Nørgård's Niche

Started by Kullervo, June 15, 2007, 06:43:57 PM

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In the Chandos recording of Sym.3, does anyone else hear a little 'clipping' of the brass during the first, upward-scale,... within the first five minutes?

btw- do the BIS samples sound thinner than the Chandos VC?


Quote from: snyprrr on January 11, 2012, 07:10:03 AM
btw- do the BIS samples sound thinner than the Chandos VC?

The Chandos recording is the original version for violin and symphony orchestra. The BIS recording is of the arrangement for violin and chamber orchestra.


Quote from: lescamil on November 20, 2011, 08:14:59 PM
The seventh symphony is one that I haven't completely wrapped my head around. I like it, but I haven't yet been able to get as familiar with it as with some of the others. I really like the inclusion of the 12 tuned toms in the outer movements. It gives it almost a sort of exotic, primal sound. Maybe I'll report back later with some other thoughts on it, once I get around to it more.

7 is on YT

I really liked it, and yes, the tom-toms do add a kind of 'Avatar planet', 'forest spirits' kind of feel (Ewoks!!): a very verdant sounding music, thick with foliage, dark green.


Thanks for the news, but I find it somewhat disconcerting that the concert schedule is released (and booking for it is opened!) well over a year in advance. By the time I'll know whether I can travel that distance, I'm not sure there will be any availability.

Is anyone here corresponding with Nørgård at the moment and willing to ask him what the concerns of the String Quartet No. 11 are?


If you are a member of the Demonoid torrent community, there's a radio recording of Nørgård's Cello Concerto No. 2 "Momentum" available. It's remarkable how neoclassical Nørgård sounds here. Listeners who prefer the fairly traditional mid-century harmonies of Nørgård's mentor Vagn Holmboe will find this work quite unthreatening. But nonetheless, all those lovely lines continue to be based on Nørgård's recent interest in new uses of the infinity series, so there's still complexity to his writing (and the perennial obsession with interference).


Quote from: CRCulver on February 29, 2012, 11:45:49 AM
If you are a member of the Demonoid torrent community, there's a radio recording of Nørgård's Cello Concerto No. 2 "Momentum" available. It's remarkable how neoclassical Nørgård sounds here. Listeners who prefer the fairly traditional mid-century harmonies of Nørgård's mentor Vagn Holmboe will find this work quite unthreatening. But nonetheless, all those lovely lines continue to be based on Nørgård's recent interest in new uses of the infinity series, so there's still complexity to his writing (and the perennial obsession with interference).

Just listened again to No.5. What a monster it is! I can't imagine a more imaginative work,... the full percussion section is used with such an expert hand,...eh, I'm unqualified this morning to write, but

nevermind! ::)


Quote from: snyprrr on March 01, 2012, 07:04:46 AM
Just listened again to No.5. What a monster it is! I can't imagine a more imaginative work,... the full percussion section is used with such an expert hand,...eh, I'm unqualified this morning to write, but

nevermind! ::)

Nørgård is a genius.


Quote from: kentel on March 01, 2012, 01:21:44 PM
Nørgård is a genius.

I mean, really... what's there to say?

I can say that today I heard new stuff in my head... new, never before heard sounds, because of 5 last night!


Quote from: snyprrr on March 01, 2012, 07:23:33 PM
I mean, really... what's there to say?

I can say that today I heard new stuff in my head... new, never before heard sounds, because of 5 last night!

If you consider the 7 symphonies : each of them is a masterwork, each is different from the others, and each shows an incredible capacity to imagine new music worlds. In fact, all in all, I could hardly find any piece written by Nørgård which is disappointing. There are some, but 90% of the time, the guy is at the very top.

If I was to choose 10 pieces within his musical production (I'm not but I'll do it anyway) :

Symphony nr.3
Symphony nr.6
Symphony nr.7
Violin Concerto n°1 "Helle Nacht"
Violin Concerto n°2 "Borderline"
String Quartet nr.8 "Night Descending like Smoke"
King, Queen and Ace (for orchestra)
Twilight (for orchestra)
The Secret Melody (for solo violin)
Circus City (for percussions)

... and it was hard to sacrify some pieces for this list (Dreamplay, Luna, Symphonies 2 & 5, Quartets 4,5,7 & 9, Nova Genitura, etc.)

among the disappointing ones, I would mention some pieces for guitar (Clubs among Jokers, Early Morn, Returns), some little ones for choir and some pieces of youth for piano. But you really have to look for them, that's maximum 1/10th of his production.

Archaic Torso of Apollo

Quote from: kentel on March 01, 2012, 11:49:06 PM

If I was to choose 10 pieces within his musical production (I'm not but I'll do it anyway) : [useful list snipped]

I notice the 4th Symphony is absent from any of your lists. Do you have an opinion on it? I recently bought the Chandos of syms 4/5 (largely thanks to the snyprrrrrrrrr's hyper-enthusiastic posts) but I haven't listened to it yet. I have to wait till I'm in that "special" mood.
formerly VELIMIR (before that, Spitvalve)

"Who knows not strict counterpoint, lives and dies an ignoramus" - CPE Bach


Quote from: Velimir on March 02, 2012, 12:52:37 AM
I notice the 4th Symphony is absent from any of your lists. Do you have an opinion on it? I recently bought the Chandos of syms 4/5 (largely thanks to the snyprrrrrrrrr's hyper-enthusiastic posts) but I haven't listened to it yet. I have to wait till I'm in that "special" mood.

