What are you listening 2 now?

Started by Gurn Blanston, September 23, 2019, 05:45:22 AM

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Mirror Image

Listening to back-to-back performances of The Oceanides from these recordings:

Then I'm going to play the Yale version of this tone poem from this recording:


Quote from: Tsaraslondon on November 08, 2019, 03:57:11 AM

Another nice free disc from BBC Music Magazine and an unusual coupling.

That was a very nice BBC freebie.

Thread Duty:
"Courage is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm" (Churchill).

'The test of a work of art is, in the end, our affection for it, not our ability to explain why it is good' (Stanley Kubrick).

Roasted Swan

Quote from: SymphonicAddict on November 08, 2019, 04:25:19 PM

Symphony in F major The Cotswolds

I already know why this work is not more popular: sounds more German than English!  ;D

It's a pretty good symphony, not as bad as I had thought of initially. The 2nd movement was the most compelling, a solemn elegy of certain profoundity.

Holst's harshest critic - his daughter Imogen - conceded that the 2nd movement "Elegy in Memoriam William Morris" was easily the best section of the work.  Of the 3 complete recordings (The Elegy is on a Lyrita disc too) this Bostock is easily the weakest both Davis on Chandos and Faletta on Naxos make a much stroinger case for the whole work....


Brahms PC 1 Lars Vogt


Quote from: pi2000 on November 08, 2019, 11:43:16 PM
Brahms PC 1 Lars Vogt

Not quite sure that playing piano and conducting orchestra was a good choice. There are moments when they evolve in different worlds :-\



Several people whose opinions I value have praised this so my expectations were high. Unfortunately, they were not met in the least.

I couldn't disagree more with Todd's enthusiastic review: https://www.good-music-guide.com/community/index.php/topic,26952.msg1222127.html#msg1222127

Plodding to, and often beyond, the limit of disintegration. I'm sorry but I can think of no other way to put it. I'm not in principle opposed to slowness (as in Barenboim's way with Schiubert's sonatas, for instance) but Mr. Paik takes it to insane levels. And the problem is compounded by the fact that, for all this exaggerated slowness, the effect, far from being light and ethereal, it's heavy and earthbound. Boredom set in after just the first three Nocturnes (at Paik's tempos this means actually about half an hour --- okay, I'm exaggerating but not too much) and eventually I stopped listening somewhere half-way through the disc. Listening to CD2 is not even an option.

Possibly the worst performance of the Nocturnes I've ever heard.

Sorry, Todd, Mandryka, George.
There is no theory. You have only to listen. Pleasure is the law. — Claude Debussy

some guy

Quote from: André on November 08, 2019, 11:51:17 AM
My favourite version of the symphonies. I particularly appreciate the strong, biting playing, the lucid, natural sound and the conductor's urgent, objective conceptions.
I will have to give those a listen, then. I've not heard any of them. He's up against some serious competition, though I have noticed with Nielsen that one person's masterful performance (Horenstein) can be easily bested by another person's masterful performance (Bernstein) which in turn is swiftly superceded by another person's masterful performance (Blomstedt).

And so forth.

It might be that Nielsen is a composer that comes across as brilliant no matter who's doing the conducting. Or that no one gets it entirely right, but does enough sensitive and idiomatic things to make a fairly decent (nice transformation of "masterful performance," eh?) performance overall.

In any case, I'm intrigued. I think that "biting" and "lucid" are good qualities to have in a Nielsen performer.


After listening to samples of possible purchases at jpc, I've put this on:

What can I say? It's simply perfect... apart from the fact neither the composer nor the ensemble is recorded enough.



Quote from: Ratliff on November 08, 2019, 02:37:18 PM
Liszt, Harmonies poétiques et religieuses, Leslie Howard.

Welcome back.  :)



Quote from: Traverso on November 09, 2019, 01:59:41 AM

Cantatas CD47

Are you enjoying the Koopman set as much as the Leonhardt/Harnoncourt?   :)



CD V of this fine box. Second rerun.

Performers: Greta de Reyghere, Agnes Mellon, Barbara Borden, Douglas Nasrawi, Bernard Foccroulle, Stephan van Dijck, Paul Agnew, Mark Padmore, Monika Mauch, Gerd Türk, Andreas Scholl, Maria Cristina Kiehr, Max van Egmond, James Bowman, Hans Jörg Mammel, Bart Jacobs, Henri Ledroit, Marion Verbruggen, Siebe Henstra, Vox Luminis, Cantus Cölln, Collegium Vocale Gent, Schola Cantorum Basiliensis, Ricercar Consort, Capella Sancti Michaelis, Concerto Palatino, Akademia, Stylus Phantasticus, Clematis, Flanders Recorder Quartet, Ensemble La Fenice, Pygmalion, Lionel Meunier, Konrad Junghänel, Philippe Pierlot, Francoise Lasserre, Erik van Nevel, Philippe Herreweghe, Leonardo Garcia Alarcon

It's really worth the money and an enjoyable effort to listen to the many composers and their works. Especially as they come in perfect performances, well most of them, with sometimes a odd one out, but that's a personal thing. Sound quality is most of the time very good.
Quote from Manuel, born in Spain, currently working at Fawlty Towers.

" I am from Barcelona, I know nothing.............."



Perhaps stating the obvious, as I am an ardent Enrico Gatti fan, but it really doesn't get any better than this.....
If anyone likes some pointers on other Gatti recordings, let me know.



Quote from: Que on November 09, 2019, 03:09:00 AM

Perhaps stating the obvious, as I am an ardent Enrico Gatti fan, but it really doesn't get any better than this.....
If anyone likes some pointers on other Gatti recordings, let me know.


This record I have, if it is the opus I, but I would be interested which ones you recommend.
Quote from Manuel, born in Spain, currently working at Fawlty Towers.

" I am from Barcelona, I know nothing.............."


CD VI of this box.
Quote from Manuel, born in Spain, currently working at Fawlty Towers.

" I am from Barcelona, I know nothing.............."


CD VII from this box!

Just a load of gorgeous music in pristine performances.
Quote from Manuel, born in Spain, currently working at Fawlty Towers.

" I am from Barcelona, I know nothing.............."


Martinu: Czech Rhapsody - Jiri Belohlavek conducting the Prague Symphony Orchestra & Kuhn Mixed Choir with Ivan Kusnjer baritone - stirring stuff!

Mirror Image

Quote from: Biffo on November 09, 2019, 06:07:20 AM
Martinu: Czech Rhapsody - Jiri Belohlavek conducting the Prague Symphony Orchestra & Kuhn Mixed Choir with Ivan Kusnjer baritone - stirring stuff!

Pounds the table!





Over the course of the last couple work weeks, I streamed a big chunk of the Doric Quartet's discography in the early morning work hours.  There's nary a weak recording in the bunch.  Sure, the Aron Quartett breathe even more like into the criminally under-recorded Korngold works, and no one can make Adams truly compelling, and in the other rep, established faves probably remain established faves, but the Janacek quartets have no little intensity, the Schubert G Major rocks, and the Haydn works delight.  Op 20 is rock solid, Op 64 too, but it is in Op 76, with a perfect combination of refinement and copious hints of rustic influences and idiosyncratic touches, where the Doric show they can compete with anyone.  Here's to hoping they release and LvB cycle next year.

The universe is change; life is opinion. - Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

People would rather believe than know - E.O. Wilson

Propaganda death ensemble - Tom Araya


CD VIII, the last one in this box.

I had a very pleasant afternoon with the last four CD'S.
Quote from Manuel, born in Spain, currently working at Fawlty Towers.

" I am from Barcelona, I know nothing.............."