Quiz: Mystery scores

Started by Sean, August 27, 2007, 06:49:47 AM

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(poco) Sforzando

Quote from: Jezetha on May 11, 2008, 05:35:36 AM
Yes, it was fun to exaggerate, though it isn't all untrue, of course.

Amy Beach is indeed right - I checked Amazon. That Allegro con fuoco was there, with the shivering strings and the fanfare-like main theme.

Amy Beach's Gaelic symphony it is.
"I don't know what sforzando means, though it clearly means something."


22 - does that mean it is 1) by someone here? Or 2)that the composer (not famous for being such) shares a name with someone here? Or 3) that it is someone talked about frequently here who also composes?

If 1) to conform with your clue it would have to be by someone who composes/composed, but doesn't go on about it, e.g. previous member and 'well-known name' Larry Rinkel - though it can't be him because to my knowledge no one ever saw so much as a note of any of his music, even though he dropped hints now and then about his previous life (the secretive bugger)

If 2) ...well, did Humphrey Bogart compose?  ;D did Lilas Pastia create little ditties as he worked? did Harry (but not the Hendersons) write sasquatch music? did Michael 'Mike' Knight get his car KITT to help him write that theme tune?

If 3) Does Richard Dawkins pen atheist anthems? Does Ubloo....whatever....?

(poco) Sforzando

Quote from: lukeottevanger on May 11, 2008, 06:42:08 AM
22 - does that mean it is 1) by someone here? Or 2)that the composer (not famous for being such) shares a name with someone here? Or 3) that it is someone talked about frequently here who also composes?

If 1) to conform with your clue it would have to be by someone who composes/composed, but doesn't go on about it, e.g. previous member and 'well-known name' Larry Rinkel - though it can't be him because to my knowledge no one ever saw so much as a note of any of his music, even though he dropped hints now and then about his previous life (the secretive bugger)

If 2) ...well, did Humphrey Bogart compose?  ;D did Lilas Pastia create little ditties as he worked? did Harry (but not the Hendersons) write sasquatch music? did Michael 'Mike' Knight get his car KITT to help him write that theme tune?

If 3) Does Richard Dawkins pen atheist anthems? Does Ubloo....whatever....?

Good heavens, so many possibilities. Well, you've got it. On the old Classical Insites, this fellow Larry Rinkel, who contributed quite a bit to this thread months ago, briefly posted a PDF of a piano sonatina he had written at age 16. I kept the PDF because I liked this slow movement, but otherwise I thought the piece was derivative and awkward.
"I don't know what sforzando means, though it clearly means something."


Have you got the rest of the piece? I know Larry from the CI days - don't remember you, though, sorry - and I'm still in touch with him despite his absence here; it would be nice to have a look at some of his work.

Doesn't look too shoddy for a 16 year old. Much better than some I could mention....

(poco) Sforzando

Quote from: lukeottevanger on May 11, 2008, 07:24:57 AM
Have you got the rest of the piece? I know Larry from the CI days - don't remember you, though, sorry - and I'm still in touch with him despite his absence here; it would be nice to have a look at some of his work.

Doesn't look too shoddy for a 16 year old. Much better than some I could mention....

I would ask him directly. I thought the excerpt I posted constituted "fair use," but I wouldn't put the whole of an unpublished composition on the board without permission.
"I don't know what sforzando means, though it clearly means something."


Quote from: Sforzando on May 11, 2008, 07:41:40 AM
I would ask him directly.

I suppose so. I sense he doesn't like this stuff floating around nowadays - that's why I haven't asked him -  but obviously he didn't mind so much all those years ago. He's obviously getting more secretive as he grows older!

(poco) Sforzando

Quote from: lukeottevanger on May 11, 2008, 07:45:05 AM
I suppose so. I sense he doesn't like this stuff floating around nowadays - that's why I haven't asked him -  but obviously he didn't mind so much all those years ago. He's obviously getting more secretive as he grows older!

