Havergal Brian.

Started by Harry, June 09, 2007, 04:36:53 AM

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John Whitmore

Hello Dundonnell - did you get my reply to your message? I don't trust electronic mail so I thought I would check.


Quote from: John Whitmore on October 03, 2011, 12:58:06 AM
Hello Dundonnell - did you get my reply to your message? I don't trust electronic mail so I thought I would check.

Yes, I did. Thanks very much :)


Do we have a current list of recordings somewhere?


Quote from: Philip Legge on September 30, 2011, 03:33:43 PM
As predicted, designed for every Brianite's Christmas stocking...

60-second MP3 samples are now available for every track. Audiophiles, compare away!
The only really clear difference I hear is that the timpani presence has been satisfyingly beefed up from the original broadcast balance. There's no glimpse of the organ but I hope it rings clearer too.


Pleasing but I'm very sorry to say, the cover design is vile. :'(


It's not very good (!),but it's the music that matters & making the performance commercially available. Nevertheless,I believe that good cover artwork does encourage sales,okay,maybe not for people like Dundonnell and Johan,but for the average music lover,who isn't as into less mainstream composers like we are & might just spot the cd on,say,Amazon or a cd shelf,while idly browsing.
Still,maybe it's like one of those pre release pop cds with makeshift artwork?


Actually,not to be sarcastic;but it reminds me a little of the packaging for some of those low cost supermarket food ranges. 'No Frills Sausages',anyone? ;D
(Though,maybe not in BLACK packaging! :o )

J.Z. Herrenberg

How a CD is packaged certainly adds to its desirability for those who don't know a piece or the composer. We'll have to wait and see whether this is Hyperion's final idea...

I have listened to the clips - the sound is deeper and warmer, and the applause envelops you...
Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything. -- Plato


It makes for an interesting comparison with the Naxos 21st Limited Edition,which is also very plain and 'minimalistic'. Yet,even I was tempted to buy it & you know what I think of the Naxos Gothic! :o

NB: I certainly won't avoid buying the Hyperion set because of the cover!!!!


J.Z. Herrenberg

Quote from: snyprrr on October 03, 2011, 07:43:11 PM
Do we have a current list of recordings somewhere?


If you have any questions, ask them...
Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything. -- Plato

John Whitmore

Quote from: cilgwyn on October 04, 2011, 03:00:58 AM
Actually,not to be sarcastic;but it reminds me a little of the packaging for some of those low cost supermarket food ranges. 'No Frills Sausages',anyone? ;D
(Though,maybe not in BLACK packaging! :o )
Two points:
1) I don't give a monkeys about the artwork. I can read.
2) Hyperion should offer a free pack of sausages with each CD  :D



Quote from: Brian on October 03, 2011, 08:02:37 PMthe timpani presence has been satisfyingly beefed up

Unlike the sausages.

Quote from: Brian on October 03, 2011, 08:02:37 PMThere's no glimpse of the organ

Saucy - shouldn't have been looking anyway!

A piece is worth your attention, and is itself for you praiseworthy, if it makes you feel you have not wasted your time over it. (SG, 1922)

J.Z. Herrenberg

This saucy so-and-so DID look, and saw the organ supporting the chorus in the opening of the Judex... ;-)
Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything. -- Plato


I love those double entendres!

On a more serious note,I'm going to resist the Brian Toccata Vol 2 until the nice shiny cd comes out. In fact,I haven't even listened to samples yet,except the bits I've taped off Radio 3. Which reminds me to get my a*** shifted up through that too tiny trapdoor & put up that nice high gain fm stereo radio aerial that's been leaning against the corner of the room for several weeks now. One thing I can't stand,diy & crawling around attics. If I had an Ali Baba like Dundonnell haul of off air tapes up there I wouldn't mind so much!
In terms of repertory,this Toccata cd really does fill some gaps & hopefully,sooner or later,some enterprising party might get around to letting us hear the rest of some of these opera's. All the signs are encouraging & after a long gap when the only Brian recordings seem to be reissued Marco Polo recordings. In fact,I think I'll put Vol 1 on,right now!
Incidentally,I hope BBC Legends will eventually release these:

The Poole Das Siegeslied
The Wine of Summer with Brian Rayner Cooke
Ralph Holmes Violin Concerto

I'm jumping the gun of course! ;D


Surprise, surprise- I have the Violin Concerto with Ralph Holmes on tape ;D

I shall avoid commenting on the double entendres apart from expressing my strongest disapproval ;D

J.Z. Herrenberg

Bisengaliev is excellent in the VC on Marco Polo/Naxos. But Holmes is better in the slow movement - that ending is infinitely moving and poetic.
Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything. -- Plato


I thought you might!!!!!!!!!!!! I actually have it on cassette,minus the last few bars,which got taped over. I can't remember how! :o :o :o Anyway,I actually prefer the earlier performance to the Marco Polo,which,personally,leaves me cold. I find more poetry in Holmes's performance & both the soloist and conductor give the work more time to breathe. The Marco Polo feels very rushed. In fact,I actually don't like it at all! :o :o A terrible confession to make,I know! :o