Objective review of Republican candidates for President

Started by Todd, August 13, 2011, 07:56:59 AM

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So what he actually said was indeed "almost treacherous — or treasonous — in my opinion." And setting aside questions of the looney left press, Karl Rove (not one known for kneejerk sensitivity to the l. l. p.) has upbraided the remark.  My opinion (not etched in stone, to be sure) is that the remark was borderline foolish, but was made at a point in the process where such foolishness is not necessarilt irredeemable.

Speaking of the loonier wings of the left . . . very disappointed in the smear-image campaign against Bachmann.  In all likelihood, the woman will go down in flames entirely on her own merits; and distributing those denigrating images only reflects poorly on her detractors.


Quote from: Brian on August 18, 2011, 12:16:58 AM
Heh. Saying "we would treat" "this guy" "pretty ugly down in Texas" is not exactly the counter-argument of a sophisticate. I resent it further because of Perry's implication that Texas would line right up behind him. I would probably ask Ben Bernanke to buy me a beer.

When I reflect that you have a memory trail of Perry comparable to mine of Kerry . . . (* shudder *)

Mind you, I think the Swift-Boating fracas was skulduggery at its ugliest. That said, that election was the only time in my life I could bring myself to vote for Kerry, the alternative being so utterly not to my liking.

mc ukrneal

Quote from: gn i n n e h lr a k on August 18, 2011, 04:16:19 AM

Speaking of the loonier wings of the left . . . very disappointed in the smear-image campaign against Bachmann.  In all likelihood, the woman will go down in flames entirely on her own merits; and distributing those denigrating images only reflects poorly on her detractors.

She's promising $2 gas now...
Be kind to your fellow posters!!


Quote from: mc ukrneal on August 18, 2011, 04:32:16 AM
She's promising $2 gas now...

I don't like to think either how narrow the percentage is, of people who take her seriously, nor what taking a meal with such folks would be like . . . .


Quote from: mc ukrneal on August 18, 2011, 04:32:16 AM
She's promising $2 gas now...
The lowest I've seen it (about 14 years ago) was just under $1 a gallon (90 something cents). Now, it's a strain for it to go under $3.50. That's an extremely disproportionate jump.
$2 would actually be reasonable. But it'll never happen.


The universe is change; life is opinion. - Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

People would rather believe than know - E.O. Wilson

Propaganda death ensemble - Tom Araya


Quote from: gninnehlrakarlhenning on August 18, 2011, 04:16:19 AM
So what he actually said was indeed "almost treacherous — or treasonous — in my opinion." And setting aside questions of the looney left press, Karl Rove (not one known for kneejerk sensitivity to the l. l. p.) has upbraided the remark.  My opinion (not etched in stone, to be sure) is that the remark was borderline foolish, but was made at a point in the process where such foolishness is not necessarilt irredeemable.

Speaking of the loonier wings of the left . . . very disappointed in the smear-image campaign against Bachmann.  In all likelihood, the woman will go down in flames entirely on her own merits; and distributing those denigrating images only reflects poorly on her detractors.

Bear in mind, that Rove, in addition to usurping your name,  is a member of the Bush team, and the Bushes don't like Perry.  I read a AP article two days ago that included Rove's remark, plus some other "Establishment" Republicans.  Interestingly, all of them had direct connections to either Bush pere or Bush fils.

Quote from: mc ukrneal on August 18, 2011, 04:32:16 AM
She's promising $2 gas now...
Hadn't seen that.  I would, from prior GOP rhetoric, assume that what she said something on the line, "if we remove all environmental regulation, lease out all possible drilling spots, reduce capital gains taxes and corporate income taxes to zero, and not let people sue the oil companies, we would have gas as cheap as we want without having to improve fuel efficiency or do anything about the demand side, no matter how much oil China and India end up buying!"

Which is, after all, the basic GOP policy for energy.


Hadn't divined that the greater Bush clan don't like Perry. So much sadness in the world . . . .


