Havergal Brian.

Started by Harry, June 09, 2007, 04:36:53 AM

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J.Z. Herrenberg

Very interesting observations. I don't think I have ever listened to Milhaud, so I'll have to see and hear for myself...
Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything. -- Plato


I had the old Louisville recording of Milhaud's Sixth Symphony on a Lp years ago. I must admit I didn't actually set out to buy it. The firm went bust. One of those mail order companies that used to advertise in Gramophone. They offered me a choice. My money back,or I could buy have some Lp's to the same value. For some reason I chose the latter. One of the Lps was the Milhaud. The Sixth strikes me as one of his most interesting works. Like Myaskovsky,the sheer number of symphonies (and other music) puts me off further investigation. Luckily Youtube has some of the symphonies,or ever all of them?! Again,the problem is the possibility og getting side tracked......and using Audacity and ripping and burning drives me bonkers!! There really needs to be a resurgence of Ye olde audio cassette,like there was for vinyl (all though,low brow folk like me called them Lp's or records!). Also,unlike Lp's,you can record on them. Just bung it in,press play and record and bobs your uncle! No messing around with b***** file format converting,and the aforementioned ripping and burning! And my Dolby cassette deck produces magnificent sounding recordings,I might add (I just have!). Are they objects of beauty.like vinyl records? Do they have an aroma? Are they sexy?!! According,to an article at the Guardian,they are!!!Well,I personally think my colllection of musicassettes are rather cute! Sexy,though?!  ::) ::) ::) ;D
Anyway,I'm getting sidetracked here. Milhaud sounding Brianesque? Interesting! I'm just afraid that if I like Milhaud's Sixth that much,and agree with you,there will be more hours of burning and ripping,for my own personal use I should point out!! The Cpo set is an arm and a leg to me at the moment!!

As to being alone in liking Milhaud. I recently found someone at the GMG who likes Draeseke,too. Holbrooke? Erm,Gareth Vaughan. One other member at the AMF,possibly? Posts get few answers,if any. Actually,vandermolen did post a reply once................about Myaskovsky,I think?!! ;D Posts about Gilbert and Sullivan at the Gilbert and Sullivan Sanctuary (more like hermitage) have yet to receive any answers at all!! :( :( :( As the Seargent Major used to say in it 'It aint half hot mum'. Oh dear,how sad,never mind!! ;D


Here it is! It's not a spoof,is it?!!


Do you remember "undressing" your Brian Lp's Johan?!! Does any other devout Brianite here,for that matter?!! ::) ;D ;D


Talking of lp's.I did love the old Lyrita Lp sleeve design. I used to prop it up in front of me while I was listening to it. Somehow,the artwork seemed to 'go' with the music;in the way that it builds up in those blocks of sound and abrupt juxtaposition of ideas and mood that are so typical of his style. The fragmented shapes and colours of the sleeve so cleverly reflecting the soundworld in visual terms (the Sixteenth Symphony even more so,in some ways,possibly?). I love it when they reissue old,much loved recordings with the original artwork. I suppose I sound like an ingrate,but I was disappointed that Lyrita didn't use this in the reissue. I think it is a splendid design. I just like the simplicity of it. I find it quite striking,actually. Of course,the addition of the Cooke symphony altered the musical content,somwhat. Cooke,imo,not being a composer I would ever play immediately after listening to Brian (Daniel Jones,perhaps?). Of course,if you haven't already got in your collection,you can always buy the Lp secondhand and prop it up while listening to the cd;but it's not the same as having the design on the jewel case (booklet,actually) of a nice,shiny Lyrita cd.

As to "undressing it"? Personally,I just took the Lp out and put it on the turntable. It's just a piece of plastic with a hole in the middle for goodness sake!! ::) ;D

J.Z. Herrenberg

Undressing Brian?! God forbid! I do like the artwork of 16, too, btw.
Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything. -- Plato


Quote from: cilgwyn on April 21, 2017, 04:52:44 AM
I had the old Louisville recording of Milhaud's Sixth Symphony on a Lp years ago. I must admit I didn't actually set out to buy it. The firm went bust. One of those mail order companies that used to advertise in Gramophone. They offered me a choice. My money back,or I could buy have some Lp's to the same value. For some reason I chose the latter. One of the Lps was the Milhaud. The Sixth strikes me as one of his most interesting works. Like Myaskovsky,the sheer number of symphonies (and other music) puts me off further investigation. Luckily Youtube has some of the symphonies,or ever all of them?! Again,the problem is the possibility og getting side tracked......and using Audacity and ripping and burning drives me bonkers!! There really needs to be a resurgence of Ye olde audio cassette,like there was for vinyl (all though,low brow folk like me called them Lp's or records!). Also,unlike Lp's,you can record on them. Just bung it in,press play and record and bobs your uncle! No messing around with b***** file format converting,and the aforementioned ripping and burning! And my Dolby cassette deck produces magnificent sounding recordings,I might add (I just have!). Are they objects of beauty.like vinyl records? Do they have an aroma? Are they sexy?!! According,to an article at the Guardian,they are!!!Well,I personally think my colllection of musicassettes are rather cute! Sexy,though?!  ::) ::) ::) ;D
Anyway,I'm getting sidetracked here. Milhaud sounding Brianesque? Interesting! I'm just afraid that if I like Milhaud's Sixth that much,and agree with you,there will be more hours of burning and ripping,for my own personal use I should point out!! The Cpo set is an arm and a leg to me at the moment!!

