What TV series are you currently watching?

Started by Wakefield, April 26, 2015, 06:16:35 PM

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Quote from: Florestan on June 23, 2021, 11:34:18 AM
Today I finished this 8-episode Icelandic Netflix series:

A rather sinister plot with a few really disturbing twists (honestly, one could construe writing such a part for a child actor as being psychological abuse on him), based on an interesting idea. What captivated me the most was (1) trying to learn Icelandic (when I first saw the Netflix preview I asked myself aloud: What effing language is that?, and upon my wife replying Sounds like something Germanic to me! the bell rang in my head loudly: By Jove, you're right, that must be Icelandic!)* and (2) after a few minutes into the first episode, I thought the lugubrious landscape fitted the action like a glove and indeed, just like London in Dickens or Sankt-Petersburg in Dostoevsky, the landscape is a main protagonist in this series.

Tbh, I've yet to watch an Icelandic movie or series which is less than interesting.

* and indeed I did learn a few words and phrases.  8)

There is no theory. You have only to listen. Pleasure is the law. — Claude Debussy


Quote from: André on July 31, 2021, 12:01:59 PM
Well, I did !  :)

Hard to watch an episode without wanting to see the next right away. Very interesting on different levels - psychological, scientific (heavily fictional but still captivating) and very well acted. Some of the faces were familiar from other icelandic series I've watched, and very good they are.

I really like it to.  Not to give much away, but in the end it seems to work out in a way that is suitable to both the real people and the simulacrums, i.e. not the same in all instances.  The explanation for the creation of these human clones is satisfying on the psychological level though pure fantasy on the scientific level.

Pohjolas Daughter

Just finished Season one of Vera.  Really enjoyed it!  Thoughtful plots with lots of twists, complications and complexities to it, plus enjoying the development of her and the other regular characters on it.

Pohjolas Daughter


three episodes into:

Immediately gripping and I'll probably do all four seasons in quick succession

But when was it decided that so many modern tv shows must have a Game Of Thrones style gratuitous and exploitative nudity quota? Not that I mind looking on the female form, but if I wanted porn I'd go looking for porn and its insulting that they think of their viewership as thirteen year old boys watching a Porkys film.


     And now, on to Finland for Darkwind, which is heavily influenced by Forbrydelsen. It's dark like the Danish series.

     I'm reliably informed that some of the people are intensely squeegee. The daughters of the murdered woman are beyond the valley of squeegeeness. There, now you know.
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Star Trek: Discovery

We've been slowly working through the three seasons of Discovery after finishing Picard. Having seen the various TV iterations of Star Trek over the decades, I am always at a loss of what to think of 'modern views on an old theme'.

"All the good music has already been written by people with wigs and stuff."


Quote from: George on July 30, 2021, 07:25:54 PM

My second time through the series. I'm up to the 5th episode of the 3rd season. So far, Spader's character has already made reference to the 9th step in AA in two separate episodes. I find this particularly funny, as he was on the 9th step in that Seinfeld episode he was in. I figure the writers have left this as an Easter egg. My girlfriend and I enjoy the show, despite its flaws. Spader is a joy to watch here. He visibly enjoys the role.

I don't know if I could do a second watch of The Blacklist. The (now) nine seasons of tease after tease that leads nowhere is an ongoing frustration with this series, just on a first watch alone. Although I would be lying if I said I haven't enjoyed this series, mainly for James Spader.

That Seinfeld episode is a good one:
Quote"I'm so sorry that I didn't want your rather bulbous head struggling to find its way through the normal-size neck hole of my finely knit sweater."
"All the good music has already been written by people with wigs and stuff."


"I can't live without music, because music is life." - Yvonne Lefébure


Somehow I've managed to not watch Suits since it started airing almost 10 years ago. I saw the first few episodes yesterday. Entertaining, with a good rythm and interesting characters.



Recent Viewing:

A few Episodes into the 1st Season of the above show - Liking it so far; 3 Seasons of it to watch which is nice... :)

Pohjolas Daughter

Quote from: Undersea on August 14, 2021, 09:34:11 AM
Recent Viewing:

A few Episodes into the 1st Season of the above show - Liking it so far; 3 Seasons of it to watch which is nice... :)
I really enjoyed that series.  Hope that you like the rest of the DVDs.  :)

Pohjolas Daughter


I liked the first season until they had a stupid plot twist to artificially extend the show.  I always wanted to seek out the original because I have a feeling that would better writing.


Quote from: DavidW on August 15, 2021, 05:21:33 AM
I liked the first season until they had a stupid plot twist to artificially extend the show.  I always wanted to seek out the original because I have a feeling that would better writing.

I found the original series brilliant in all aspects. It's unlikely you'll ever feel the same again about a Fair Isle knitwear jumper if you do watch it.  :laugh: (that's not a spoiler)


Quote from: DavidW on August 15, 2021, 05:21:33 AM
I liked the first season until they had a stupid plot twist to artificially extend the show.  I always wanted to seek out the original because I have a feeling that would better writing.

     The Danish original has plenty of stupid blind alleys. I loved it anyway.


     Shit, I know I'm going to watch it again.

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Pohjolas Daughter

Just finished Season 2 of Vera...loving the plots and acting.    :)

Pohjolas Daughter

Pohjolas Daughter

Almost done with Season 3 of Vera.  Happened to catch some of the closing credits and the name of Jodie Comer popped up.  I did a double-take and went back to see which character she had played as I didn't recognize her.  Am a big fan of Killing Eve so I was happy to see her name in there.  For those who are curious, she appears in Episode 3 of it and it's called "Young Gods".   :)

Pohjolas Daughter

Papy Oli

The Bridge (Season 1).

I had not seen any of those acclaimed Scandi thriller series like The Bridge, Borgen or The Killing yet.

It was high time to remedy to this and I am glad I did.

Very good.



Quote from: Papy Oli on August 18, 2021, 07:28:00 AM
The Bridge (Season 1).

I had not seen any of those acclaimed Scandi thriller series like The Bridge, Borgen or The Killing yet.

It was high time to remedy to this and I am glad I did.

Very good.

Tack. :)
You must have a very good opinion of yourself to write a symphony - John Ireland.

I opened the door people rushed through and I was left holding the knob - Bo Diddley.

Pohjolas Daughter

Quote from: Papy Oli on August 18, 2021, 07:28:00 AM
The Bridge (Season 1).

I had not seen any of those acclaimed Scandi thriller series like The Bridge, Borgen or The Killing yet.

It was high time to remedy to this and I am glad I did.

Very good.

Quote from: Irons on August 18, 2021, 08:20:57 AM
Tack. :)
;D  Pleased that you are enjoying it Olivier!  I think that it might have been Irons who first told me about this series.  Tak, Irons!

Pohjolas Daughter