The unimportant news thread

Started by Lethevich, March 05, 2008, 07:14:50 AM

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Ken B

Quote from: Florestan on October 12, 2019, 04:55:29 PM
It doesn't matter how flexible or not it is. What matters is that you support a doctrine which, given enough flexibility, and more importantly, enough political power, would result in death for homosexuals.

Now, I am opposed to gay marriage, gay adoptions and so forth, but killing homosexuals is just that: killing.
By the "Mansur standard" I think we must conclude Jeffrey is anti homosexual and is in favor of killing them.
I think that suggests this whole ratchet games is bogus but what's pudding for the goose ....


Quote from: JBS on October 12, 2019, 05:00:59 PM
And you support a doctrine which, given enough flexibility, and more importantly, enough political power, would result in death for homosexuals.

Again: please cite chapter and verse the Orthodox Church's canon law regarding homosexuals.
There is no theory. You have only to listen. Pleasure is the law. — Claude Debussy


Quote from: Ken B on October 12, 2019, 05:03:26 PM
By the "Mansur standard" I think we must conclude Jeffrey is anti homosexual and is in favor of killing them.
I think that suggests this whole ratchet games is bogus but what's pudding for the goose ....

Explain to me how a party whose platform is explicitly anti immigration and anti immigrant is not anti immigration and anti immigrant, and I will concede you are right about Mansur.

Hollywood Beach Broadwalk

Ken B

Quote from: JBS on October 12, 2019, 05:26:30 PM
Explain to me how a party whose platform is explicitly anti immigration and anti immigrant is not anti immigration and anti immigrant, and I will concede you are right about Mansur.

An argument for X is not an argument for more X. Nor is an argument for more X an argument for Y.
I don't want any more wives, but I am not anti wife nor anti my wife. My wife and I recently decided not to adopt another cat, but we still like the ones we have. It certainly doesn't mean we want to expel one.
I also don't think anyone who describes himself as Jewish necessarily wants to kill me for wearing cotton polyester shirts. Your mileage may vary.


Quote from: Ken B on October 12, 2019, 06:00:44 PM
An argument for X is not an argument for more X. Nor is an argument for more X an argument for Y.
I don't want any more wives, but I am not anti wife nor anti my wife. My wife and I recently decided not to adopt another cat, but we still like the ones we have. It certainly doesn't mean we want to expel one.
I also don't think anyone who describes himself as Jewish necessarily wants to kill me for wearing cotton polyester shirts. Your mileage may vary.

The party platform calls for less immigration. The party platform calls for ending multiculturalism, which is the same as calling for fewer immigrants. The accurate parallel would be to say you decided you didn't like cats, and are arguing with your wife about sending some of the ones you have now to the shelter.

Hollywood Beach Broadwalk

Ken B

Quote from: JBS on October 12, 2019, 06:10:12 PM
The party platform calls for less immigration. The party platform calls for ending multiculturalism, which is the same as calling for fewer immigrants. The accurate parallel would be to say you decided you didn't like cats, and are arguing with your wife about sending some of the ones you have now to the shelter.

This is too ridiculous for words. Less immigration still means adding more people. It does not mean reducing the number here.

You are also simply misinformed about what "multiculturalism" means in this, Canadian, context. It refers to a long standing official policy of the Canadian government. It means a lot less now than it did in the 70s where there was discussion of schools in Polish or Pashtun etc. These days it's usually pork barrel funding for things. It does not mean either more or fewer Canadians. 


Quote from: Ken B on October 12, 2019, 06:27:35 PM
This is too ridiculous for words. Less immigration still means adding more people. It does not mean reducing the number here.

You are also simply misinformed about what "multiculturalism" means in this, Canadian, context. It refers to a long standing official policy of the Canadian government. It does not mean either more or fewer Canadians.

You are arguing that A is not A.

Hollywood Beach Broadwalk

Ken B

Quote from: JBS on October 12, 2019, 06:30:57 PM
You are arguing that A is not A.
I conclude you don't know what "immigration" means.


Quote from: Ken B on October 12, 2019, 06:45:10 PM
I conclude you don't know what "immigration" means.

I know what it means. The platform calls for admitting fewer immigrants and using more restrictive criteria in admitting those who are allowed to come.  In the real world (as opposed to KenWorld) that's being anti-immigration.

As I said before, it reads like a Trump underling wrote it.

Hollywood Beach Broadwalk


Quote from: JBS on October 12, 2019, 12:47:59 PM
As an Orthodox Christian, you adhere to Church canon law, correct?
But you seem to think heretics should not be put to death.

I have not read nor am I interested in reading the ongoing discussion, but in skimming the thread this caught my attention. The claim that in Orthodox canon law the penalty for heresy is death is false. You are either being deliberately mendacious or plain ignorant. If it's the latter, be informed by an LL.M. in Ecclesiastical Law that in Orthodoxy the only penalty for heresy is excommunication, which merely means expulsion from church life. I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt that you did not just write that claim in order to conflate Orthodoxy with existing murderous faiths, which explicitly forbid apostasy and heresy under penalty of death, because that kind of libel would be equivalent to hate speech.