Hey, don't bogart that joint m'friend! ;)

uh... just kidding?...I can only imagine the,... er, blowback, haha!!


Quote from: Velimir on March 02, 2012, 12:52:37 AM
I notice the 4th Symphony is absent from any of your lists. Do you have an opinion on it? I recently bought the Chandos of syms 4/5 (largely thanks to the snyprrrrrrrrr's hyper-enthusiastic posts) but I haven't listened to it yet. I have to wait till I'm in that "special" mood.

Why did I skip the 4th... It's obviously very good, more intellectual than the others maybe, a little dryer... Each symphony is different; I don't know if snyprrr would agree with this comment, but to me Nørgård's 4th is a little bit like Sibelius' 4th : more austere, more distanciated, more intellectual than the 6 others. Not the one you would put on the top of a ranking, not the easiest to listen to, although very beautiful in its own way.

I think you really have to listen to all of them to form an opinion. Maybe the first is the less interesting because it' is overshadowed by Holmboe's influence. But still a very good symphony though.


Nørgård turns 80 this year and he is being celebrated at various events in Denmark. This magazine page lists some of the domestic events (in Danish):


A "coffee-table" book with personal interviews is planned for release in summer (May?) by the Edition Wilhelm Hansen publishers.

His 8th Symphony will be performed in mid-November at DR-Byen, having received its premiere in Helsinki in the autumn.

A web-archive will present allegedly around 400 written articles, drawings etc. by Nørgård also. It must be assumed that they will primarily be in Danish. A small exhibition at the Royal Library "Diamanten" in Copenhagen will present some of the originals in relation to the webarchive, launched in summer. Apparently he had a talent for drawing too, saying that if he hadn´t been able to live from composing, he´d probably chosen to become a drawing artist.

EDIT: According to websites, the 8th Symphony will also be performed and recorded by the Vienna Philharmonic later this year. The conductor is said to be John Storgårds.


Quote from: DieNacht on March 09, 2012, 09:18:49 AM
Nørgård turns 80 this year and he is being celebrated at various events in Denmark. This magazine page lists some of the domestic events (in Danish):


A "coffee-table" book with personal interviews is planned for release in summer (May?) by the Edition Wilhelm Hansen publishers.

His 8th Symphony will be performed in mid-November at DR-Byen, having received its premiere in Helsinki in the autumn.

A web-archive will present allegedly around 400 written articles, drawings etc. by Nørgård also. It must be assumed that they wil primarily be in Danish. A small exhibition at the Royal Library "Diamanten" in Copenhagen will present some of the originals. Apparently he had a talent for drawing too, saying that if he hadn´t been able to live from composing, he´d probably chosen to become a drawing artist.

Tak skal du have, det lyder spændende  :)

I'm looking forward to hear his 8th symphony, each of them has been more beautiful than the previous one, so I hope he will there reach the peak of his genius.


QuoteTak skal du have, det lyder spændende 

Faultless Danish - how come ?  ??? :)

Nørgård seems to be in good shape, he is doing interviews etc. these days, so there are good chances he will compose a lot more music.


Quote from: DieNacht on March 09, 2012, 09:45:02 AM
Faultless Danish - how come ?  ??? :)

That's my job  :D

Quote from: DieNacht on March 09, 2012, 09:45:02 AMNørgård seems to be in good shape, he is doing interviews etc. these days, so there are good chances he will compose a lot more music.

Good to hear ! It would be great to have a 9th symphony...

I can see on the webpage you mentioned that there's a new rendering of his 1st Violin Concerto which should have been released in January...


Quote from: kentel on March 09, 2012, 11:01:08 AM
I can see on the webpage you mentioned that there's a new rendering of his 1st Violin Concerto which should have been released in January...

I announced it here above in this thread, and subsequently reviewed it at Amazon. I found it a disappointment, unfortunately.

Mirror Image

Quote from: CRCulver on March 09, 2012, 11:17:47 AM
I announced it here above in this thread, and subsequently reviewed it at Amazon. I found it a disappointment, unfortunately.

I've read a lot of your reviews. It takes a lot to make you happy apparently. I don't even understand why you write some of the reviews you did when it's clear that you never liked the music to begin with?


Quote from: Mirror Image on March 09, 2012, 11:22:28 AM
I've read a lot of your reviews. It takes a lot to make you happy apparently. I don't even understand why you write some of the reviews you did when it's clear that you never liked the music to begin with?

He actually wrote : "Helle Nacht" is a very accessible work with well-nigh infinite replay value, and highly recommended." !  :)

Mirror Image

Quote from: kentel on March 09, 2012, 11:29:04 AM
He actually wrote : "Helle Nacht" is a very accessible work with well-nigh infinite replay value, and highly recommended." !  :)

Oh, he wrote something positive? That's a first. :)