As to being alone in liking Milhaud. I recently found someone at the GMG who likes Draeseke,too. Holbrooke? Erm,Gareth Vaughan. One other member at the AMF,possibly? Posts get few answers,if any. Actually,vandermolen did post a reply once................about Myaskovsky,I think?!! ;D Posts about Gilbert and Sullivan at the Gilbert and Sullivan Sanctuary (more like hermitage) have yet to receive any answers at all!! :( :( :( As the Seargent Major used to say in it 'It aint half hot mum'. Oh dear,how sad,never mind!! ;D
Yes, I only ever reply about Miaskovsky regardless of the thread.  8) 8) 8)
"Courage is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm" (Churchill).

'The test of a work of art is, in the end, our affection for it, not our ability to explain why it is good' (Stanley Kubrick).


Actually I have a great new Brian recording - Symphony 3 conducted by Stanley Pope on the Klassic Haus Restorations label. From the bootleg first recording/performance in 1974. It is more urgent and powerful IMHO than the version on Hyperion - good as that is. The pianos are more prominent (Ronald Stevenson and David Wilde) and our very own GMG Forum member John Whitmore gets a credit for suggesting the release! Great stuff - this CD has given me much pleasure - now, back to Miaskovsky.  8)
"Courage is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm" (Churchill).

'The test of a work of art is, in the end, our affection for it, not our ability to explain why it is good' (Stanley Kubrick).


Quote from: cilgwyn on April 21, 2017, 07:42:30 AM
Talking of lp's.I did love the old Lyrita Lp sleeve design. I used to prop it up in front of me while I was listening to it. Somehow,the artwork seemed to 'go' with the music;in the way that it builds up in those blocks of sound and abrupt juxtaposition of ideas and mood that are so typical of his style. The fragmented shapes and colours of the sleeve so cleverly reflecting the soundworld in visual terms (the Sixteenth Symphony even more so,in some ways,possibly?). I love it when they reissue old,much loved recordings with the original artwork. I suppose I sound like an ingrate,but I was disappointed that Lyrita didn't use this in the reissue. I think it is a splendid design. I just like the simplicity of it. I find it quite striking,actually. Of course,the addition of the Cooke symphony altered the musical content,somwhat. Cooke,imo,not being a composer I would ever play immediately after listening to Brian (Daniel Jones,perhaps?). Of course,if you haven't already got in your collection,you can always buy the Lp secondhand and prop it up while listening to the cd;but it's not the same as having the design on the jewel case (booklet,actually) of a nice,shiny Lyrita cd.

As to "undressing it"? Personally,I just took the Lp out and put it on the turntable. It's just a piece of plastic with a hole in the middle for goodness sake!! ::) ;D
Keith Hensby did those designs. When I last enquired a few years ago he was alive and well and still working as a graphic artist. The Bax symphony LP covers were a bit monotonous though.
"Courage is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm" (Churchill).

'The test of a work of art is, in the end, our affection for it, not our ability to explain why it is good' (Stanley Kubrick).

J.Z. Herrenberg

I also prefer the Pope 3rd. More mystery, more magic. Did you read the liner notes by yours truly, Jeffrey?
Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything. -- Plato


Quote from: J. Z. Herrenberg on April 21, 2017, 09:41:03 AM
I also prefer the Pope 3rd. More mystery, more magic. Did you read the liner notes by yours truly, Jeffrey?
OMG!!!  ::) ::) ::)
How did I miss that?
Yes, of course I read them and found them, as expected, excellent in all respects. This adds even more to the attraction of this CD Johan.  :)
"Courage is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm" (Churchill).

'The test of a work of art is, in the end, our affection for it, not our ability to explain why it is good' (Stanley Kubrick).

J.Z. Herrenberg

Quote from: vandermolen on April 21, 2017, 09:43:34 AM
OMG!!!  ::) ::) ::)
How did I miss that?
Yes, of course I read them and found them, as expected, excellent in all respects. This adds even more to the attraction of this CD Johan.  :)

Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything. -- Plato


Quote from: J. Z. Herrenberg on April 21, 2017, 10:18:19 AM

I like the description of the Symphony as 'heroic and iridescent'. Yes, very informative and insightful notes. You say a lot in a comparatively shorts space. CDs produced by these kind of small private labels often contain no notes at all, so your ones are a real bonus.
"Courage is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm" (Churchill).

