What TV series are you currently watching?

Started by Wakefield, April 26, 2015, 06:16:35 PM

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Quote from: André on August 14, 2018, 05:20:53 AM
Way too hot around here, so I'm indulging...

Agatha Christie spin-offs, with the Cotswold setting intact, but the avuncular Father Brown replaces Miss Marple.
I watched all the series some months ago on my local cable network here in Spain. Great fun, and some very engaging characters (I have a particular fondness for Lady Felicia).

But.... I was intrigued by the overwhelming majority of Roman Catholics in the Cotswolds in the 1950s.  ::)  :D

I've never read the original Chesterton books, though.


Quote from: drogulus on August 13, 2018, 10:20:00 AM
      The series Spooks, which is much more recent, was shot on Super 16 and for that reason it's not going to be on Blu Ray.

      This came off a Blu Ray forum:

Spooks was shot on Super16.

Whilst it's not impossible to source a BD from Super16 film (The Wrestler for example) the BBC are reluctant to go down that route. I think they did it with Pride & Prejudice, but decided that there wouldn't be any more after that. That's why there are no BDs of the earlier seasons of Merlin, until they changed the film stock from Super16 to 35mm series 4 onwards.

It's not just the BBC, Fox declined the opportunity to put The Shield out on BD because it had used Super16 film, which it deemed to be insufficient quality from which to source BDs.

Life on Mars was shot on Super16, and was later transferred to a HD master, which didn't look brilliant.

    I got the Blu Ray of Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (1979) just yesterday. Somebody thought it was worth doing, and somebody was mostly wrong.

That's an interesting opinion. Thanks for posting it.

"You overestimate my power of attraction," he told her. "No, I don't," she replied sharply, "and neither do you".



Rewatching The Pacific these days and HBO's American version of the comedy Getting On. Laurie Metcalf and Co. are brilliant in GO and the show is hilarious and masterful. I'm not sure how I feel about the Pacific. It's good but there's diminishing returns in war epics. Still, there are some scenes that give you a bit of a sense of what storming a beach was like. The character of Sledge (and real-life person) is great.


Trying this one out on Netflix, to have some variety. The first episode was pretty good.
"I can't live without music, because music is life." - Yvonne Lefébure


Finished "The Sinner" on Netflix.  Well-acted, interesting story; all around well-done.  I'd recommend it, but with the following provisos: it is dark.  There were times where I'd have just stop and walk away from it for a while.  Probably my favorite Bill Pullman performance; he's great in this. 

If you're a fan of David Lynchean darkness, then this is for you.  I am and it was.

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Ken B

Quote from: George on August 16, 2018, 07:24:33 PM

Trying this one out on Netflix, to have some variety. The first episode was pretty good.

That's based on a Canadian play that was a run away hit for the Soulpepper Theatre Company. Haven't seen the show but the play is very good.


Quote from: Ken B on August 23, 2018, 07:34:02 AM
That's based on a Canadian play that was a run away hit for the Soulpepper Theatre Company. Haven't seen the show but the play is very good.

Cool. Same cast?
"I can't live without music, because music is life." - Yvonne Lefébure


Quote from: Draško on August 14, 2018, 02:21:14 AM

I really liked this. It's very slow and there is not that much plot: troubled reporter comes back to her small backwater hometown to write on murders of two young girls, meanders around, faces her rather gothic family with many a skeleton in the closet, hell ensues. It's a modern southern gothic and everything is about atmosphere which is sticky, hazy and dark. It's visually gorgeous and soundtrack/sound editing is one of the best I heard. Don't know what you get for mini-series but whatever it is if Amy Adams doesn't get it it's a robbery.   


A modern British sitcom. Bunch of "kooky" 20-somethings basically squatting in disused hospital. Disappointingly middling, but I guess watchable for six twenty minute episodes. Doubt I'd go for second season if there was one. The girl who wrote it is supposedly quite talented and has another well reviewed show titled Fleabag. I might give that a go.


Quote from: Draško on September 03, 2018, 05:32:43 AM

A modern British sitcom. Bunch of "kooky" 20-somethings basically squatting in disused hospital. Disappointingly middling, but I guess watchable for six twenty minute episodes. Doubt I'd go for second season if there was one. The girl who wrote it is supposedly quite talented and has another well reviewed show titled Fleabag. I might give that a go.

Have you seen this show, Drasko? I think it's quite funny. Also dark and touching at times.

"I can't live without music, because music is life." - Yvonne Lefébure


Quote from: George on September 03, 2018, 05:44:15 AM
Have you seen this show, Drasko? I think it's quite funny. Also dark and touching at times.

No, haven't heard of it. I'll give it a try, though my track record with US sitcoms is awful, don't think I ever finished a season of any.  :-[


Quote from: Draško on September 04, 2018, 04:46:20 AM
No, haven't heard of it. I'll give it a try, though my track record with US sitcoms is awful, don't think I ever finished a season of any.  :-[

OK, I would say that this one is not conventional, for what it's worth. And if you have an interest in stand up comedy, I think you might like it.
"I can't live without music, because music is life." - Yvonne Lefébure



Quote from: George on September 04, 2018, 04:54:07 AM
OK, I would say that this one is not conventional, for what it's worth. And if you have an interest in stand up comedy, I think you might like it.

I have currently HBO free trial period so I might give it a go. Thanks!


Short and breezy fish-out-of-water mini-series about small town girl who becomes a nanny for a high-brow literary magazine editor in north London in the 80s. Not bad, quite charming, but over before you know it started (just five 30 min. episodes).


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MN Dave

"The effect of music is so very much more powerful and penetrating than is that of the other arts, for these others speak only of the shadow, but music of the essence." — Arthur Schopenhauer


This is really excellent. I'm generally not a fan of 'socially awkward people doing cringy stuff' type of comedy, but this is alternately quite funny and unbelievably touching and sad. Looking forward to second season, that I believe is in the making.