I graduated high school and was in the process of working to buy a car so I could drive to college...

North Star

Quote from: karlhenning on December 21, 2011, 02:28:24 AM
Good to see that the Britons have picked up a pointer or two from the Finns* ; )

* (When on holiday in Tallinn. Haven't observed if they do that at home.)

Actually, in Tallinn, the tourists that are most drunk, are Brits! Tallinn has only quite recently started to attract tourists from the Isles, and according to local people, and my own experience (almost every summer a visit in the good ol' town) - the Brits there are numerous, loud, and drunk. Naturally, the Finns that are most drunk, don't leave their ships, with tax free shops and bars, at all. Senior people drunk in a bar at 9 o'clock in the morning is quite a sight.
"Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it." - Confucius

My photographs on Flickr

Karl Henning

Quote from: North Star on December 31, 2011, 05:14:38 PM
Actually, in Tallinn, the tourists that are most drunk, are Brits!

Hmm, that's a change! : )

Separately . . . a bit trippy to see "Mel" from The Dick Van Dyke Show in an elevator in The Birds. And with a mustache, to boot. (And Morey Amsterdam would have booted that mustache, you may be sure.)
Karl Henning, Ph.D.
Composer & Clarinetist
Boston MA
[Matisse] was interested neither in fending off opposition,
nor in competing for the favor of wayward friends.
His only competition was with himself. — Françoise Gilot

Karl Henning

interesting bit of information on the part of the forum software : )

QuoteViewing the topic Why do people hate classical these days? (Started by a guest).
Karl Henning, Ph.D.
Composer & Clarinetist
Boston MA
[Matisse] was interested neither in fending off opposition,
nor in competing for the favor of wayward friends.
His only competition was with himself. — Françoise Gilot


Going to sleep. See you guys tomorrow! :)


The Six

Aside from actual pain, starting to sneeze and losing it is probably the worst feeling.


:) I know that feeling. Did it just again, have you thought of sneezing inwards?



The spring semester starts tomorrow (even though the majority of the semester happens during the winter)....and I will:

  • Be on top of things, not wait until the last minute to do assignments or papers.
  • Be patient to avoid being frustrated with everything
  • Not yell at other cars while driving, needless anger there.
  • Practice more, even if I find the music I am playing "easy".
  • Be more sociable.
  • Work hard, but have fun at the same time.
and lastly, and most importantly,

  • Be happy, no more of being down on myself, or unnecessarily depressed.  Life is good :)
Hopefully, I will follow these goals :)

Karl Henning

MBTA fares could rise as much as 43 percent

Not at all pleased with this. Service ain't hot, as it is;  and they're going to cut back service? And yet, charge us 43% more for the reduced service?
Karl Henning, Ph.D.
Composer & Clarinetist
Boston MA
[Matisse] was interested neither in fending off opposition,
nor in competing for the favor of wayward friends.
His only competition was with himself. — Françoise Gilot


Today at work I called a James Stockhausen. Coincidence?


I still haven't gotten a chance to talk to an academic adviser, but I should be able to soon.

College Composition and Psychology will be healthy challenges, but Web Authoring and Java are going to be mind-numbingly easy. Tonight, I did my homework which is due in 2 weeks in 3 minutes. I finished my classwork and sat there for 20 minutes, waiting for the rest of the class to catch up (and I used objects in my code).

I got to talk to my instructor (who seems like a really cool guy), and I can't remember if he said I could test out of Java or not, but he said I could test out of some of the other beginning programming courses. That's good, because this stuff is a colossal waste of time.


Hey, if anyone is actually interested in joining a real classical chatroom, I'm an operator at an IRC channel that is originally affiliated with another music forum, but we just invite everyone now from anywhere (since its now kinda dead). If anyone knows how to use IRC and is interested, we are on the PSIGenix network ( at the #concerthall channel. Stop by if you want! I'm trying to get it going, and we can use more musically interested people.
Want to chat about classical music on IRC? Go to:


Check out my YouTube page:


Today, I had my first journey into baking in trying to make a gingerbread cake thing.  Hopefully, I didn''t screw it up by not follow directions  properly.