'The test of a work of art is, in the end, our affection for it, not our ability to explain why it is good' (Stanley Kubrick).

J.Z. Herrenberg

Quote from: vandermolen on April 21, 2017, 10:45:04 AM
I like the description of the Symphony as 'heroic and iridescent'. Yes, very informative and insightful notes. You say a lot in a comparatively shorts space. CDs produced by these kind of small private labels often contain no notes at all, so your ones are a real bonus.

Thanks, Jeffrey. I liked the challenge of saying something about this symphony in a way that wasn't too influenced by Malcolm MacDonald. Which is almost impossible...
Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything. -- Plato


Quote from: J. Z. Herrenberg on April 21, 2017, 12:26:28 PM

Thanks, Jeffrey. I liked the challenge of saying something about this symphony in a way that wasn't too influenced by Malcolm MacDonald. Which is almost impossible...
Well, you managed that very successfully Johan.
"Courage is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm" (Churchill).

'The test of a work of art is, in the end, our affection for it, not our ability to explain why it is good' (Stanley Kubrick).

J.Z. Herrenberg

For those interested... I own the copyright.
Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything. -- Plato


Exciting news about a new Havergal Brian recording on the "Future Dutton releases" thread at the Art Music Forum. Is this really true? Johan: Did you know about this?!! ??? :o

J.Z. Herrenberg

Quote from: cilgwyn on May 03, 2017, 02:18:27 AM
Exciting news about a new Havergal Brian recording on the "Future Dutton releases" thread at the Art Music Forum. Is this really true? Johan: Did you know about this?!! ??? :o

Only since yesterday evening, cilgwyn, when I received the festive 250th issue of the HBS Newsletter, to which I also contributed a short piece. But not just the news of a new Dutton recording in the offing (with the newly-orchestrated Vision of Cleopatra and other early pieces, both choral and orchestral) is an exciting prospect, also the next Naxos recording: symphonies 7 and 9!
Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything. -- Plato


Two more Brian cds.....and,the one that's being released in the Autumn (I believe?)!! ??? :) Is this with Alexander Walker and the same Russian orchestra? I presume,or I might add,hope so;because he does seem to have a 'feel' for Brian's music. All his recordings,to date,have lived up to expectations. I haven't been disappointed yet! As to the Dutton cd. I like the program. I can understand Dundonnel's points (if you have seen his post at the AMF) but I think a really good performance of For Valour could change perceptions of this piece. As to Psalm 23. I must admit to not being too familiar with the piece. I will rectify this later by putting on the LSSO recording on the Heritage cd.  And come to think of it,I really could do with another listen to that 2 cd set. I like the idea of a cd programing some of these early orchestral pieces with choral works,though,and I like the program.
I am very excited about a new recording of the Seventh. A Russian orchestra could make this a particularly interesting experience. I wonder if there any ways in which a new recording could improve on the Mackerras. The Mackerras is very good,but I know that my first port of call for the Seventh is always the Pope (recording,not the one in the Vatican! ;D).

J.Z. Herrenberg

I should take a look at Dundonnell's posts at AMF... If I read correctly, Psalm 23 is not on that new Dutton CD, but the two Herrick Songs, recorded by the Hill Youth Orchestra a long time ago... Yes, we still have to get the CD with symphonies 8, 21 and 26. As for the Seventh, it was conducted by Harry Newstone, and I also prefer it to the Mackerras...
Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything. -- Plato


Yes,of course Newstone,not Pope! :-[ I usually check these things before posting,but I was preoccupied with getting some lunch!! ::)  (It also spoilt my Pope joke! ;D) To quote,Dundonnell, "Personally I would have liked a new recording of Psalm 23 and, perhaps, "In Memoriam";but he's obviously as pleased as you and I that these recordings are being made. So far,this is turning out to be another bumper year for Brian recordings! All you need now is that last 'bumper' donation to the Faust fund!!

Meanwhile,to recap,for anyone here who doesn't know. These works by Brian are being recorded by Dutton in July,by the Chorus & orchestra of the ENO under Martyn Brabbins: 

Overture "For Valour" (1902/06)
Fantastic Variations on an Old Rhyme (1907)
Cantata "The Vision of Cleopatra" for soprano, mezzo-soprano, contralto, tenor, chorus and orchestra(1908) (realised by John Pickard)
Two Choral Pieces for female voices and orchestra (formerly known as Two Herrick Songs) (1912)

And Naxos will be recording Symphonies 7 & 9!!!! ??? :o :o :o  Have you any idea when this will be happening,Johan?