My problem with Bachmann is not that she's crazy.  My problem is that when asked serious questions she either answers with a prepackaged soundbite that usually doesn't actually provide an aswer, or flips into a prepackaged attack on Obama, or just plain evades/refuses to answer the question.  This does not breed confidence in her abilities, nor does it provide answers to some of the policy questions I need to know about before I would consider voting for a Presidential candidate.

I could conceivably vote for Romney, if I was sure he wouldn't get us involved in another foreign misadventure.  But it seems even socialists like Obama are neo cons on foreign policy now :)

mc ukrneal

Quote from: Jeffrey Smith on August 18, 2011, 07:19:09 AM
Hadn't seen that.  I would, from prior GOP rhetoric, assume that what she said something on the line, "if we remove all environmental regulation, lease out all possible drilling spots, reduce capital gains taxes and corporate income taxes to zero, and not let people sue the oil companies, we would have gas as cheap as we want without having to improve fuel efficiency or do anything about the demand side, no matter how much oil China and India end up buying!"

Which is, after all, the basic GOP policy for energy.
According the article I read: "Bachmann did not lay out a specific plan to drop prices on Tuesday. But her campaign website says that as president, she would ease restrictions on drilling and roll back federal regulations on the shale gas industry." They also wrote: "The day that the president became president gasoline was $1.79 a gallon," Bachmann said. "Look what it is today."
Be kind to your fellow posters!!


Quote from: mc ukrneal on August 18, 2011, 07:27:13 AM
According the article I read: "Bachmann did not lay out a specific plan to drop prices on Tuesday. But her campaign website says that as president, she would ease restrictions on drilling and roll back federal regulations on the shale gas industry." They also wrote: "The day that the president became president gasoline was $1.79 a gallon," Bachmann said. "Look what it is today."

$1.79 a gallon? Excuse me?  The last time I can remember paying under $2.00 a gallon, George W. Bush was president.  Gas prices in Florida are a little higher than the national average, but not by that much.

ETA: Actually, it may have been under Clinton....


Quote from: Jeffrey Smith on August 18, 2011, 07:25:13 AM
My problem with Bachmann is not that she's crazy.  My problem is that when asked serious questions she either answers with a prepackaged soundbite that usually doesn't actually provide an aswer, or flips into a prepackaged attack on Obama, or just plain evades/refuses to answer the question. foreign policy now :)

That is a rhetorical strategy employed by virtually all politicians. You can't blame Bachmann for this.

you can however blame her for mixing up Elvis's birthday and the day he died, and most other matters pertaining to the real world.

The new erato

Quote from: Jeffrey Smith on August 18, 2011, 07:39:14 AM
$1.79 a gallon? Excuse me?  The last time I can remember paying under $2.00 a gallon, George W. Bush was president.  Gas prices in Florida are a little higher than the national average, but not by that much.

ETA: Actually, it may have been under Clinton....
$ 2,60 a litre (look it up) in Norway now, and not much cheaper in the rest of Europe.


Quote from: The new erato on August 18, 2011, 09:07:00 AM
$ 2,60 a litre (look it up) in Norway now, and not much cheaper in the rest of Europe.

Holy shit!!!  Seriously!?!?  In Canada, (Manitoba anyway), we are bitching like crazy that we have to pay $1.14 CDN per litre

The new erato

Quote from: ChamberNut on August 18, 2011, 09:08:20 AM
Holy shit!!!  Seriously!?!?  In Canada, (Manitoba anyway), we are bitching like crazy that we have to pay $1.14 CDN per litre
Yep. And I have a Merc S-Class.....it really likes the stuff.


Quote from: The new erato on August 18, 2011, 09:10:25 AM
Yep. And I have a Merc S-Class.....it really likes the stuff.

Too bad we can't fuel cars with soda pop!   :D


Quote from: ChamberNut on August 18, 2011, 09:21:10 AM
Too bad we can't fuel cars with soda pop!   :D

Someone at some point probably worked that out, and Detroit bought out and destroyed the blueprints.
