Havergal Brian.

Started by Harry, June 09, 2007, 04:36:53 AM

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J.Z. Herrenberg

Svetlanov, State Academia Orchestra. Myaskovsky is a wonderful composer.
Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything. -- Plato


Quote from: J. Z. Herrenberg on March 11, 2015, 02:34:23 PM
Svetlanov, State Academia Orchestra. Myaskovsky is a wonderful composer.

Great performance - the first one I knew, although Gauk's premiere recording is even more moving and typically not on CD  >:(

The last movement always sounds to me like the return of Spring after Winter, even though Miaskovsky knew that he would not live to see it. A wonderfully affirmative way to end his last symphony.
"Courage is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm" (Churchill).

'The test of a work of art is, in the end, our affection for it, not our ability to explain why it is good' (Stanley Kubrick).

J.Z. Herrenberg

He also places himself firmly in the Russian tradition in that final testament. You can hear the spirit of Tchaikovsky.
Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything. -- Plato


Quote from: J. Z. Herrenberg on March 11, 2015, 03:12:43 PM
He also places himself firmly in the Russian tradition in that final testament. You can hear the spirit of Tchaikovsky.

Yes, I agree. A performance of the Pathetique Symphony made the young NM want to become a composer and had a huge influence on him.
"Courage is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm" (Churchill).

'The test of a work of art is, in the end, our affection for it, not our ability to explain why it is good' (Stanley Kubrick).

John Whitmore

Miaskovsky. I have to admit that I haven't heard a single note. What's it like? If it's highly emotional like Tchaikovsky I might just run a mile.


Quote from: John Whitmore on March 13, 2015, 02:35:15 AM
Miaskovsky. I have to admit that I haven't heard a single note. What's it like? If it's highly emotional like Tchaikovsky I might just run a mile.

Minus the naggy moaning.
Do what I must do, and let what must happen happen.


Miaskovsky is one of the world's greatest symphonists.  At first it sounds all a bit monochrome and difficult to distinguish one symphony from another (dare I say it, like initial reactions to HB?) but once you get into the style it gets under your skin.  I'd start listening with Symphonies 6, 10, 25 or 27.  27 is a wonderful piece and may be the best of them, which suggests he might have still improved with age.  There was a great LP conducted by Morton Gould on which it was coupled with Rimsky-Korsakov's "Antar" which was always  one of my favourites.  Not sure it's been bettered.

And back to Brian,  I see the English Music Festival is doing the Third English Suite in its opening concert in May: http://www.englishmusicfestival.org.uk/programme.html
Is anyone going?  As it's a BBC orchestra, I think this means it will be broadcast (live?) as the earlier English Music Festival performances of Reverie from English Suite 5 and Shadow Dance from The Tigers were put out on BBC Radio 3.


I thought I was in the Myaskovsky thread for a moment! ;D I love Tchaikovsky's music,by the way;although I did go off it for a while! Incidentally,which is it? Myaskovsky or Miaskovsky? I should know!! :-[ And John;I'm sure I downloaded those Morton Gould performances of R-K's Antar (I'm a big fan of that one!) Myaskovsky (or Miaskovsky) from Klassik Haus? If you haven't heard it No 21 won't take you long.....and don't worry;it's not a bit like Gliere or Khatchaturian!! ;D It's about as concise as they come!!
Augustus,I hope you're right about the Brian being broadcast! I wonder if the recent Testament release of The Tigers might persuade the BBC to repeat the broadcast?!


Incidentally,I bought the Groves emi recording of Caractacus off ebay today for £1.49! Free post! Condition,"Very good"! ??? Is that a low price,or what?!!!! Fingers crossed,it IS "Very good!" I've never heard the score,mind!


Quote from: cilgwyn on March 13, 2015, 01:35:41 PMIncidentally,I bought the Groves emi recording of Caractacus off ebay today for £1.49! Free post! Condition,"Very good"! ??? Is that a low price,or what?!!!! Fingers crossed,it IS "Very good!" I've never heard the score,mind!

£0.49 + £1.26 UK delivery Condition Used - Very Good -- by a well-known Amazon.co.uk seller, making £0.26 more in total. Okay, you win!  :)
... music is not only an 'entertainment', nor a mere luxury, but a necessity of the spiritual if not of the physical life, an opening of those magic casements through which we can catch a glimpse of that country where ultimate reality will be found.    RVW, 1948


 :) Actually,not the one you are referring to! I gave up on them after receiving a few too many cds that looked like Torville & Dean had been skating on them!! Although,to be fair,they were always very prompt with apologies & refunds! I bought this off an ebay equivalent! I find them very good,unlike their Amazon counterpart! But £1.49?!!! What could I do? I had to buy it at that price! I just hope I don't get one of those emails I get now & again,saying that when they were packing the thing it didn't pass their "quality control!" Okay,fair enough! It shows they do inspect the things,but..... :(!!! As to the 26p! I hope they can find someting to spend it on! I can remember buying two packets of Golden Wonder crisps for that price!
Very nice with a glass of (late lamented) Corona Dandelion & Burdock pop!! :)


Quote from: Christo on March 13, 2015, 02:45:36 PM
£0.49 + £1.26 UK delivery Condition Used - Very Good -- by a well-known Amazon.co.uk seller, making £0.26 more in total. Okay, you win!  :)
At least I hope not?! Unless they are leading a second life on ebay as a better seller,under a different name?!! ???
Surely Caractacus's life has to be worth more than £!.49?!!!