As I remember him, there's nothing he more despised than people who used the Internet as a vehicle for self-promotion because they couldn't get their stuff published or played through normal channels. So two days after he felt pressured to post his sonata at CI, he deleted it.
"I don't know what sforzando means, though it clearly means something."

(poco) Sforzando

Quote from: lukeottevanger on May 11, 2008, 07:24:57 AM
Have you got the rest of the piece? I know Larry from the CI days - don't remember you, though, sorry -

No problem. I used a different handle then. As Sforzando I only happened on this forum about six months ago.
"I don't know what sforzando means, though it clearly means something."




The large print giveth, and the small print taketh away


I'm Larry, and so's my wife..


Quote from: Sforzando on May 11, 2008, 08:04:28 AM
As I remember him, there's nothing he more despised than people who used the Internet as a vehicle for self-promotion because they couldn't get their stuff published or played through normal channels.



Yes I thought that was a bit harsh too!

The large print giveth, and the small print taketh away


TTT again

Old list:
part one
part two

current list

Set by Luke
165 - Schubert - Symphony no 4 - (Sforzando)
166 - Brahms - Serenade no 1 - (Sforzando)
167 - Bartok - Miraculous Mandarin (complete ballet) - (Sforzando)
168 - Janacek - Otce Nas - (revealed by Luke)
169 - Mozart - Sinfonia Concertante (wind solos) - (Sforzando)
170 - Brahms - Neue Liebeslieder waltzes - (Sforzando)
171 - Liszt - Totentanz - (Johan)
172 - Schumann - Mein Wagen rollet langsam- (Sforzando)
173 - Wagner - Rheingold - (Mark)
174 - Stravinsky - Mass - (Mark)
175 - Sibelius - Tapiola - (Mark)
176 - Debussy- Danse sacre et danse profane - (Sforzando)
177 - Berlioz - Roman Carnival - (Johan)
178 - Debussy - Pelleas et Melisande - (Sforzando)
179 - Rossini - La Cenerentola overture - (Sforzando)
180 - Scriabin - Prometheus - (Mark)
181 - Franck - Symphonic Variations - (Sforzando)
182 - Gershwin - Piano Concerto - (Mark)
183 - Busoni - Piano Concerto - (Robert)
184 - Honegger - Pacific 231 - (Greg)
185 - Ligeti - String Quartet no 1 - (revealed by Luke)
186 - Ligeti - String Quartet no 2 - (matticus)
187 - Holst - The Perfect Fool - (Johan)
188 - Tippett - Fantasia Concertante/Corelli - (Johan)
189 - Elgar - Cockaigne - (Johan)
190 - Tippett - Triple Concerto - (Mark)
191 - Ireland - Piano concerto - (Guido)
192 - Tippett - Symphony no 1 - (Mark)
193 - Vaughan Williams - The Lake in the Mountains - (revealed by Luke)
