The unimportant news thread

Started by Lethevich, March 05, 2008, 07:14:50 AM

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Quote from: karlhenning on August 19, 2016, 11:00:48 AM
There is a bronze statue of Peter Falk in Hungary.

Well, that's my plans for the weekend taken care of! 8)
"You overestimate my power of attraction," he told her. "No, I don't," she replied sharply, "and neither do you".

Karl Henning

Karl Henning, Ph.D.
Composer & Clarinetist
Boston MA
[Matisse] was interested neither in fending off opposition,
nor in competing for the favor of wayward friends.
His only competition was with himself. — Françoise Gilot


Quote from: karlhenning on August 19, 2016, 11:06:25 AM
I'm here for you, buddy!

Thanks, man - I'm sure with your support even Brexit can't stop me!  ;D
"You overestimate my power of attraction," he told her. "No, I don't," she replied sharply, "and neither do you".


University of Chicago Tells Incoming Students: Don't Expect Safe Spaces or Trigger Warnings

In their letter to incoming students: 

"Our commitment to academic freedom means that we do not support so called 'trigger warnings,' we do not cancel invited speakers because their topics might prove controversial, and we do not condone the creation of intellectual 'safe spaces' where individuals can retreat from ideas and perspectives at odds with their own."
"You overestimate my power of attraction," he told her. "No, I don't," she replied sharply, "and neither do you".


Some funny stuff:
No. 8:
Armed Santa
In Chico, California, a billboard for a local gun range showed Santa Claus with an automatic rifle. Many local residents expressed their disapproval, including one who said, "The idea of this symbol of joy and giving holding an assault rifle, it's just so contradictory." However, the gun range shrugged off the criticism, claiming that it was planning follow-up ads featuring a gun-toting Cupid and Easter Bunny.

"Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, one by one."

― Charles MacKay, Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds


Those of you who have not come across xkcd may find this link generally interesting.

Today's installment fits the GMG definition of "unimportant news."




In Moscow, at the International Conference for suppressed nations & their right to future self-determination (excluding Russian territory though), the representative of the Californian separatists (who is an English teacher based in Yekatarinenburg) has called for Russia for recognize a "Calexit" referendum in 2019 for independence & help California join the UN as a sovereign nation.


I must look to see which side of the San Andreas fault that town sits; perhaps if they wait long enough......

DavidW: Yeah Mike doesn't get angry, he gets even.
I wasted time: and time wasted me.


I guess the English spelling is usually Ekaterinburg, it´s in Russia near Ural & a city of some importance.

Looking at the google map today, I learned that it is around 60 km west of the town of Asbest.


Donald and Hillary are to have a debate, I can hardly wait and am so excited I might wet myself.
Andante always true to his word has kicked the Marijuana soaked bot with its addled brain in to touch.


"Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, one by one."

― Charles MacKay, Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds

Karl Henning

Karl Henning, Ph.D.
Composer & Clarinetist
Boston MA
[Matisse] was interested neither in fending off opposition,
nor in competing for the favor of wayward friends.
His only competition was with himself. — Françoise Gilot

Monsieur Croche

Anything whatsoever to do with Kanye West.
~ I'm all for personal expression; it just has to express something to me. ~

Monsieur Croche

Quote from: k a rl h e nn i ng on October 03, 2016, 01:00:05 AM
The Great Cake of Kiev?

Maybe The Great Cake of Kiev is best eaten with a modest side serving of Mousse a la Mussorgsky, and washed down by a high-proof 'Fiery Angel' cocktail, aka a Molotov Prokofiev.
~ I'm all for personal expression; it just has to express something to me. ~

Ken B


Today, when I threw a piece of litter in the bin outside a small train station in the suburbs, a recorded voice from the bin greeted me saying "How sweet of you! Thank you very much."