What game are you playing?

Started by DavidW, May 09, 2010, 04:07:59 PM

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lisa needs braces

For instance, you can get every game Valve made for $50:


That includes Portal 2, which was released mere months ago and retails for $40 on Amazon.


I've been playing a Super Mario World fan hack called The Essence Star. The levels are surprisingly well-designed and there's even a cute story that attempts to retcon the other Mario storylines. It's like the original SMW but made into a platformer RPG.



I WISH I was playing it, but I don't have the skill level to get beyond half of level 1.
Peanut butter, flour and sugar do not make cookies. They make FIRE.

Mirror Image

Quote from: TheGSMoeller on July 07, 2011, 05:59:25 PM
One of the great games of all time.

Absolutely, when I first played this game and I found the first colossus, my jaw actually dropped at, not only how huge this thing was, but how amazing the detail was given to it. As I said, the concept of the game was just so simple, but where it excelled was in strategy and gameplay. I didn't really understand the storyline, but then again, I never played Ico which I heard is tied into SOTC. Anyway, yes, this is one of the great games of all-time. I have been thinking of replaying The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess as this game was amazing as well.

Mirror Image

Bought these two games the other day:

What the first Street Fighter should've been on the PS3. This edition has all the characters unlocked.

I've played this game a little bit so far and I'm very impressed. I think this may be the best Western-themed game to come out on any system (not that there has been many of them mind you).



In other Blizzard-related news, I am finally caving in and buying Starcraft 2 for multiplayer laddering. I want to test myself to see how high I can get against great players.
Peanut butter, flour and sugar do not make cookies. They make FIRE.

lisa needs braces

^What is your experience with Starcraft?


Quote from: -abe- on July 12, 2011, 11:45:07 PM
^What is your experience with Starcraft?

The single player campaign of SC1 a loooo-ng time ago and nothing else. I came to follow SC2 as an e-sport, which I subsequently became slightly addicted to, and kept finding myself wondering "why didn't they do such-and-such" leading me to wanting to see if I could do this myself. I'm aiming for gold league for now, I think.
Peanut butter, flour and sugar do not make cookies. They make FIRE.

Jaakko Keskinen

Quote from: Mirror Image on July 11, 2011, 08:25:42 PM

I've played this game a little bit so far and I'm very impressed. I think this may be the best Western-themed game to come out on any system (not that there has been many of them mind you).

Trust me, it's awesome, pretty damn close to perfect. My only minor complaints are that it felt shorter than many GTA games (although that was possibly because this game's missions are much easier because there are checkpoints during them) and the fact that there isn't PC version.
"Javert, though frightful, had nothing ignoble about him. Probity, sincerity, candor, conviction, the sense of duty, are things which may become hideous when wrongly directed; but which, even when hideous, remain grand."

- Victor Hugo

lisa needs braces

Quote from: Lethe Dmitriyevich Shostakovich on July 13, 2011, 12:44:06 AM
The single player campaign of SC1 a loooo-ng time ago and nothing else. I came to follow SC2 as an e-sport, which I subsequently became slightly addicted to, and kept finding myself wondering "why didn't they do such-and-such" leading me to wanting to see if I could do this myself. I'm aiming for gold league for now, I think.

I'm in Gold. Took me a long time to get there as well (an embarrassingly long time) because I didn't fully grasp these three key points: Use hot keys, always make workers, and scout. I could probably get to diamond league if I get better at those things but I have avoided playing the game since April because I find it too engrossing and can't give it the time required.

Mirror Image

Quote from: Alberich on July 14, 2011, 01:55:26 PM
Trust me, it's awesome, pretty damn close to perfect. My only minor complaints are that it felt shorter than many GTA games (although that was possibly because this game's missions are much easier because there are checkpoints during them) and the fact that there isn't PC version.

This is good to hear. Hopefully, I'll be able to play it in more depth as the days progress.


Slightly off-topic: I haven't played the game since maybe 2002, but all of a sudden I have the Rollercoaster Tycoon theme song stuck in my head.


RCT is swell - I also have precise memories of the exact "scream" sound of people going around a loop and the vomit sound too.
Peanut butter, flour and sugar do not make cookies. They make FIRE.


The Cat & The Coup

Highly recommended, especially in these circles – many classical (and well-placed) choices in the soundtrack.

It's Alley Cat meets Persepolis.

In other news, the fabulous Zeno Clash is on Steam for a bargain.

lisa needs braces


Battlefield: Bad Company 2

I'm coming to love this game. It's so visceral and thrilling and considerably deeper and more satisfying than COD.

I bought it December 2010 from steam on a sale, and only truly got into it past couple of months (after resovling some driver issues with my videocard and upgrading my cpu to a 4 cores which this game runs best on.)

The franchise is developed by a firm in Sweden but they're unfortunately owned by EA, which seems bent on turning this game series into a cash cow like Activision's COD. Battlefield 3 is coming out late October...I hope people don't abandon Bad Company 2 en masse.

This introductory video for those new to the game illustrates the main differences from Call of Duty games:



I installed BC2 recently but my PC doesn't run it quite well enough for it to be enjoyable (it meets the spec, so maybe I will need to tinker with my video card), and as it's a console port the graphics customisation options are limited although not as ridic as some, such as Brink, which only allows you to change resolution iirc.

I srsly raged at the unskippable scene that the game starts with. Why do FPS devs think that I care about their stupid "war buddies rubbing up together in a van/boat/plane" cutscenes - Medal of Honor: Allied Assault began this, I think. I'm sure it's very impressively atmospheric the first time you see it, but I have gotten to the point where I want to skip this rubbish and games are increasingly not letting me.
Peanut butter, flour and sugar do not make cookies. They make FIRE.


Sweatshop, from the same minds that conjured the brilliant Curfew.

lisa needs braces

Quote from: Lethe Dmitriyevich Shostakovich on July 18, 2011, 07:40:59 AM
I installed BC2 recently but my PC doesn't run it quite well enough for it to be enjoyable (it meets the spec, so maybe I will need to tinker with my video card), and as it's a console port the graphics customisation options are limited although not as ridic as some, such as Brink, which only allows you to change resolution iirc.

I srsly raged at the unskippable scene that the game starts with. Why do FPS devs think that I care about their stupid "war buddies rubbing up together in a van/boat/plane" cutscenes - Medal of Honor: Allied Assault began this, I think. I'm sure it's very impressively atmospheric the first time you see it, but I have gotten to the point where I want to skip this rubbish and games are increasingly not letting me.

The single player campaign is dead weight. I played an hour or so when I first got the game then moved on to the multiplayer, which is the heart of the game.

Also: my performance with the game really improved when I got this cpu:


My video card is an Amd 5770, which is the best budget video card around.


Quote from: -abe- on July 18, 2011, 12:55:54 PM
The single player campaign is dead weight. I played an hour or so when I first got the game then moved on to the multiplayer, which is the heart of the game.

Also: my performance with the game really improved when I got this cpu:


My video card is an Amd 5770, which is the best budget video card around.

Indeedie, after seeing online gameplay I picked it up hoping for something with the feel that Soldier of Fortune 2 had online (not that anybody took that game seriously, but it was actually amazing, like a more accessable Counterstrike with far nicer graphics).

Worryingly, a friend said that as a rule of thumb: if changing resolution improves framerate, then it's the card, if it remains bad no matter what resolution, then it's the CPU (my problem was the first - but even lowest ran poorly). I was hoping it was the CPU because a Radeon HD 5750 really should run the thing at over 15fps.
Peanut butter, flour and sugar do not make cookies. They make FIRE.


Not for the first time, but let's see how far I can get this time.