John Whitmore

Quote from: cilgwyn on March 13, 2015, 01:30:08 PM
I thought I was in the Myaskovsky thread for a moment! ;D I love Tchaikovsky's music,by the way;although I did go off it for a while! Incidentally,which is it? Myaskovsky or Miaskovsky? I should know!! :-[ And John;I'm sure I downloaded those Morton Gould performances of R-K's Antar (I'm a big fan of that one!) Myaskovsky (or Miaskovsky) from Klassik Haus? If you haven't heard it No 21 won't take you long.....and don't worry;it's not a bit like Gliere or Khatchaturian!! ;D It's about as concise as they come!!
Augustus,I hope you're right about the Brian being broadcast! I wonder if the recent Testament release of The Tigers might persuade the BBC to repeat the broadcast?!
Yes it is a Klassic Haus job. Just checked. I will have a word with Curt and give it a try. I wasn't involved in that restoration. I also like the first movement of Antar. Thanks.


Glad to be of help! My excuse for not exploring for Myaskovsky is as always......there's just so much! So,what am I doing in this thread?!! Erm?!!! I think I have heard a bit of No's 5 or 6,and they didn't make such an impression. I must admit I've been eyeing up the dvd box set of The Phil Silvers Show. The complete set of Myaskovsky symphonies or Bilko? Now which would I prefer? Myaskovsky doesn't make me laugh,though!! ;D


Now let's stage it!"

A rave review of The Tigers here! :) Unfortunately,it's a Murdoch subscription site......but the reviews are usually very short & I think it's all there,really! ! Anyway,I have the Sunday Times on order,and when I collect it (next week,probably) there is a good chance the review will be in there. It's an old fashioned type small newsagent so I just go up there every few weeks! I get the local rag for Pembrokeshire,too. I can read up on who has beaten who in a drunken rage & the latest on wind turbine disputes. As the late Leonard Nimoy would say....."Fascinating!"


Hope the link works!
Incidentally,after reading Christo's post;I found the 2 cd mode set of Henry Cowell's chamber music by the same seller I just slagged off (quite politely,I might add). This is deleted and only available at ridiculous prices from various sellers! What could I do?!!!

Currently,"Preparing for dispatch". I just don't learn.do I?!!! ??? :(
I'll get the sellotape ready.....just in case I have to post a return!!


That Times Tigers review is from Jan 24th.  It was posted here that day by Hattoff.  Have there been any other reviews yet other than The Times and The Guardian?


Thank you,Augustus! Of course it was.....silly me!!! ??? ;D The worrying thing about this,apart from the fact that I didn't notice the b***** date,was the fact that there have been so few reviews since. Of course,there's still time!
Anyway,for anyone else who has been in a cave for the last couple of weeks,that's ONE rave review!
More please!!

John Whitmore

Excuse this post which has nothing to do with Brian. I am merely sharing something with fellow enthusiasts for recorded music and maybe an interest in out of print vinyls. Rediscovery has opened their complete catalogue free of charge. These are vinyl restorations and they are high quality MP3s. There's no catch. I have all of them. I actually did a couple of the restorations. Very interesting stuff indeed.
Here's the main catalogue listing (which you had to purchase at one time):
Here's the list of titles that have always been free. Again there are some gems in here:
I hope you find something of interest. Try RD 144 - Gibson/Peer Gynt - for starters. Great disc from WRC and superb sound.


Quote from: Christo on March 13, 2015, 02:45:36 PM
£0.49 + £1.26 UK delivery Condition Used - Very Good -- by a well-known Amazon.co.uk seller, making £0.26 more in total. Okay, you win!  :)
??? ;D Indeed! I received two 2cd sets from two 'different' sellers today! One selling on Amazon and the other on ebay. Both under different names!! And both,looking at the envelopes,sent from exactly the same address!!! Well,they certainly had me fooled,Christo! I would be annoyed,but over the last few months I have bought a veritable pile of cds from this 'other' seller on ebay;some of them hard to obtain cds,or usually out of print and over priced.....and all of them at very,very,very low prices indeed! When there has been a problem I have received a prompt email with a nice apology and,on return,an equally prompt refund! Complaining about being made a fool of in this instance would be a bit like complaining about a cold caller who put money into my bank! At any rate,I may have the last laugh,in a way,because I haven't actually left any feedback for them,yet!! I am aware that they also trade under the name of a certain well,known garden bird and that everytime I tried to sell a cd or dvd on Amazon they undercut me by at least 1p!!! :( ;D

Enjoying Caractacus,now! What a stirring score! I am ashamed to say I much prefer this to Gerontius. I have heard that Caractacus is a good one for people who don't enjoy the latter!
Now,let's see if they've got a cheap copy of Olaf?!! Oops,they got me again!! ??? :( ;D


No! :( Thank goodness,in a way! But I see they have more £1.49 post free copies of Caractacus there. You could buy an armful at that price!! I just hope I won't be hearing the dreaded freezing/skipping sounds. It all looks in very good condition,though! The Henry Cowell 2cd mode set is deleted and usually goes for horribly high prices,so please....please, let it work properly! Again,it looks in very good condition.....and I've got a nice new (recently bought) mini hi-fi to play it on!!