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Started by mn dave, June 17, 2008, 11:28:17 AM

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And . . . the odometer just clocked over to 100000 . . . .


Had to give a major presentation today. Fucking crushed it.


If I am not online the next few days, it'll probably be because of the storm system again. If it's anything like the one last week, I'll be without internet for 3 days and without electricity for nearly 24 hours. It's pretty much a category 2 hurricane, except it's not called that.



Quote from: Apollon on April 05, 2011, 05:08:58 AM
Be safe there, Greg.
Oh, thanks. That day it happened to be nothing, luckily.


I remember when I was a kid... watching Animaniacs, Pokemon, Digimon, etc. the sense of imagination and adventure... the grownup world is not good at all. The real world is painfully ugly and dull. Would be nice if instead of growing up, I got sucked into one of those cartoon worlds instead.


Taking risks is what makes grown-up life fun.

I'm taking a risk soon — about to start my second job. I'm hoping I can somehow make it work once I go to school for musicology — another risk, but worth it.


Quote from: Corey on April 15, 2011, 05:16:26 PM
Taking risks is what makes grown-up life fun.

I'm taking a risk soon — about to start my second job. I'm hoping I can somehow make it work once I go to school for musicology — another risk, but worth it.
Out of curiosity, have you been accepted to a school yet, or still searching? 

I am going to school for music history starting in the fall, and I am nervous as hell about it.  I guess when I actually start school, I'll let my insecurities about my work/intelligence go.  But for now, the risk of going to school and everything is just making me anxious partly due to my own insecurities.


I'll just say I'm several links behind you on the educational sausage-maker. It'll be just a city college to begin with, until I transfer somewhere else. I'd like to go to Northwestern eventually as I think they have an interesting music program there.


gotta start somewhere, as the old cliche of sorts goes. 

now, if I had been on top of things the fall before last during my senior year of undergrad, I'd probably be in grad school by now.  But, better later than never I suppose.

Mirror Image

Quote from: Philoctetes on March 31, 2011, 03:15:44 PM
Had to give a major presentation today. Fucking crushed it.

Spoken like a true heathen.


Quote from: Corey on April 15, 2011, 06:20:16 PM
I'll just say I'm several links behind you on the educational sausage-maker. It'll be just a city college to begin with, until I transfer somewhere else. I'd like to go to Northwestern eventually as I think they have an interesting music program there.

I had to take the community college route to get to university. I'm sure you'll get there eventually. You're smart as a whip.

As an aside, this is my fifth day of not being able to walk.


Quote from: Philoctetes on April 15, 2011, 08:34:53 PM
As an aside, this is my fifth day of not being able to walk.

What happened Philo?  Are you okay? ???


He's a skater. Comes with the territory.

Unless something more serious happened. :\


Quote from: Corey on April 16, 2011, 06:06:26 AM
He's a skater. Comes with the territory.

Unless something more serious happened. :\

David: Corey got it right. It was a skateboarding incident, but I'll be off my leg for at least another month. I'm supposed to get an MRI next week, and then most likely surgery.


That's good... I was imagining 127 hours.  A rock fell on my leg and while I deliberated about whether to cut off my leg I decided to pull out my iphone and post on gmg...


also — Thanks philo :)


Quote from: haydnfan on April 16, 2011, 09:36:52 AM
That's good... I was imagining 127 hours.  A rock fell on my leg and while I deliberated about whether to cut off my leg I decided to pull out my iphone and post on gmg...
Sounds like the women who post on facebook while they're having a baby.  ;D


Quote from: Greg on April 16, 2011, 02:45:51 PM
Sounds like the women who post on facebook while they're having a baby.  ;D

Twitter update: ow!!