194 - Tippett - A Child of Our Time - (Robert)
195 - Rubbra - Prelude/Fugue theme of Cyril Scott - (Maciek)
196 - Berners - Le poisson d'or - (Guido)
197 - Tippett - The Midsummer Marriage - (Mark)
198 - Howells - Hymnus Paradisi - (Guido)
199 - Lutoslawski - Two Etudes - (Maciek)
200 - Bloch - Schelomo - (Guido)
201 - Thelonius Monk improvisation - (revealed by Luke)
202 - Humperdinck - Hansel und Gretel - (Sforzando)
203 - Hoddinott - The sun, the great luminary of the universe - (revealed by Luke)
204 - Zimmermann - Stille und umkehr - (revealed by Luke)
205 - Ligeti - Cello Concerto - (Guido)
206 - Glass - Vessels (from Koyaanisqatsi) - (revealed by Luke)
207 - Berio - Folksongs - (Symphonien)
208 - Part - Rottkappchen und der Wolf - (Sforzando)
209 - Ligeti - Lontano - (Greg)
210 - Ligeti - Artikulation - (Greg)
211 - Bussotti - La Passion Selon Sade - (Symphonien)
212 - Stevenson - Passacaglia on DSCH - (Johan)
213 - Grainger - Ramble on Love - (Sforzando)
214 - Penderecki - De Natura Sonoris I - (Mark/Greg)
215 - Cowell - ? - (Karl)
216 - Dallapiccola - Quaderno Musicale di Annalibera - (Symphonien)
217 - Xenakis - à r - (Johan)
218 - Ives - Improvisation (transcr. Dapogny) - (Mark)
219 - ? -
220 - Messiaen - Mode de valeurs... - (Guido)
221 - Messiaen - Tombeau de Paul Dukas - (Johan)
222 - ?
223 - Crumb - Agnus Dei (Makrokosmos II) - (Symphonien)
224 - Villa-Lobos - Amazonas - (Johan)
225 - Koechlin - Les Heures Persanes - (Sforzando)
226 - Mussorgsky - Sunless - (Sforzando)
226 - ? -
227 - Schoenberg - Songs op 22 - (Mark)
228 - ? -
229 - ? -
230 - Gould - So you want to write a fugue - (Johan)
231 - Schoeck - Elegie - (Johan)
232 - Feldman - ? - (Guido)
233 - ? -
234 - ? -
235 - Rachmaninov - Piano Trio 1 - (Guido)
236 - Britten - Michelangelo Sonnets - (Sforzando)
237 - Wyschnegradsky - Etude sur le carré magique sonore - (Johan)
238 - ? -
239 - Mosolov - Two Dances op 23b - (Johan)
240 - ? -
241 - Francaix - La Promenade d'un musicologue éclectique - (Johan)
242 - ? -
243 - Sciarrino - Anamorfosi - (Johan)
244 - ? -
245 - ? -
246 - Beethoven - Equali - (Mark)
247 - Boulez - Notations - (Sforzando)
248 - Ustvolskaya - Piano Sonata no 6 - (Johan)
249 - Hamelin - Preambulum to an Imaginary Piano Symphony - (Johan)
250 - Stockhausen - Gruppen - (Sforzando)
251 - ? -
252 - Ravel - Ronsard à son âme - (Johan)
253 - Chopin (aged 7) - Polonaise - (Sforzando)
254 - Chopin reconstr. Kallberg - 'Trill' Prelude - (Sforzando)
255 - ? -
256 - Ravel - Noël des jouets - (Johan)

