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Started by mn dave, June 17, 2008, 11:28:17 AM

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Sarah, shouldn't it be rather Lethe Dmitriyevna Pettersonova:D
There is no theory. You have only to listen. Pleasure is the law. — Claude Debussy


Peanut butter, flour and sugar do not make cookies. They make FIRE.


I don't think I set the alarm off faster than I did today.  Opened up the oven, and the alarm went off!

Karl Henning

Life is good. Knowing that not everyone is going to understand you — or going to like you — is liberating.
Karl Henning, Ph.D.
Composer & Clarinetist
Boston MA
[Matisse] was interested neither in fending off opposition,
nor in competing for the favor of wayward friends.
His only competition was with himself. — Françoise Gilot


Hopefully life will be simpler after I'm dead.  ;D


Men profess to be lovers of music, but for the most part they give no evidence in their opinions and lives that they have heard it.  ~ Henry David Thoreau

Don't pray when it rains if you don't pray when the sun shines. ~ Satchel Paige


Home now that the semester is over!  8)   Should get a 4.0 GPA, but I shall see when I get my grades's weird to be home not seeing my cat who just died 2 or 3 days ago :( :'(


Well, apparently, if I don't print up and rush over to send some documents tomorrow (no later, because they close for break starting Saturday) for school that I didn't even know I had to do, I'll receive no financial aid, and will have to waste another half of a year with no school, this time definitely on antidepressants while I look for a new job.

Oh, and they warned me when? Two days ago via e-mail, which I just happened to check today for no reason. Thanks a lot. And they happen to include in the letter "the priority deadline has passed," meaning, I'm going to have to put my life savings into starting school and wait a little while until the financial aid refunds it (instead of sending the warning before the priority deadline). Thanks again.


Quote from: Philoctetes on December 15, 2011, 07:35:52 PM
What's needed for financial aid is made pretty clear on the websites. You shouldn't be depending on your school to be doing any of this for year. They were simply being courteous with that email. My school has never reminded me of my deadline dates nor would I trust them to be as concerned about it as I am.
On what websites?
They got my FAFSA 9 months ago...


Well, that was... not fun. I got it all done, but it was frantic, intense, and I had to force my previous technical school to give me my transcripts now instead of the normal 3-4 day wait.

I also had to call them about what to bring for proof of Florida residence, because in the paper they mail you, "everyone is non-resident by default." All of this is so poorly explained and only leads to confusion- either that, or I've misplaced the official "directions/steps."

Although I saved myself from a certain death today, I'll still be in limbo all throughout the next two weeks, when I just hope they take care of my paperwork after their winter break (hopefully that's the end of the documents I have to submit...). I'll have to pay by Jan.3, the day right after they reopen- but they have payment plans, so I might not have to end up bankrupt before the financial aid kicks in.

Since I'll have no one to ask questions for the next two weeks, I have one more:
I'm registering for classes, and a lot of them are full. There is one final orientation left for students a few days before the semester starts, and I overheard someone saying something about having to "wait for the next orientation for the class to open positions back up again."
If a class says "full," is it simply full and won't add available seats, despite orientations?


Quote from: Philoctetes on December 16, 2011, 08:34:44 PM
This is the website I used to do all of my financial aid:

I didn't have a single problem with it.

As to transcripts, you should always have multiple copies of them and request them far in advance of actual need.

Classes are never full, if there is sufficient need expressed, they will allow you to enter the class, but that is generally only done for seniors, at least at my school.
Thanks, man. Big help.  :)
I'll get used to it with time- getting started is the most confusing part...


Today I learned: Medicare covers penis pumps, but not eye care.
Peanut butter, flour and sugar do not make cookies. They make FIRE.


Peanut butter, flour and sugar do not make cookies. They make FIRE.


Quote from: Lethevich Dmitriyevna Pettersonova on December 18, 2011, 01:18:13 AM
penis pumps
Wtf? I thought that was some kind of a device that Austin Powers used- that's a medical procedure, too?
How do you start a health insurance company, anyways? I'd like to be filthy rich while sucking the blood out of thousands of Americans.


Quote from: Greg on December 18, 2011, 07:19:55 AM
Wtf? I thought that was some kind of a device that Austin Powers used- that's a medical procedure, too?

It's for impotence, apparently.

To equal your penis pump, the NHS offers boob jobs to anorexics with low self-esteem.
Peanut butter, flour and sugar do not make cookies. They make FIRE.


Quote from: Lethevich Dmitriyevna Pettersonova on December 18, 2011, 07:25:26 AM
It's for impotence, apparently.

To equal your penis pump, the NHS offers boob jobs to anorexics with low self-esteem.

I like to watch Embarrassing Bodies for the women scoring free breast equalisations and labial reductions.

>:(   :o  :'(  ???


Tabloid TV. Rots the brain.

DavidW: Yeah Mike doesn't get angry, he gets even.
I wasted time: and time wasted me.



DavidW: Yeah Mike doesn't get angry, he gets even.
I wasted time: and time wasted me.

Karl Henning

Karl Henning, Ph.D.
Composer & Clarinetist
Boston MA
[Matisse] was interested neither in fending off opposition,
nor in competing for the favor of wayward friends.
His only competition was with himself. — Françoise Gilot