Quote from: Wanderer on October 14, 2019, 02:02:41 AM
in Orthodoxy the only penalty for heresy is excommunication, which merely means expulsion from church life.

It must be stressed that this is actually the most severe penalty that the Orthodox canon laws prescribe for any trespassing (and it has two forms, epitemia, which is temporarily limited, and anathema, which is permanent unless and until the trespasser repents; but anathema is not any form of final damnation, only God can and will judge an unrepentant anathematized person). Death penalty is completely alien to Orthodoxy.
There is no theory. You have only to listen. Pleasure is the law. — Claude Debussy

Ken B

I voted today. There was no fuss or hassle. There were
- paper ballots
- an ID check

Registration is easy, and there is a system for registration at the polling booth (the ballots are sequestered).

And for some reason we in Canada seem to never have the kind of issues that the Americans have.

(My favorite "issue" in 2016 was Jill Stein claiming she wuz robbed by voting machines in Michigan. Michigan uses paper ballots. )

I am not hopeful in my riding, but with luck we will have a new prime minister tomorrow.

Ken B

It's official: you can dress up in costume to mock black people and be elected Prime minister of Canada. You can also lean on the solicitor general to get special treatment for big party donors.


     The Vaping Overreaction

     I use e-cigs, and I've been waiting patiently for the "Satanic Day Care abuse" phase to burn itself out.

The relative safety of e-cigarettes has been recognized abroad. Public Health England, the British equivalent of the CDC, has estimated that e-cigarettes are at least 95 percent less hazardous than conventional cigarettes. Some British hospitals house vape shops, and the month-long national anti-smoking campaign, Stoptober, encourages people to vape instead.

     Are there no Satanist day care centers in the U.K.? Do they not even have basements?

     It will take time to de-panic a population prone to it.

Unfortunately, the misconceptions surrounding vaping may be too well entrenched. A Kaiser poll conducted this month revealed that 49 percent of respondents support banning all e-cigarettes, not just flavored ones. That would be a deadly mistake. "If we lose this opportunity," David S. Abrams, a professor at the New York University College of Global Public Health, told CBS Morning News last month, "we will have blown the single biggest public-health opportunity ever to get rid of cigarettes and replace them with a much safer form of nicotine for everybody." With 35 million Americans still smoking, the stakes are high.

     This is just what we need, another drug war. This one could kill a million people.
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:126.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/126.0
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/115.0

Ken B

Quote from: drogulus on October 23, 2019, 06:04:18 AM
     The Vaping Overreaction

     I use e-cigs, and I've been waiting patiently for the "Satanic Day Care abuse" phase to burn itself out.

The relative safety of e-cigarettes has been recognized abroad. Public Health England, the British equivalent of the CDC, has estimated that e-cigarettes are at least 95 percent less hazardous than conventional cigarettes. Some British hospitals house vape shops, and the month-long national anti-smoking campaign, Stoptober, encourages people to vape instead.

     Are there no Satanist day care centers in the U.K.? Do they not even have basements?

     It will take time to de-panic a population prone to it.

Unfortunately, the misconceptions surrounding vaping may be too well entrenched. A Kaiser poll conducted this month revealed that 49 percent of respondents support banning all e-cigarettes, not just flavored ones. That would be a deadly mistake. "If we lose this opportunity," David S. Abrams, a professor at the New York University College of Global Public Health, told CBS Morning News last month, "we will have blown the single biggest public-health opportunity ever to get rid of cigarettes and replace them with a much safer form of nicotine for everybody." With 35 million Americans still smoking, the stakes are high.

     This is just what we need, another drug war. This one could kill a million people.

The war on vaping is in full swing here in Canada.


Quote from: Ken B on October 23, 2019, 06:09:29 AM
The war on vaping is in full swing here in Canada.

     What I find a little surprising is how little has been written about it on the nonpanic side. It took me almost no effort at all to figure out that after about 10 years on the market e-cigs could not possibly generate a sudden epidemic of catastrophic lung disease.
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Ken B

Quote from: drogulus on October 23, 2019, 06:15:28 AM
     What I find a little surprising is how little has been written about it on the nonpanic side. It took me almost no effort at all to figure out that after about 10 years on the market e-cigs could not possibly generate a sudden epidemic of catastrophic lung disease.

Of course to the banners that is irrelevant. It's not about harm, it's about compliance. The Catholic Church objects to any particular sex act more strongly if a condom is used.


Quote from: Ken B on October 21, 2019, 12:08:26 PM
The Akagi has been found

    A new movie about Midway is coming out. The clip I saw had awful looking CGI and now I see it's directed by Roland Emmerich.
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