Set by Greg
31 - Mahler - Ressurection symphony - (Johan)

Set by Symphonien
1 - Lachenmann - Pression - (Luke)
2 - Stravinsky - Les noces - (Johan)
3 - Schoenberg - A Survivor from Warsaw - (Mark)
4 - Murail - Désintégrations - (Luke)
5 - Schnittke - Prelude in memoriam Dmitiri Shostakovich - (Mark)
6  - Sciarrino - Sei quartetti brevi - (Luke)
7 - Stockhausen - Es (aus der sieben Tage) - (Mark)
8 - Nietzsche - There flows a brook - (Guido)

Set by Guido
21 - Beethoven - Triple Concerto - (Luke)
22 - Ligeti - Hungarian Rock - (Luke)
23 - Bartok - Study for the Left Hand - (Luke)
24 - Miaskovsky - Cello Sonata 2 - (Luke)
25 - Schulhoff - Violin Sonata - (Luke)
26 - Webern - Piece for cello and piano - (Luke)
27 - Tchaikovsky - Rococo Variations - (Luke)
28 - Scarlatti - Sonata K175 - (Luke)

Set by Sforzando
1 - Schubert - Reliquie Sonata - (Luke)
2 - Feldman - Last pieces - (Guido)
3 - Griffes - The White Peacock - (Luke)
4 - Ferneyhough - Superscriptio - (Mark)
5 - Ibert - Le petit ane blanc - (Guido)
6 - Ruggles - Sun-Treader - (Mark)
7 - Verdi - original version of Liber Scriptus, Manzoni Requiem - (Luke)
8 - Berwald - Symphony no 3 - (Mark)
9 - Rimsky-Korsakov - Le coq d'or - (Mark)
9(a) - Beethoven - sketchbook for opp 130, 132 - (Luke)
10 - Gluck - Le calme entre dans ma coeur (Iphigénie en Tauride) - (Luke)
11 - Rameau - Les tendres plaintes - (Luke)
12 - Roussel - Le festin de l'araignée - (Luke)
13 - Alfvén - First Swedish Rhapsody (Midsommarvaka) - (Johan)
14 - Panufnik - Jagiellonian Triptych - (Johan)
15 - Respighi - Brazillian Impressions - (Luke)
16 - Beach - Gaelic Symphony - (Luke)
17 - Hoffmann - Piece for Orchestra - (Luke)
18 - ? -
19 - ? -
20 - Martin - Concerto pour sept instrument à vents - (Luke)
21 - Bernstein - Serenade - (Luke)
22 - Larry Rinkel - Sonatina - (Luke)
23 - Chabrier - Bourrée Fantasque - (Johan)
24 - Wolf - Er ist's - (Luke)
25 - Berlioz - Benvenuto Cellini - (Luke)
26 - Hummel - Trumpet Concerto - (Luke)
27 - Varese - Density 21.5 - (Luke)
28 - Gottschalk - Grand Tarantelle - (Johan)
29 - Berio - Sequenza XI - (Luke)
30 - Schumann - Fantasy op 17 (orig. ending) - (Luke)
31 - ? -
32 - Wolf - Ganymed - (Luke)


Guess what?

That's right - there's always room for a few more! Here are six new ones...but only four composers (all very famous)

LO 251, 252, 253, 254


LO 255. 256

J.Z. Herrenberg

Quote from: Guido on May 11, 2008, 08:35:02 AM
Yes I thought that was a bit harsh too!

And so did I.

Although, as a writer, I don't plan on having a website till after I have really established myself. So far I have been published only in literary magazines, and my first novel isn't finished yet.
Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything. -- Plato

(poco) Sforzando

Quote from: Jezetha on May 11, 2008, 09:44:55 AM
And so did I.

I would agree as well. Larry wasn't always the most tolerant soul you'll ever meet. But what I think he really disliked were not the serious people like Jezetha who are truly trying to establish themselves - e.g., not via self-publication on the Internet but through legitimate, refereed venues like literary magazines, or the young people who were truly trying to learn (he doted on Rappy) - but the self-proclaimed geniuses who litter the Internet with their "creations" or their "blogs," as if they are God's gift to mankind, finished artists who sprung like Athena from the head of Zeus invariably "self-trained," and any criticism of their work is motivated solely by malice, spite, or envy.

254 is that recently found Chopin waltz with the trill.
253 is a polonaise of some sort, could be Schubert or Chopin - but the pianistic texture is rather thin for the latter.
"I don't know what sforzando means, though it clearly means something."

J.Z. Herrenberg

#252, Maurice Ravel: Ronsard à son âme: Amelette Ronsardelette
Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything. -- Plato


Yes to both

1) the Chopin Trill piece - but it's not a waltz, it's another attempt at an E flat minor prelude for op 28, as reconstructed by Kallberg. Nor recently discovered - it's been known of for years, but proved intractable to anyone trying to decipher it until now. Attached, the version one can download elsewhere online...


2) the Ravel song. Apparently this exquisite, refined gem was Ravel's favourite amongst his own songs....because he could play it and hold a cigarette at the same time.

It's something I've kept relatively unmentioned because my passion for Janacek always rears its head first, but my passion for Ravel lags only a short way behind. His songs are absolute treasures